Paging in SQL Server 2012 allows you to customize how specific query results are returned to help you access relevant results quickly and accurately. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses paging to limit the number of query results displayed at any given time so that they're displayed in pages that can be viewed more quickly.
Adding Effective Visuals and Text
After watching this video; you will be able to use best practices to add effective visuals and text to a draft of a data visualization.
Adding Functionality and Color
After watching this video; you will be able to use best practices to add functionality and color to a draft of a data visualization.
Alternative Charts
After watching this video; you will be able to identify more advanced graphs and charts and when to use them for the best results.
Animated Graphs and Charts
After watching this video; you will be able to identify when to add animations to the data visualizations for best results.
Basic Graphs and Charts
After watching this video; you will be able to identify different types of graphs and charts and when to use them for the best results.
Choosing the Type of Visualization for the Data
After watching this video; you will be able to distinguish between the different types of visualization techniques .
Counter Examples of Data Visualizations
After watching this video; you will be able to identify what is a good data visualization design and a bad data visualization design.
Creating and Designing a Draft
After watching this video; you will be able to use best practices to start designing a draft of a data visualization .
Dashboard Designs
After watching this video; you will be able to identify what a dashboard is and when it should be used to present data visualizations.
Data Visualization Versus Infographics
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the difference between data visualization and infographics.
Defining the Narrative
After watching this video; you will be able to describe designing good narratives to go with the data visualizations.
Designing Data Visualizations
After watching this video; you will be able to use best practices to create meaningful data visualizations.
Hierarchical Data Charts
After watching this video; you will be able to identify hierarchical data charts and when to use them for the best results.
Identifying Interactivity in the Data Visualizations
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the types of interactivity and if they are required in the data visualization.
Illustrations and Icons
After watching this video; you will be able to determine the usage for different illustrations and icons.
Knowing Your Audience
After watching this video; you will be able to distinguish between data visualization audiences.
Legends and Sources
After watching this video; you will be able to create the appropriate legend and source usage.
Scale Usage
After watching this video; you will be able to create the appropriate scale for the data visualization.
Text Design
After watching this video; you will be able to identify when; where; and how to add text for context to data visualizations.
Traits and Visual Perception
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the traits of good visualization and perception.
Understanding the Data Being Visualized
After watching this video; you will be able to use the data being visualized to provide meaningful information.
Visual Aspects
After watching this video; you will be able to design and determine the position; size; color; contrast; and shape for the data visualization.
What is Data Visualization
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what data visualization is.
Adding Data Using INSERT Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to use the INSERT statement in SQL.
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to ALTER and CHANGE data.
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL AVG and GROUP BY.
Basic Math Operators and Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the various math operators and functions.
Benefits of Normal Forms
After watching this video; you will be able to describe normal forms and their benefits in SQL architecture.
Changing an Existing Table
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to alter an existing table.
Concept of Locks
After watching this video; you will be able to describe locks and their use in SQL.
Connecting Tables Together
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL for the process of connecting tables.
Correlated and Noncorrelated Queries
After watching this video; you will be able to use correlated and noncorrelated queries in SQL.
Correlated Query with EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
After watching this video; you will be able to use correlated query with EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators.
Creating a View
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to create a simple view.
Creating and Managing Users in SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to describe how to create a user and how to manage them.
Creating more Complex Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to create more complex tables.
Creating Tables with a FOREIGN KEY
After watching this video; you will be able to use FOREIGN KEY with CREATE in SQL architecture.
Date Functions
Crystal Reports 2011 offers a wide range of date functions to use in reports. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use date functions in the Formula Editor.
Defining COMMIT Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to use the COMMIT statement in SQL.
Defining ROLLBACK Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to use ROLLBACK statement in SQL.
Deleting a Record Using a DELETE Query
After watching this video; you will be able to use DELETE to remove data from a table in SQL.
Deleting an Existing Table
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to delete an existing table.
Describing ACID Transactions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the various ACID transactions and their use.
Dissecting the Code behind Structured Query Language
After watching this video; you will be able to describe in high level; structured query language and its use.
DROP COLUMN Introduction
After watching this video; you will be able to describe DROP COUMN and its use in SQL.
Dropping Views
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to drop views.
After watching this video; you will be able to use equijoins and non-equijoins and describe their differences in SQL architecture.
Example of a Query With A Natural Join
After watching this video; you will be able to use a query with a natural join.
Example of Implementing Locks on Transactions
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to create an implementation using locks.
Filter Results with WHERE Clause
After watching this video; you will be able to use WHERE to filter data and retrieve requested results in SQL.
Functional Dependencies
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the functional dependencies and their use.
Group IDs and the Use of Roles
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to describe the use of group IDs and roles in.
How to Create a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to describe tables and how to create them in SQL.
Inner Joins – An Introduction
After watching this video; you will be able to use inner joins in SQL.
Introducing Transactions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the various transactions and their use in SQL.
Introduction to Multi-table Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to define multiple tables and describe their use in SQL.
Security Concepts
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the various security concepts in SQL.
Introduction to Subquery
After watching this video; you will be able to describe a subquery and its use in SQL.
Introduction to SUBSTRING() Function
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the SUBSTRING() functioning in SQL.
Introduction to the Database Concept
After watching this video; you will be able to identify a database and how it relates to SQL.
Introduction to the SQL Syntax
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to create a simple statement.
Introduction to Transact-SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to define Transact-SQL and the relation with transaction types.
Introduction to Using UPDATE
After watching this video; you will be able to use UPDATE to change data in SQL.
Introduction to Views
After watching this video; you will be able to describe views and their relation to the SQL architecture.
Learning the NULL Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to use the NULL statement in SQL.
LENGTH() Function
After watching this video; you will be able to using the LENGTH function in SQL.
Levels of Locking
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to identify the levels of locking.
