Course Description
Course Overview
This three-day course is designed to introduce various Northstar and WANDL IP/MPLSView features including, but not limited to, topology discovery, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) label switched path (LSP) management, LSP optimization, LSP calendaring, maintenance scheduling, failure simulation, reporting, network modeling, path demand placement, and hardware inventory. Students will learn to configure and monitor these features that exist on Northstar and IP/MPLSView platform with the help of a network built using vMX Series devices. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience configuring, monitoring, and analyzing the above features of Northstar and WANDL IP/MPLSView. Intended Audience
This course benefits individuals responsible for managing MPLS networks that want to add automation using Northstar and WANDL IP/MPLSView, including individuals in professional services, sales and support organizations, and the end users.
Course Level Network Automation in the WAN (NA-WAN) is an advanced-level course.
Course Objectives
After successfully completing this course, you should be able to:
- Describe the various WAN domains
- Describe the use cases for Northstar
- Describe the use cases for WANDL IP/MPLSView
- Describe types of LSPs that Northstar Controller is able to manage.
- Describe the virtual machines that provide the Northstar Controller's functionality and the role each virtual machine plays in the LSP WAN automation process.
- Perform the intial setup of the Northstar Junos VM.
- Login to a Northstar controller and perform an initial setup.
- Discuss different device roles in a Northstar Controller automated WAN.
- Explain the protocols used by the Northstar Controller to automatically discover, design and manage WAN network topologies.
- Successfully launch, login, and navigate the Northstar Controller administrative interface.
- Use the Northstar Controller administrative interface to create automated PCE controlled LSPs.
- Use the Northstar Controller administrative interface to create automated PCE controlled and highly available LSPs.
- Automate re-routing of LSPs around links or devices that need to be taken off line for maintenance.
- Simulate link and node failures and view the effects of these failures on LSP tunnel routing across the WAN.
- Explain the features, capabilities, and benefits of IP/MPLSView and how they work to optimize WAN design.
- Access IP/MPLSView and navigate and customize the IP/MPLSView administrative interface
- Explain different methods of creating a baseline network model.
- Manage the different files that make up a network model and understand how these files are organized.
- Modify a network model by performing tasks such as adding links, nodes, and sites and save these changes to the modeled network.
- Optimize network demand paths, design diverse paths, and perform what-if scenarios to see how demands are routed
- Simulate link and node failures and view the effects of these failures on LSP tunnel routing across the WAN.
- Analyze and manage network information using the Report Manager interface.
- Perform hardware inventory procedures using the IP/MPLSView interface.
Course Outline
Day 1
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: WAN Automation
- The WAN Network
- Juniper Network WAN Automation Overview
Chapter 3: Northstar Architecture
- Northstar Controller virtual machines
- Northstar Controller virtual machines
- Lab 1: Initial Setup
Chapter 4: Topology Discovery
- Northstar Controller virtual machines
- OSPF traffic engineering extensions
- Enabling OSPF traffic engineering on Junos platforms
- IS-IS traffic engineering extensions
- IS-IS traffic engineering is automatically enabled
- OSPF or ISIS over GRE
- BGP-LS functionality
- Lab 2: Topology Discovery
Day 2
Chapter 5: Using Northstar Controller
- Northstar Controller administrative interfaces
- Using the Northstar controller (Navigating the App)
- Lab 3: Navigating the Northstar UI
Chapter 6: Basic LSP Management
- LSP management
- PCEP overview
- PCEP roles
- Configuring PCEP on a Junos PCC using the cli
- Discover existing LSPs
- Automate LSP management
- Single LSP creation
- Lab 4: Basic LSP Management
Chapter 7: Advanced LSP Management
- Multiple LSP creation
- Secondary and stand by LSPs
- Diverse path LSPs
- Optimizing LSPs
- LSP calendaring
- LSP status
- Lab 5: Advanced LSP Management
Chapter 8: Maintenance Scheduling and Failure Simulation
- Scheduling overview
- Simulating maintenance events
- Scheduling link or node maintenance
- Analyze effects of LSP tunnel re-routing
- Failure simulation
- Interactive scenarios
- Link failure
- Node failure
- SRLG failures
- Simulation scenarios
- Exhaustive singe element failures
- Exhaustive double and triple element failures
- Report Manager
- Failure simulation reports
- Lab 6: Scheduling Maintenance and Failure Simulation
Day 3
Chapter 9: IP/MPLSView
- IP/MPLSView administrative interface
- Accessing the IP/MPLSView administrator interface
- IP/MPLSView interface navigation and personalization
- Lab 7: IP/MPLSView Administrative Interface
Chapter 10: Network Modeling
- Building a baseline network
- Required network element data
- Supported hardware
- Import Network Wizard
- MPLS Fish sample baseline network
- IP/MPLSView data storage
- IP/MPLSView files
- Datadir
- Spec file
- Muxloc
- BBlink
- Dparam
- Other files
- Modifying Network Models
- Adding nodes and modifying node properties
- Adding links and modifying link properties
- Adding sites
- Lab 8: Modifying a Network Model
Chapter 11: Network Demand Placement and Outage Simulation
- Path placement options
- Specifying routing options
- Defining placement order
- Path selection methods
- Path diversity design
- Add new path demands
- Failure simulation
- Interactive scenarios
- Link failure
- Node failure
- SRLG failures
- Simulation scenarios
- Exhaustive singe element failures
- Exhaustive double and triple element failures
- Lab 9: Path Demand Placement
Chapter 12: Reporting
- Report Manager
- Hardware Inventory
- Lab 10: Report Manager and Hardware Inventory