Course Description
IBM Course Code: LX53G
This course covers the IBM PowerKVM product running on the IBM Power Systems S812L and S822L Linux-only servers. The course covers how to install and configure PowerKVM, and how to use it to create and manage Virtual Machine (VM) guests running the Linux operating system. The course covers the different interfaces that can be used to create and manage Linux VMs, including the virsh command line interface and the kimchi graphical interface.
This course uses a combination of instructor lectures and machine exercises to provide the student with practical background knowledge regarding the topics covered.
What You'll Learn
Describe the PowerKVM environment
List the requirements for PowerKVM
Install PowerKVM on suitable hardware
Create virtual machines using PowerKVM
Manage virtual machines using PowerKVM
Monitor the resource consumption of VM guests on the PowerKVM host
Who Needs to Attend
The audience for this intermediate-level training includes system administrators, support personnel, developers, IT specialists, IT architects, and system engineers interested in the PowerKVM open source virtualization product.
You are expected to have some knowledge of Linux, ideally when running in a Power Systems environment. This knowledge can be obtained by attending the following course, or gained from equivalent experience:
Linux on Power Fundamentals (LX21G)
Follow-On Courses
There are no follow-ons for this course.
Course Outline
Day 1
Unit 1: PowerKVM Overview
Exercise 1: System preparation
Unit 2: Installing PowerKVM
Exercise 2: Installing PowerKVM host
Unit 3: Managing guest VM's using Kimchi
Day 2
Exercise 3: Managing PowerKVM using GUI
Unit 4: Managing VM's using CLI
Exercise 4: Managing PowerKVM using CLI
Unit 5: Managing the PowerKVM host
Exercise 5: General administrative functions