Limit Results Using LIMIT and SELECT DISTINCT
After watching this video; you will be able to use LIMIT and SELECT DISTINCT.
Making Tables More Normal
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the normalization processes in more detail in SQL.
Multilevel Architecture with a Twist
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the multiple layers of tables and their management with various queries in SQL.
Multiple Conditions Using Multiple Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to use multiple joins and multiple conditions in SQL.
Normalizing and More SQL Data Processes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe normalization and other SQL data processes.
Operational Transaction Logs
After watching this video; you will be able to use transaction logs and define their purpose in SQL.
Ordering Results with ORDER BY
After watching this video; you will be able to use ORDER BY with results to sort data in SQL.
After watching this video; you will be able to use Outer Joins in SQL.
Patterns of Data in SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to describe relationships between tables and the different patterns.
Privileges and Access Rights
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to define the use of privileges and restrictions.
Putting String Functions Together
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL string functions to create a query.
Query Your Data Types in SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to create several data types.
Quick Peek Using SELECT Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to use SELECT to take a look at a table.
Ready to Create a Database
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to create a simple database example.
REVERSE() Function
After watching this video; you will be able to use the REVERSE() function in SQL.
SELECT in More Detail
After watching this video; you will be able to use the SELECT statement in SQL queries.
Selecting Data from More Than One Table
After watching this video; you will be able to use SELECT to retrieve data from more than one table in SQL.
Setting Modes for Locks
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to describe the various lock modes.
SOUNDEX() and DIFFERENCE() Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to Use SOUNDEX() and DIFFERENCE() functions in SQL.
SQL Composite Keys Using Multiple Values
After watching this video; you will be able to use composite keys and their relative values.
SQL Main Components and Why They're Used
After watching this video; you will be able to use all data management components in an example in SQL.
SQL Views; Transactions; & Security Model
After watching this video; you will be able to describe views; transactions; and the security model and the relation to SQL.
Table Altering
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to rename and alter a table in SQL.
Tables by Example
After watching this video; you will be able to use tables to further dive into the complexities of SQL.
After watching this video; you will be able to use PRIMARY KEY in SQL.
The Relation of Data and the Various Databases
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the relational concepts of SQL; various database types; and when and why they are used.
Tips for Efficient Queries
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL more efficiently with operational tips.
TRIM() Function
After watching this video; you will be able to use the TRIM() function in SQL.
Types of Views in SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use the various views in SQL architecture.
Understanding Data Types
After watching this video; you will be able to describe data types and their relation to SQL.
Understanding Rounding Numbers in SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL rounding numbers process.
Understanding the Atomic Value
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Atomic values and their relation to Normalization in SQL.
UNION Operator and Combining Results
After watching this video; you will be able to use the UNION operator and describe how it combines results.
Updating Views in SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to update a view.
Use Case Example of the Use of Access Rights
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL security processes to create a user and a group with privileges.
Use Case Example Using Data Management Components
After watching this video; you will be able to use all data management components in an example in SQL.
Use Case Example Using Functional Dependencies
After watching this video; you will be able to use functional dependencies in a example.
Use Case Example Using SQL Arithmetic and Grouping
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL arithmetic and grouping to create queries.
Use Case Transactional Data
After watching this video; you will be able to use Transactions in SQL.
User IDs
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to describe the philosophy behind User IDs and their use.
Using ALTER TABLE with a PRIMARY KEY Constraint
After watching this video; you will be able to use both ALTER TABLE and PRIMARY KEY constraint in SQL.
Using CREATE TABLE with PRIMARY KEY Constraint
After watching this video; you will be able to use both CREATE TABLE and add PRIMARY KEY constraint in SQL.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe a use case example of executing altering queries in SQL.
Using HAVING Clause with Queries
After watching this video; you will be able to use HAVING clause in SQL with queries.
Using IN; NOT IN in SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use IN; NOT IN commands in SQL.
Using MIN and MAX in SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL MIN and MAX processes.
Using Queries with DELETE FROM Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to use queries with the DELETE FROM statement in SQL.
Using Queries with INSERT Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to use queries with the INSERT statement in SQL.
Using Queries with the UPDATE Statement
After watching this video; you will be able to use queries with the UPDATE statement in SQL.
Using query as a SELECT Column
After watching this video; you will be able to use query as a SELECT column in SQL.
Using ROLLBACK and COMMIT Statements in SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use ROLLBACK and COMMIT in an SQL query.
Variations of Query
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to describe the differences between SQL and other languages.
Various Levels of locking
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to introduce the various levels of locking and their use.
Why use DEFAULT?
After watching this video; you will be able to use the DEFAULT statement in SQL.
Working with Difficult Queries
After watching this video; you will be able to use SQL to create a more complex query.
Advanced Insert Statements
In MySQL; you can use an advanced insert statement to insert selected column names and associated values in a new table. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the use of the advanced insert statement.
Advanced Join Types
In MySQL; you can use outer join queries to retrieve orphaned or missing records from multiple tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates outer join types.
Advanced Update Statements
In MySQL; you can use Advanced Update statements to make updates on a single record; a single column; or a range of records and columns. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use Advanced Update statements to make changes to multiple records.
Aggregate Functions - Count
In MySQL; you can use the group by clause and the aggregate functions on numeric values to generate summary values. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use count; one of the aggregate functions.
Aggregate Functions - Min/Max
In MySQL; you can use the min and max functions to determine the lowest and highest values in any particular column. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the min and max functions.
Aggregate Functions - Putting It All Together
In MySQL; you can use the common aggregate functions together in a statement to generate a user-friendly report. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the common aggregate functions together.
Aggregate Functions - Sum/Average
In MySQL; you can use the sum and average functions to produce useful reports with the total sales; the average sale; total sales per quarter; annual sales by customer; by region; and so on. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the sum and average functions.
