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Previous & Upcoming Trainup.Com Live Webinars


Leading others through times of change

Aug 1
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  (EST)
You have undoubtedly heard that "the only constant is change." We may experience the dizzying rate of changes in technology, organizational structure, responsibilities, and many other areas. Because it is inevitable, this one-hour session focuses on how you can lead others through changes that are very likely to occur.
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Everyday leadership 3 tips to leading well building trust and accomplishing more with less

Aug 5
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  (EST)
Great leaders get more done with less and in our time together you'll learn how to do just that. Walk away with real world scenarios and insights you can apply right away.
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Identifying and Nurturing Future Leaders

Aug 8
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  (EST)
This insightful and eye-opening workshop designed to equip participants with the ability to define leaders of the future amongst their team. The workshop will walk participants through the exercise of testing a prospects skill, abilities for growth, attitude, and character that defines success for an individual’s development into leadership.
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Customer Service Making the Connection

Aug 13
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
We have all heard stories of mediocre at best (and awful at worst) customer service. However, there are also many examples of organizations who use simple, thoughtful strategies to provide their customers exemplary service. This course will help you make the connection needed for exceptional service.
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Better than Balance a Rhythmic Life Part 1 by Bruce Miller

Aug 16
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
Your Life in Rhythm Author Bruce Miller leads this 2 part workshop on the benefits to living Better than Balance a Rhythmic Life
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Keys for Highly Effective Administrative and Executive Assistants

Aug 20
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
Effective Administrative/Executive Assistants add significant value to managers, executives, and to their organization. In this session, we'll cover Administrative/Executive assistants' specific goals and how to achieve them: collaborating with others with tact and diplomacy, managing up, spotting and addressing issues early. We'll talk about the role of judgment, business knowledge and technology skills, motivational and communication techniques, and personal leadership. In short, we'll define
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Critical Thinking Problem Solving and Decision Making

Aug 22
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
Critical Thinking: Problem Solving Decision Making is an insightful and eye-opening workshop designed to equip participants with an understanding on the importance of critical thinking in regard to problem solving and decision-making within a leadership team. All leaders must have the ability to critical think. In addition, each participant will learn what is involved in problem solving and decision making and have a defined process on how to execute each.
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Great Interviewing and Onboarding Processes

Aug 27
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  (EST)
Good results in hiring and onboarding employees come from a good process. In this one-hour discussion of those processes, we'll cover the importance of starting with good job analysis to create good job descriptions so you know what you’re looking for.
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Real Resilient Leadership leading well under pressure and stress

Jul 18
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
Real Resilient Leadership keys for leading well under pressure, stress and beating the odds - a practical approach.
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Emotional Intelligence Building Empathy Skills

Jul 11
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
"Building Empathy Skills" is an empowering and introspective workshop designed to equip participants with the essential skills and techniques necessary to become a positive influence with those they lead and engage with daily.
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Creating a Crisis Ready Leadership Team

May 16
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
"Building A Crisis Ready Leadership Team" is a must attend webinar for all leaders to understand how to be prepared for a crisis. The issue is, we all may believe we will see a crisis coming, but a crisis can come from outside our industry and our team is not prepared and our business may not survive. This webinar teaches how to prepare a leadership team that functions daily ready for a crisis if one occurs and executes at a high level due to the leadership team’s preparedness if no crisis occur
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Turning Difficult Customers into Loyal Fans

May 14
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM  (EST)
Ready to Turn Your Toughest Customers into Your Biggest Fans? That may seem like a fantasy, but imagine how amazing it would be to wrap a difficult customer interaction feeling helpful, present, and objective. In less than one hour, we’ll equip participants with the skills and mindset needed to transform challenging customer interactions into opportunities for growth, satisfaction, and loyalty.
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The Inclusion Paradox Why Good Intentions are Not Enough and How to Fix It

Apr 30
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM  (EST)
You want to be an inclusive leader, you really do. But let's be honest, sometimes your best efforts land with a thud. We've all been there. The truth is, good intentions pave the road to, well, you know... a place paved with good intentions. This workshop tackles the head-scratching moments leaders face head-on, helping you ditch the "Oops" and embrace the "Aha!" We'll dissect real-world scenarios and equip you with practical solutions
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Communicating Under Pressure

Mar 26
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  (EST)
"Communication Under Pressure" is an empowering and comprehensive workshop designed to equip participants with the essential skills and techniques necessary to be confident with communication, especially in pressure filled situations.
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People Management Skills for First Time Managers

Mar 12
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
It's the people who are critical to helping organizations succeed, and your job as a manager is to get the best out of those you supervise. In this session, we’ll target several important skills you need as a manager: communicating effectively, managing and improving performance, and addressing conflict when it arises.
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Delegation, Setting Expectations, and Accountability

Jan 25
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM  (EST)
A common struggle or challenge many leaders face is around the art of delegation. This is especially true for new leaders but affects tenured and senior leaders as well. When should you delegate? To whom? How much? Will it hurt our working relationship?
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1 Hour Impactful Niche Live & Recorded Webinars

  • Webinar Real learning from leading practitioners and expert instructors in a format designed to maximize impact.
  • Live Purchase individual episodes, subscribe to a channel for 12 months or go for the all channel annual pass and gain access to every upcoming and previous live.
  • Communities Pre/Post communities allow you to post questions and engage with learners from all over the world.
  • Group Group training discounts or launch a private live channel community for your team/org.
The TrainingFlo Difference -

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Learning is best accomplished when users can interact, leave feedback, ask questions, and apply their discoveries to real-world experiences. TrainingFlo transforms traditional online content and live seminar approaches from static/siloed experiences into a collaborative and continuous learning environment. TrainingFlo is a proprietary technology and approach that brings next-generation social learning concepts to life increasing student engagement, boosting retention, and providing meaningful measurement.

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Learn How Trainup.Com Live Webinars Are Structured

Each live averages 45 min of professional content & activities then 15 min of Q&A

Each live averages 45 min of professional content & activities then 15 min of Q&A

Each episode is a short seminar where you know exactly what the learning goals are. Those who catch the recorded version of the episode still get to Ask the Expert questions in the community.

Each episode is designed for impact (max of 3 learning objectives)

Each episode is designed for impact (max of 3 learning objectives)

Objectives are limited to a max of 3 for per episode to ensure presenters don’t just stuff too much content to actually put it into practice.

Featuring a wide array Industry experts and thought leaders

Featuring a wide array Industry experts and thought leaders

The 12 core Channels span business, leadership and professional topics bringing you a fresh perspective multiple times per week.

Engage in community immediately and continuously

Engage in community immediately and continuously

Learning starts the moment you register with pre-activities, access to resources and the ability to post your Ask the Expert questions.

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Focused Niche Topics Focused Niche Topics
Interactive Q&A With Each Live Interactive Q&A
With Each Live
Real Training Real Training
Be Paid For Your Appearance Be Paid For Your Appearance
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