Wellness Live Webinars Channel

Looking forward to a new year, a vacation in paradise, or a simple walk in the park? Wellness is a serious topic for professionals today and our work is constantly changing. By sustaining a rhythmic balance between a myriad of responsibilities we face daily as professionals, we are constantly searching for the right tools to adjust our lives according to our top priorities. As our world shifted, so have our priorities, and learning the best practices and key contributors to our wellness is the key to success in today’s contemporary working world. You may simply need to find the tools to adjust to a challenging workload, define healthy habits, or find the space on your calendar to take a break! Learn from a LIVE wellness professional and develop your skills with a new social group, courses that are full of learners who are also developing their wealth of wellness techniques and practices.

  • Learn how to pivot your priorities personally, professionally, and socially by learning the tools you need to readjust your work-life responsibilities to create a more rhythmic not balanced lifestyle with tools that reduce stress.
  • Learn the importance of self-care, downtime, building community, and maintaining positive relationships with other learners while creating the work-life balance that prevents burnout.
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8+ Wellness Webinars Live and Recorded

Real Resilient Leadership leading well under pressure and stress

Nov 19
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  (EST)
Real Resilient Leadership keys for leading well under pressure, stress and beating the odds - a practical approach.
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Better than Balance a Rhythmic Life Part 1 by Bruce Miller

Jan 10
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
Your Life in Rhythm Author Bruce Miller leads this 2 part workshop on the benefits to living Better than Balance a Rhythmic Life
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Emotional Intelligence Building Empathy Skills

Jul 11
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
"Building Empathy Skills" is an empowering and introspective workshop designed to equip participants with the essential skills and techniques necessary to become a positive influence with those they lead and engage with daily.
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Creating a Crisis Ready Leadership Team

May 16
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
"Building A Crisis Ready Leadership Team" is a must attend webinar for all leaders to understand how to be prepared for a crisis. The issue is, we all may believe we will see a crisis coming, but a crisis can come from outside our industry and our team is not prepared and our business may not survive. This webinar teaches how to prepare a leadership team that functions daily ready for a crisis if one occurs and executes at a high level due to the leadership team’s preparedness if no crisis occur
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Turning Difficult Customers into Loyal Fans

May 14
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM  (EST)
Ready to Turn Your Toughest Customers into Your Biggest Fans? That may seem like a fantasy, but imagine how amazing it would be to wrap a difficult customer interaction feeling helpful, present, and objective. In less than one hour, we’ll equip participants with the skills and mindset needed to transform challenging customer interactions into opportunities for growth, satisfaction, and loyalty.
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The Inclusion Paradox Why Good Intentions are Not Enough and How to Fix It

Apr 30
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM  (EST)
You want to be an inclusive leader, you really do. But let's be honest, sometimes your best efforts land with a thud. We've all been there. The truth is, good intentions pave the road to, well, you know... a place paved with good intentions. This workshop tackles the head-scratching moments leaders face head-on, helping you ditch the "Oops" and embrace the "Aha!" We'll dissect real-world scenarios and equip you with practical solutions
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Motivating Others Begins with Motivating Ourselves

Jan 17
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
In this session we'll identify what motivation is (an often-misunderstood word), why it matters, why it ebbs and flows, and what tips and tricks we can use in our daily lives to make sure we are always living at our peak level of motivation. Only then can we begin to motivate others.
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Time Management Focus and Practices for Greater Results

Jan 16
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
Learn focus techniques and practices you can immediately put in place for greater results in managing your time efficiently.
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Why choose TrainUp.com’s Wellness Live Webinars Channel?

You will be learning how to recognize when your overall wellness has an adverse effect and impact on your physical, mental, financial, or overall health and wellness. And you’ll have 12 month access to previous and past wellbeing training webinars and recordings.

You will be engaging with and learning from industry professionals who will teach you how to enhance your skills for coping with stress, anxiety and pressure from work or home, which ultimately contributes to your overall health and wellness.

You will be learning the most important aspects of wellness, as well as the mitigating factors for approaching your wellbeing practices with ease and comfort as you develop and integrate what you have learned into your daily routine both personally and professionally.

By focusing on wellbeing as a skill, you are more likely to integrate wellness into your daily practice, while still maintaining the responsibilities you have in work and life. Wellness skills teach us to prioritize our well-being through daily practices that aid in a more balanced lifestyle. The skills you learn here can ultimately be used to enhance your overall job satisfaction, health, and happiness.

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