Altering and Nested Views
In MySQL; you can use the Alter statement for altering and nested views. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use alter and nested views to create a view based on a previous view.
Basic Select Statement - Filtering and Ordering Records
In MySQL; you can use the SELECT statement to focus on specific data. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the SELECT statement to filter and order records.
Basic Select Statement - Putting it all together
In MySQL; you can use the basic SELECT statement and pull in only the relevant fields in a table and then execute other commands to bring the information together. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to extract data and put it together.
Basic Select Statement - Selecting Columns and Limiting Records
In MySQL; you can use the SELECT statement to select data from a database and store the result in a result table. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the SELECT statement to select columns and limit records.
Basic Select Statement - Using Range Comparison Operators
In MySQl; you can use the numeric comparison operators on the where clause to filter out data between specific ranges. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to use the comparison operators on the where clause.
Character Expression and Aliases
In MySQL; you can sort information to display only the required details from the available table columns. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create an expression using character-based information and use aliases to assign friendly names to the resulting column.
Concepts of Column Design
In MySQL; you can design and format columns for your databases. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the concepts of column design.
Concepts of Table Design
In MySQL; you can design your tables to store data in databases. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the concepts of table design.
Core Concepts of an RDBMS
Working with MySQL requires a thorough understanding of RDBMS structures. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the core concepts of RDBMS.
Creating Advanced Procedures - Using Input Parameters
In MySQL; you can create stored procedures; which reduce query-handling time by reusing already saved parameters. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use input parameters to allow dynamic values to pass each time the procedure is called.
Creating Advanced Procedures - Using Insert Statement
In MySQL; you can edit the existing records within tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create new records by using the Insert statement in a Procedure.
Creating Advanced Procedures - Using Loops
In MySQL; you can use stored procedures which include logic and functionality that select statements and views can't accommodate; to achieve time-saving. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the stored procedures to edit existing records.
Creating Advanced Views
In MySQL; you can create a reusable Select statement; save it as a view; and then reuse it selecting it from the Views. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create and use reusable Select statement to edit existing records.
Determining Table and Column Properties
MySQL allows users to view and edit the table and column properties that have been defined in a database. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrate how to view and modify the columns in a database.
Exporting Result Sets
MySQL allows users to export data to external files. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to export data by using the Export/Import feature.
Filtering Data Sets
MySQL allows users to perform several actions on the result set such as editing; exporting; and filtering data. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to filter data sets.
Getting Started with Character Functions
MySQL provides several character-based functions that you can use to operate on string or text-based information. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use character-based functions.
Getting Started with Date/Time Functions
In MySQL; you can use functions with particular uses and capabilities to manipulate any type of data. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use some common date and time functions.
Getting Started with DDL Statements - Alter and Drop Database Statement
Using MySQL Drop and Alter statements; you can easily drop an entire database without emptying it like Tables or alter database options and adjust properties. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the Drop and Alter statements to edit existing records.
Getting Started with DDL Statements - Alter and Drop Table Statement
In MySQL; you can make changes to the table by using the Alter statement and delete the table by using the Drop statement. In this video; Jamie Campbell demonstrates the use and syntax of the Alter and Drop Table statements.
Getting Started with DDL Statements - Create Database Statement
In MySQL; you can use the DDL statements to create the database object. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a new database.
Getting Started with DDL Statements - Create Procedure Statement
In MySQL; you can learn to create the stored procedure statement. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create stored procedure statement.
Getting Started with DDL Statements - Create Table Statement
In MySQL; tables are the means for storing data. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to create tables in MySQL.
Getting Started with DDL Statements - Create View Statement
In MySQL; you can use DDL statements to retrieve records from tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use create view statements to retrieve desired information from tables.
Getting Started with Delete Statements
In MySQL; you can use the delete statement to remove existing records from a table. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the delete statement in tables.
Getting Started with Functions
MySQL provides several numeric functions that allow users to gather relevant information from tables that contain a lot of information. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to use some basic numeric functions.
Getting Started with Group By and Aggregate Functions
In MySQL; you can use the Group by and aggregate functions to view totals that will help you understand your business model and generate a report for your users. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the Group by and aggregate functions.
Getting Started with Insert Statements
In MySQL; you can use the Data Modification Language or DML statements to change the underlying database or the tables or the records in the table. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the Insert statement to edit existing records.
Getting Started with Multi-Table Queries
In MySQL; you can use queries to retrieve data from multiple tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates multi-table queries using join statements.
Getting Started with Workbench
The MySQL Workbench is a unified visual tool and the primary administrative interface for accessing and configuring MySQL databases. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to access the server configuration and set its value in MySQL.
Getting Started with System Functions
In addition to providing numeric functions; MySQL also provides several system functions that you can also use as criteria to compare relevant information. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to use system functions.
Getting Started with Update Statements
In MySQL; you can edit the existing records within tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the update statement to edit existing records.
Getting Started with Views
In MySQL; views refer to stored select statements that you can reuse to retrieve information from base tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use views.
Inserting and Deleting Data
My SQL provides the option of inserting and deleting information. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to insert and delete records from a table.
Introducing Visual Query Builders
In MySQL; you can use visual query builders to build queries and avoid typos and syntax errors. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the use of a visual query editing tool in MySQL.
Multi-Table/Multi-Join Queries
In MySQL; you can use queries to retrieve data from multiple tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates multi-table queries using two join statements.
Workbench - Configuring the Options File
In MySQL; you can configure the Options File from the MySQL Workbench to administer and design the database structure. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to configure Options File.
Workbench - Connecting to Databases
In MySQL; you can use the MySQL Workbench wizard to connect to databases. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to configure the detailed options of the connections.
