Course Description
A comprehensive hands-on Java training course geared for developers who have little or no prior working knowledge of object-oriented programming languages (such as those working on (C, COBOL, 4GL, etc.).
COURSE OBJECTIVES:Students who attend Java 9 and OO Essentials will leave this course armed with the required skills to develop solid object-oriented applications written in Java, using sound coding techniques and best coding practices. Geared for developers with prior OO development experience in languages such as C#, C++ or SmallTalk, this course will teach students everything they need to become productive in essential Java programming.
Working within in an engaging, hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will learn to:
� Understand what OO programming is and what the advantages of OO are in today's world
� Work with objects, classes, and OO implementations
� Understand the basic concepts of OO such as encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction
� Understand not only the fundamentals of the Java language, but also its importance, uses, strengths and weaknesses
� Understand the basics of the Java language and how it relates to OO programming and the Object Model
� Work with the Java 9 modular system (Project Jigsaw)
� Learn to use Java exception handling features
� Understand and use classes, inheritance and polymorphism
� Understand and use collections, generics, autoboxing, and enumerations
� Process large amount of data using Lambda expressions and the Stream API
� Use the JDBC API for database access
� Take advantage of the Java tooling that is available with the programming environment being used in the class
Specific Java 9 features that are covered in the course include:
� The Modular system (Project Jigsaw)
� Private methods in interfaces
Java: A First Look
- The Java Platform
- Using the JDK
- The Eclipse Paradigm
Getting Started with Java
- Writing a Simple Class
- Adding Methods to the Class
OO Concepts
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Inheritance, Abstraction, and Polymorphism
Essential Java Programming
- Language Statements
- Using Strings
- Specializing in a Subclass
- Fields and Variables
- Using Arrays
- Java Packages and Visibility
Object Oriented Development
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Interfaces and Abstract Classes
Exception Handling
- Introduction to exception handling
- Exceptions
Java Developer's Toolbox
- Utility Classes
- Formatting Strings
Advanced Java Programming
- Introduction to Generics
- Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces
Working with Collections
- The Collection API
- Using Collections
Stream API
The Java Module system (Jigsaw)
- Introduction to the Module System
Accessing Resources
- Java Data Access JDBC API
- Introduction to Annotations (optional)
Programmers with little or no Object-Oriented background (such as C, COBOL, Mainframe, 4GL developers, etc.)