Project Management Live Webinars Channel

Managing projects effectively is easy right? Top project managers are simply born with innate organizational and leadership skills that allow them to consistently deliver on-time projects with optimal results 99% of the time. Well, if that were true you wouldn’t need to be here where project management learning comes to life. Where great project managers like yourself or those on your team become amazing, and those new to project management principles learn how to be great. Welcome to the Live Project Management channel. Our goal is to deliver real and actionable 1-hr niche live webinars to help you grow your project delivery skills one episode at a time. Subscribe for 12 months or purchase one episode at a time.

  • Experience world class project management instructors
  • Each episode features a pre & post learning community where you can engage right after registering.
  • Earn one ask the expert credit with each episode purchased (guaranteed answers from top SMEs)
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Project Management

7+ Project Management Webinars Live and Recorded

Real Resilient Leadership leading well under pressure and stress

Nov 19
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  (EST)
Real Resilient Leadership keys for leading well under pressure, stress and beating the odds - a practical approach.
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Leading others through times of change

Nov 22
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM  (EST)
You have undoubtedly heard that "the only constant is change." We may experience the dizzying rate of changes in technology, organizational structure, responsibilities, and many other areas. Because it is inevitable, this one-hour session focuses on how you can lead others through changes that are very likely to occur.
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Critical Thinking: Problem Solving Decision Making

Oct 10
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM  (EST)
Critical Thinking: Problem Solving Decision Making is an insightful and eye-opening workshop designed to equip participants with an understanding on the importance of critical thinking in regard to problem solving and decision-making within a leadership team. All leaders must have the ability to critical think. In addition, each participant will learn what is involved in problem solving and decision making and have a defined process on how to execute each.
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Creating a Crisis Ready Leadership Team

May 16
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
"Building A Crisis Ready Leadership Team" is a must attend webinar for all leaders to understand how to be prepared for a crisis. The issue is, we all may believe we will see a crisis coming, but a crisis can come from outside our industry and our team is not prepared and our business may not survive. This webinar teaches how to prepare a leadership team that functions daily ready for a crisis if one occurs and executes at a high level due to the leadership team’s preparedness if no crisis occur
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Delegation, Setting Expectations, and Accountability

Jan 25
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM  (EST)
A common struggle or challenge many leaders face is around the art of delegation. This is especially true for new leaders but affects tenured and senior leaders as well. When should you delegate? To whom? How much? Will it hurt our working relationship?
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Time Management Focus and Practices for Greater Results

Jan 16
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
Learn focus techniques and practices you can immediately put in place for greater results in managing your time efficiently.
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Introducing TrainUp Live Webinar Communities - Three takeaways from this new methodology

Jan 9
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM  (EST)
Learn the what, why and three takeaways you can incorporate into your learning events based on this proprietary methodology.
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Why choose’s Project Management Live Webinars Channel?

The Live Project Management Channel is designed to deliver a variety of episodes to help you improve your ability to manage and deliver optimal results. Some episodes will cover the basics like Gantt charts, PERT charts, or critical path analysis. Some webinars will include learning about the different phases of a project, how to create a project plan, and how to handle project setbacks. Some experts will focus on helping you improve communication and collaboration as successful projects are often not accomplished on sheer effort alone but by working together. The real reason you should subscribe to this channel is simply because you want to learn, grow and be more effective. Training shouldn’t be a once a year initiative. This channel allows you to learn continuously all year around from real project management leaders, facilitators, practitioners, experts and innovators. But most importantly you’ll get a chance to learn from each other, the live channels give you a chance to learn from people just like yourself, interact with potential peers and inspire others with your insights.

Project Management

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