Workbench - Creating New Users
In MySQL; you need to create new user accounts to establish new connections to your MySQL environment. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create additional user accounts.
Workbench - Server Status and Navigation
MySQL provides an efficient and easy-to-use interface. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the navigational elements and the Server Status.
Workbench - Status and System Variables
In MySQL; you get details about the server and the databases within that server through the Status and System Variables option in Workbench. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates various options within Status and System Variables.
Workbench - Users and Privileges
In MySQL; you can assign administrative roles with different privileges to users from the Workbench. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates various options within Users and Privileges tab.
Numeric Expression and Aliases
MySQL provides several numeric expressions that you can use to analyze data. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to use some basic comparison operators and the alias operator.
Online Documentation - Comparison Operators
In MySQL; you can locate additional documentation and options for comparison operators in the Developer Zone. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains online documentation for comparison operators.
Selecting and Downloading Your Edition
There are several editions of MySQL available and you can select the appropriate edition that will suit your database needs. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to select the appropriate edition of MySQL and download it.
Understanding Comparison Operators; Expressions; and Aliases
In MySQL; you can compare values and make your reports more user-friendly by using comparison operators; expressions; and aliases. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the uses of comparison operators; expressions; and aliases in MySQL queries.
Understanding DDL Statements
In MySQL; you can use the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements to modify databases and tables and the objects within the databases and tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to use the DDL statements.
Understanding DML Statements
In MySQL; you can use Data Manipulation Language statements or DML statements to modify table values in the underlying tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to use the insert; delete; and update statements with examples.
Understanding Events
In MySQL; you can use events to schedule repetitive tasks in a database. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use events.
Understanding Functions
In MySQL; you can use various functions to produce rich result sets when working with the data. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the concepts of functions in MySQL.
Understanding Group By and Aggregate Functions
MySQL provides the Group by clause and the associated aggregate functions to perform several mathematical functions that help users to efficiently analyze data. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the use of the Group by clause and aggregate functions.
Understanding Multi-Table Queries
In MySQL; you can use the join statement to pull in information from one or more related tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the concept of the join statement.
Understanding Relationships
After watching this video; you will be able to define relationships in a database such as one-to-many; one-to-one; and many-to-many; outlining the role of primary; composite; and foreign keys in the context of SQL Server examples.
Understanding Select Statement Concepts
In MySQL; you can retrieve data from your database objects by using Select statements. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the Select statement and its key elements; syntax; and optional components.
Understanding Stored Procedures
The MySQL database supports stored procedures; which can be called and executed by applications. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the uses and limitations of stored procedures.
Understanding Triggers
In MySQL; triggers are called automatically in response to Data Manipulation Language statements. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the concept of triggers.
Understanding Views
Views in MySQL are objects that are stored in a database; but are select statements. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the concept of views.
Using Character Comparison Operators
In addition to numeric characters; MySQL also provides several text-based comparison operators. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to use text-based characters.
Using Numeric Comparison Operators
MySQL provides several numeric and text-based operators to pull out and analyze relevant information in a table. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to use the basic numeric operators.
Viewing and Editing Data
In MySQL; you can apply; cancel; and make changes to existing records. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to view and edit existing data in the MySQL databases.
AND v. OR Conditions
In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the uses of the AND versus OR conditions.
Backup Frequency and Schedules
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes backup frequency and schedules to protect database records in MySQL.
Backup Types
In Microsoft SQL Server; you can use the different backup methods provided to back up your databases. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the various backup methods available in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Comparing Storage Engine Features
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the features of storage engines available for MySQL databases.
Creating a Clustered Index
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a clustered index.
Creating a Covered Index
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a covered index.
Creating a Secondary Index
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create secondary indexes.
Creating and Using Benchmarks
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create and use benchmarks in MySQL.
Creating and Using Stored Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to compare stored functions with stored procedures and create and use a stored function within a SQL Server database.
Creating and Using Transactions
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to implement transactions in MySQL.
Creating Multicolumn Indexes
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create multicolumn indexes.
Creating Multiple Instances
In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses installing multiple MySQL instances on a single server.
Creating Partitioned Tables
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create partitioned tables in MySQL.
Creating Triggers
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the before and after triggers to record; and react to database changes.
Defining Security Policies
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the security policies implemented in MySQL.
Determining and Planning Capacity
Determining and planning capacity in MySQL can be a challenge because you need to determine whether the infrastructure you have in place is adequate to meet the performance demands of your systems. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses capacity planning.
Determining Index Effectiveness
Indexes are used to traverse through data and locate content effectively in a limited period of time. In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to determine the effectiveness of an index.
Encryption and Certificates
In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the uses of encryption and certificates in MySQL.
Exporting a Database
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to export a database by using the Data Export feature of MySQL.
Identifying Different Data Types and Usage
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the various types of data types in MySQL.
Identifying Optimization Strategies for InnoDB Usage
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes optimization strategies for InnoDB usage in MySQL.
Identifying Queries Requiring Optimization
MySQL uses a query optimization process to retrieve data efficiently by examining the code that has been entered against the underlying data that needs to be retrieved. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses a few techniques that can optimize queries and reduce the amount of time to retrieve data.
Implementing Replication
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the steps involved in implementing MySQL replication.
Importing a Database
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to import a database by using the Data Import/Restore feature of MySQL.
Indexing - Best Practices
In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses indexing best practices for MySQL database queries.
InnoDB v. MyISAM
Several storage engines are available for MySQL and the most common ones are InnoDB and MyISAM. In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the differences between InnoDB and MyISAM.
Query Optimizer
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the MySQL Query Optimizer.
Operating System Optimization
In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses how to optimize operating systems for MySQL servers.
Optimizing AND Conditions
In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the uses of AND condition to determine its effect on a query by changing the required indexes.
