Course Description
Learn to
write a credible and compelling business case that decision makers cannot
purpose of a business case is to justify the approval of a project by clearly
stating the benefits to be delivered. In today's economy, more and more
decision makers are requesting easy to understand and straight forward
information to decide which projects they should invest in and which ones to
put aside.
Only projects that can show a direct and solid return on investment or those
that have presented a compelling and believable "strategic
importance" will be approved.
The logical path for Business and IT Professionals is to take the business case
approach to getting projects approved. Business and IT professionals have two
choices right now; either sit on the sidelines and wait till the economic
environment is better to push their project(s) through or learn how to build a
convincing business case.
Whether you are a decision maker who wants your staff to propose and present
good solid reasons for a project to be funded or a Business or IT Professional,
this class will provide the knowledge and hands on experience to create a
credible and compelling business case.
Analysis Training - Case Development Course Outline
I. What Purpose Does a Business Case Serve?
What is a Business Case
Why is a Business Case Needed
Where does the Business Case fit into the Project
Selection Process
Who Creates a Business Case
II. Laying the Groundwork for Creating the Business Case
Recognizing Needs, Problems and Opportunities
Elements and building blocks of a Business Case
Analyzing Stakeholders and Decision Makers
Current verses Future Capabilities
III. Problem Definition and Alternative Techniques
Connecting Cause and Effect
Ask the Right Questions
Be a Critical Thinker
Creative Problem Solving
IV. Defining and Refining the Solution Scope
Project Objectives
Is it a Project or a Program
Defining the Criteria for Success
Possible Project Dependencies
What is a Constraint
V. Estimating the Proposed Solution
Why Should I Care about Estimating
Estimating Techniques
Vendor Assessment
Watch out for Targets
Look out for Assumptions
VI. Risk Assessment and Impact
What is True Risk?
The Risky Questions
Facing the Unknown
Determining Probability and Impact
VII. Business Case Value Proposition
Business Case Value Proposition
Understanding the Metrics
Return on Investment (ROI)
Many Ways to Measure Benefits & Cost
VIII. Presenting the Business Case
What Other Information do You Need
State the Facts
Remember to be Persuasive
Being Conscious of What You Say and How You Say It
Substitution & Cancellation Policy:
You may cancel or reschedule up to 21 days prior to the start date of the class at no penalty. For any cancellation or reschedule requests within 21 days, the full course tuition is still due and not eligible for refund. Any paid tuition will be credited towards a future class and must be used within 12 months.
*Partner delivered courses may be subject to different cancellation terms