Optimizing OR Conditions
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to optimize the OR condition query in MySQL.
Other Index Types
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes spatial index; full text index; TokuDB index; and InfiniDB index types in MySQL.
Overview of Identifiers
In this video; Andy Alfred demonstrates how to work with the process object in Node.js.
Partitioning Tables
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to check whether a table has been partitioned in MySQL.
Performing a Backup
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to perform a database backup using the mysqldump utility of MySQL.
Performing a Recovery
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to restore a backup in a command prompt environment in MySQL.
Performing Data and Index Defragmentation
In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the steps to perform data and index defragmentation.
Performing Table and Index Maintenance
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates performing table and index maintenance in MySQL.
Planning for Disasters
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to plan for disasters and protect MySQL information in the event of disasters.
Querying Data Using Subqueries
In MySQL; a subquery can be nested within another query in order to determine unknown values before the parent query is run. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to query data by using subqueries.
Querying Data Using the UNION Clause
The MySQL UNION statement is used to combine results from two or more queries into a single result set. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to query data by using the UNION statement.
Recovering Transactions
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to recover transactions.
Replication Configurations
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes replication configuration in MySQL.
Securing Backups and Logs
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to secure and encrypt backups in MySQL.
Selecting a Storage Engine
Storage engines and server optimization are directly linked to the performance; stability; and protection of MySQL databases. In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to identify the storage engine that best supports the desired performance features.
Server Hardware Optimization
In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses how to optimize server hardware for MySQL databases.
Setting Transaction Isolation Levels
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to change transaction isolation levels in MySQL.
The Recovery Process
In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses backup and recovery types for MySQL servers.
Tuning Servers
MySQL is a database management system that runs on both the web and a server. In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the considerations involved in tuning MySQL Servers.
Understanding ACID Transactions
In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the Autonomous; Consistent; Isolated; and Durable (ACID) transactions.
Understanding Backup and Recovery
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the importance of backup and recovery in MySQL.
Understanding Before and After Triggers
In MySQL; triggers are statements stored in the database; and they are executed when a particular event occurs for the table. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses BEFORE and AFTER triggers.
Understanding Benchmarks and Profiling
The performance of MySQL servers is a key component in maintaining a stable; consistent; and secure database. In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to determine the performance of systems and identify where improvements can be made.
Understanding Clustered Indexes
When you use InnoDB storage engine; every table has a clustered index. In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the clustered indexes in MySQL.
Understanding Constraints
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize how constraints help to ensure the integrity and consistency of your tables.
Understanding Covered Indexes
In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the concept of covering indexes.
Understanding Data and Index Fragmentation
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the concept of data and index fragmentation in MySQL.
Understanding DCL Statements
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the use of Data Control Language; or DCL statements; used to assign user permissions to database objects.
Understanding Hash Indexes
In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the uses of hash indexes in MySQL.
Understanding Index Maintenance
Keeping the database indexes and tables updated and running at peak performance requires users to maintain the indexes. In this video; Aaron Sampson describes index maintenance in MySQL.
Understanding Index Structure
Index structures can have a great impact on the performance of a database. In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the types of index structures available in MySQL.
Understanding Indexes
Indexes are used to traverse through information and locate required content effectively in a limited period of time. In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the use of indexes in MySQL.
Understanding Input and Output Parameters
In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the IN; OUT; and INOUT parameters for MySQL.
Understanding Join Types
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to recognize and define Join Types.
Understanding Locks and Deadlocks
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the concept of locks and deadlocks in MySQL.
Understanding Metadata
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes metadata in MySQL.
Understanding Operating System Security
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes operating system security in MySQL.
Understanding Optimizer Hints
In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to use hints to improve Query Optimizer performance using MySQL.
Understanding Partitions
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the concept of partitioning large objects into smaller ones to enhance the performance in MySQL.
Understanding Prepared Statements
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes prepared statements in MySQL.
Understanding Query Analysis Tools
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the query analysis tools.
Understanding Replication
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the concept of replication in MySQL.
Understanding Secondary Indexes
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the concept of secondary indexes in MySQL.
Understanding Security
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the various features used to protect and secure databases in MySQL.
In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the uses of SHOW STATUS and SHOW GLOBAL STATUS statements in MySQL.
Understanding Statistics
In this video; Aaron Sampson outlines the use of statistics in MySQL.
Understanding Storage Engines
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the features of a storage engine in MySQL.
Understanding Stored Procedure Recursion
In MySQL; recursion is the ability of a stored procedure to reference or call itself repeatedly until the execution of the code is complete. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses stored procedure recursion.
Understanding Stored Procedures vs. Stored Functions
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to recognize the difference between stored procedures and stored functions in MySQL.
Understanding the EXPLAIN Statement
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the EXPLAIN statement.
Understanding the Syntax for Subqueries
In MySQL; a subquery is a query that is nested inside of another query. In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the syntax for subqueries.
Using Comments in Statements
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the purpose of comments and demonstrates the use of different comment characters in MySQL statements.
Using Different Storage Engines
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to alter the default storage engine.
Using Expressions and Functions for Data Types
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use expressions and functions for data types.
Using Full Joins
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to get a full join in MySQL.
Using Index Hints
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use index hints in MySQL.
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the functionality of INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables in MySQL.
Using Inner Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to use INNER JOINS to retrieve data from multiple SQL Server tables.
Using Input/Output Parameters
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the use of input and output parameters to create a stored procedure.
Using Outer Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to use OUTER JOINS to retrieve data from multiple SQL Server tables.
Using Prepared Statements
The PREPARE statement in MySQL creates reusable code that can be run as many times as needed without having to reoptimize; reparse; and recache the results every time it is executed. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the PREPARE statement.
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to use Primary and Foreign Keys to implement integrity in MySQL records.
Using Profiling Tools
MySQL offers many profiling tools that are designed specifically for gathering performance data so that you can understand better how the systems are performing. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses profiling tools in MySQL.
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to use the show grants statement in MySQL.
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the use of show privileges statement in MySQL.
Using the Grant Statement
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the GRANT statement.
Using the load data Statement to Import Data
The load data statement is an efficient way of importing large amounts of data into MySQL tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the load data statement to import data into a table.
Using the REPLACE statement to Insert Data
The REPLACE statement in MySQL can be used to insert or update data in a database table. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the REPLACE statement.
Using the Revoke Statement
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the revoke statement.
Using the SHOW INDEX Statement
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the SHOW INDEXES statement to retrieve information about the index values in the MySQL database.
Using the SHOW PROFILE Statement
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the show profile statement to gather statistics on query execution time in MySQL.
Using the Truncate Statement to Remove Data
The TRUNCATE statement can remove data from a table while preserving the table's structure. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use the TRUNCATE statement to remove data.
Using Triggers for Security
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use triggers for security in MySQL.
Using UNIQUE Indexes
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the use of unique indexes in ensuring data integrity in MySQL.
Using Views for Security
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the use of view statement to secure information in MySQL.
Viewing Metadata for Database Objects Using Various Methods
Metadata is descriptive information about an individual data item. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to view metadata for database objects.
Adding a Mutation to a BatchWriter
After watching this video; you will be able to add a Mutation object to BatchWriter to insert data.
Applying Permissions to Users
After watching this video; you will be able to apply permissions to user accounts for system and table access and view the permissions a user has.
Authentication; Permissions; and Authorization
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how security is implemented in Accumulo through authentication; permissions; and authorization.
Basic Table Design
After watching this video; you will be able to design a basic table for Accumulo.
Cloning Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to clone tables.
Configuration (Part 1)
After watching this video; you will be able to edit the Accumulo configuration file and configure the memory settings.
Configuration (Part 2)
After watching this video; you will be able to build the native maps.
Configuration (Part 3)
After watching this video; you will be able to configure the cluster specifications and specify Accumulo setting values.
Configuring a Proxy
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the prerequisites for a proxy and configure it.
Configuring Classpath
After watching this video; you will be able to configure classpath to include the jars that Accumulo depends on.
Configuring Iterators Using the Client API
After watching this video; you will be able to set iterators using the Client API.
Configuring Iterators Using the Shell
After watching this video; you will be able to set iterators using the Shell.
Configuring Table Compaction Settings
After watching this video; you will be able to configure the table compaction settings to manage tablet compaction and the files within.
Connecting to Accumulo
After watching this video; you will be able to connect to Accumulo using a client.
Considerations for Writing Applications
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the considerations for writing applications.
Creating a Mutation
After watching this video; you will be able to create a Mutation object to write data.
Creating a Proxy Client
After watching this video; you will be able to create a proxy client.
Creating Constraints
After watching this video; you will be able to create constraints on tables to limit the data insert through a mutation.
Creating Indexes and Managing Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to create secondary indexes and manage tables in Accumulo.
Creating Indexes Partitioned by Documents
After watching this video; you will be able to create indexes partitioned by documents to group together documents for querying multiple terms.
Creating Indexes Partitioned by Term
After watching this video; you will be able to create indexes partitioned by terms to query data using a specific term.
Creating Locality Groups
After watching this video; you will be able to create locality groups using the Shell and Client API.
Creating Table Split Points
After watching this video; you will be able to add split points to create new tablets to improve performance.
Creating Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to create tables using the Shell.
Creating User Accounts
After watching this video; you will be able to create user accounts in the Accumulo shell.
Deleting Data
After watching this video; you will be able to delete data through a client.
Deleting Ranges of Data
After watching this video; you will be able to delete ranges of data from tablets.
Enabling Bloom Filters
After watching this video; you will be able to enable bloom filters.
Exporting Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to export tables to another Accumulo cluster.
File Formats
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the file format; Locality groups; bloom filters and caching.
Getting Started with the Shell
After watching this video; you will be able to start the shell and get help on shell commands.
Granting Authorizations to Users
After watching this video; you will be able to grant authorizations to user accounts.
Handling Errors During Insert Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to handle errors during insert operations with the BatchWriter.
Hardware Requirements
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the hardware requirements for Accumulo.
Indexing Data Types and Other Values
After watching this video; you will be able to index data types; IP addresses; dates; and domain names.
Initialize; Start; and Stop Accumulo
After watching this video; you will be able to initialize; start; and stop Accumulo; as well as check its status.
Inserting Data into Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to insert data into tables using the Shell.
After watching this video; you will be able to install Accumulo.
Installing Accumulo and Creating a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to install Accumulo and configure it; and create a table using the Shell.
Merging Tablets
After watching this video; you will be able to merge tablets.
Overview of Indexing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe indexing in Accumulo.
Performing Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to perform joins between Accumulo tables.
Pre-Installation Requirements
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the operating system requirements; Linux file system; and system services.
Preparation for Bulk Loading
After watching this video; you will be able to prepare information for bulk loading.
Querying a Document-partitioned Index
After watching this video; you will be able to query a document-partitioned index using a BatchScanner with an intersecting Iterator to find relevant pages in each partition.
Querying a Term-partition Index
After watching this video; you will be able to query a term-partitioned index for a particular term or a specific value for a field.
Reading; Writing; and Deleting Data
After watching this video; you will be able to read; write; delete; and update data using a client API in Accumulo.
Scanning a Table for Data
After watching this video; you will be able to scan a table for data using the scan command using the Shell.
Setting Column Visibilities on Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to set the column visibilities on tables to determine which key-values pairs are visible.
The Data Model
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Accumulo data model.
The Read and Write API
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how the read and write API works to communicate with Accumulo.
Understanding the Additional Architecture Components
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the garbage collector; monitor; tracer and client.
Understanding the Master
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the main function of the Master.
Understanding the Tablet Server
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the read and write path and the Resource manager.
Understanding the Tablet Server Part 2
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the compactions and the write-ahead logs.
Updating Data
After watching this video; you will be able to update data through a client.
Using a BatchScanner
After watching this video; you will be able to use a BatchScanner to retrieve several rows simultaneously.
Using a Combiner with MapReduce
After watching this video; you will be able to use a combiner inside a MapReduce job for aggregation.
Using a Proxy Client
After watching this video; you will be able to use a proxy client by connecting; creating a table; and adding data.
Using a Scanner to Read Data
After watching this video; you will be able to use a scanner to read data through a client.
Using an Isolated Scanner
After watching this video; you will be able to use an isolated scanner to present an isolated view of rows when scanning.
Using Built-in Combiners
After watching this video; you will be able to use built-in combiners to combine all versions of a key-value pair.
Using Filters to Limited Data
After watching this video; you will be able to apply a filter policy when scanning data using different types of Filters.
Using MapReduce and Configuring Security
After watching this video; you will be able to use MapReduce and configure security in Accumulo.
Using MapReduce to Read Accumulo Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to use MapReduce to read information in Accumulo tables.
Using MapReduce to Write Accumulo Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to use a MapReduce job to write entries to Accumulo tables.
Using Range
After watching this video; you will be able to use Range to create a range covering all keys that match portions of a given key exactly.
Using TableOperation to Create Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to use the TableOperation object to create tables.
Using the ConditionalWriter
After watching this video; you will be able to use the ConditionalWriter to perform read-write operations on a row.
Using the VersionIterator
After watching this video; you will be able to use the VersionIterator to manage versioned data through timestamps within the Key.
Using Versioning
After watching this video; you will be able to use versioning to keep several versions of data on disk.
Writing Client APIs and Using Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to write client APIs and uses Accumulo Tables.
CAP Theorem
After watching this video; you will be able to describe CAP theorem and the choices made by Cassandra.
Cassandra Cluster Admin
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the statistics and management operations exposed via Java Management Extensions.
Configuring a Cluster with CCM
After watching this video; you will be able to install Apache Cassandra; Install CCM; and create a cluster.
Connecting to the Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to connect to an Apache Cassandra cluster programmatically from Java.
CQL Shell
After watching this video; you will be able to execute CQL commands in Apache Cassandra using cqlsh.
Creating a Cluster with CCM
After watching this video; you will be able to create a cluster with Apache Cassandra Cluster Manager.
Deleting from Java
After watching this video; you will be able to delete from Apache Cassandra programmatically from Java.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the administration functions of Helenos in Apache Cassandra.
Important Files and Folders
After watching this video; you will be able to list the important files and folders in an Apache Cassandra installation.
Installing Cassandra
After watching this video; you will be able to install Apache Cassandra on Debian and RPM based systems.
Installing CCM
After watching this video; you will be able to install Apache Cassandra Cluster Manager.
Installing the Cassandra Jar
After watching this video; you will be able to set up a Java project with the Cassandra driver Jar file.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the functions of Apache Cassandra nodetool.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the administration functions of OpsCenter in Apache Cassandra.
Querying from Java
After watching this video; you will be able to query Apache Cassandra programmatically from Java.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the monitoring functions of SPM in Apache Cassandra.
Starting a Node
After watching this video; you will be able to start an Apache Cassandra node.
Starting and Stopping an Instance
After watching this video; you will be able to start and stop a Cassandra instance.
The Big Data Challenge
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the big data challenge that Cassandra is designed to address.
The Cassandra Solution
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the solution to the problem that Cassandra represents.
The Partitioning Process
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the partitioning process in Apache Cassandra.
Troubleshooting CCM
After watching this video; you will be able to troubleshoot common issues with Apache Cassandra Cluster Manager.
Updating from Java
After watching this video; you will be able to update Apache Cassandra programmatically from Java.
Upgrading a Cluster with CCM
After watching this video; you will be able to upgrade a cluster with Apache Cassandra Cluster Manager.
Using CCM Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to use the command line to work with Apache Cassandra Cluster Manager.
Accessing HBase
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the various methods to access HBase through clients.
Accessing Other HBase Tables within a MapReduce Job
After watching this video; you will be able to access other HBase tables from within a MapReduce job by creating a Table instance in the setup method of Mapper.
Accessing the Web-Based Management Console
After watching this video; you will be able to access and navigate the web-based management console for HBase.
Adding a New Node
After watching this video; you will be able to add a new node to HBase.
Adding Data to a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to add data to an HBase table using the put shell command.
Adding Data Using the add() Option
After watching this video; you will be able to add data to an HBase table using the add() method in the Put instance.
Altering a Table's Properties
After watching this video; you will be able to alter an HBase table's properties.
Bulk Loading Data
After watching this video; you will be able to Use MapReduce to bulk load data directly into HBase file system by bypassing the HBase API.
Checking the Status of the HBase Instance
After watching this video; you will be able to use the HBaseAdmin API to check the status of the master server; connection instance; and the configuration used by the instance.
Compaction and Splits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe minor and major compaction and Region splitting.
Completing a Major Compaction Manually
After watching this video; you will be able to complete a major compaction using the HBase shell.
Creating a Put Class Instance
After watching this video; you will be able to create a Put class instance with a rowkey to store data in an HBase table.
Creating Tables Using the Client Java API
After watching this video; you will be able to create tables using the client Java API.
Creating Tables Using the Shell
After watching this video; you will be able to create a table using the shell in Hbase.
Data Replication
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how data replication is used in HBase.
Deleting Data From a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to delete data from an HBase table.
Deleting Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to disable and delete tables from HBase.
Designing Rowkeys for Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to design rowkeys for HBase tables.
Designing Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the considerations and practices that go into designing an HBase table.
Disabling; Enabling; and Dropping a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to enable; disable; and drop a table using the shell in Hbase.
Exercise - Installing HBase
After watching this video; you will be able to install; configure; and secure Hbase.
Exporting and Restoring Snapshots
After watching this video; you will be able to export and restore a snapshot to another cluster.
Hadoop's MapReduce Integration with HBase
After watching this video; you will be able to describe MapReduce and how it is integrated with Hbase.
HBase Filesystems
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the filesystems used for HBase.
HBase Hardware Requirements
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the hardware requirements for HBase.
HBase Installation Modes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different HBase installation modes.
HBase Schema Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the HBase schema.
HBase Software Requirements
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the software requirements for HBase.
HFiles and Regions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the HFile and Region components and their functionalities in the HBase architecture.
Implementing Comparison Filters
After watching this video; you will be able to use comparison filters to limit the scan results using comparison operators and comparator instance.
Implementing Custom Filters
After watching this video; you will be able to use custom filters to extend or change the behavior of an existing filter to achieve a more fine-grained control over the scan results.
Implementing Utility Filters
After watching this video; you will be able to use utility filters that extend the FilterBase class to filter scan results.
Installing HBase in Fully Distributed Mode
After watching this video; you will be able to install HBase in fully distributed mode.
Installing HBase in Local Mode
After watching this video; you will be able to install HBase in local mode.
Listing the User Space Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to view a list of all the user space tables in HBase and the instance for the table.
Managing Data Using a Client API
After watching this video; you will be able to create an HBase table and insert; update; delete; and retrieve data using the Java Client API.
Managing HBase
After watching this video; you will be able to perform HBase cluster and node maintenance.
Merging Adjoining Regions
After watching this video; you will be able to merge regions in the same table using the Merge utility.
Monitoring HBase
After watching this video; you will be able to view metrics to monitor HBase.
Overview of HBase
After watching this video; you will be able to describe HBase and its features.
Performing a Backup on a Live Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a backup of HBase on a live cluster.
Performing a Full Shutdown Backup
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a full shutdown backup of HBase.
Performing a Restore
After watching this video; you will be able to restore HBase.
Performing a Rolling Restart
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a rolling restart on the entire cluster.
Retrieving Columns Using the Get Class
After watching this video; you will be able to use the addFamily() and addColumn () methods of the Get class.
Retrieving Specific Values From a Cell
After watching this video; you will be able to use the getValue() and getColumnLast() to retrieve specific values from a cell in an HBase table.
Retrieving Versions of Columns Using the Get Class
After watching this video; you will be able to use the setTimeRange(); setTimeStamp(); and setMaxVersions() methods of the Get class to retrieve versions of columns.
Scanning Rows Starting at a Specific Row or a Range
After watching this video; you will be able to use Scan() to read a table starting at a specific row or scan a range of rows from an HBase table.
Securing HBase
After watching this video; you will be able to secure HBase using authentication and authorization methods.
Splitting Map Tasks When Sourcing an HBase Table
After watching this video; you will be able to use the getSplits method of the TableInputFormatBase class to create custom splitters when using an HBase table as a data source.
Stopping and Decommissioning a RegionServer
After watching this video; you will be able to stop and decommission a RegionServer.
Taking a Snapshot
After watching this video; you will be able to take a snapshot.
The Write-Ahead Log and MemStore
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the functionality of the WAL and MemStore in an HBase architecture.
Time to Live and Deleted Cells
After watching this video; you will be able to determine which rows and cells to keep after deletion from a table.
Using a Snapshot to Clone a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to use a snapshot to clone a table and move it to another cluster.
Using Constructors to Narrow Search Results
After watching this video; you will be able to use different methods to further narrow search results from a Scan constructor.
Using Counters
After watching this video; you will be able to increment the counter using the incr shell command and get the counter value using get_counter.
Using getScanner() Method
After watching this video; you will be able to use the getScanner() methods to get the instance of a scan and browse the results.
Using HBase as a Data Sink for MapReduce Jobs
After watching this video; you will be able to use the TableOutPutFormat class to set up a table as an output to the MapReduce process using HBase as the data sink.
Using HBase as a Data Source for MapReduce Jobs
After watching this video; you will be able to use the TableInputFormat class to set up a table as an input to a MapReduce process using HBase as the data source.
Using List with the Get Class
After watching this video; you will be able to use List with the Get class to return a list of values in a batch.
Using Scan() to Read an Entire Table
After watching this video; you will be able to use Scan() to read an entire HBase table.
Using the Get Class
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Get class to read data from an HBase table.
Using the get() and has() Method
After watching this video; you will be able to use the get() and has() method to check the existence of a column in an HBase table.
Using the HBase Shell
After watching this video; you will be able to get started with using the HBase Shell.
Using the ResultScanner Class
After watching this video; you will be able to use the ResultScanner class to retrieve the rows from the scanner.
Using the scan and get Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to use the scan and get shell commands to retrieve data from an HBase table.
Using Timestamp with Put for Versioning
After watching this video; you will be able to specify a timestamp within a Put constructor to specify different versions.
Versions; DataTypes; and Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to design the schema to support versions; different datatypes; and joins.
Add New Topics
After watching this video; you will be able to add a new topic in Apache Kafka.
Adding and Removing a Broker
After watching this video; you will be able to add and remove a broker in Apache Kafka.
Async Producers
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the AsyncProducer API in Apache Kafka.
Balancing Data and Partitions for Performance
After watching this video; you will be able to move data and partitions in Apache Kafka for performance purposes.
Batching Messages
After watching this video; you will be able to batch messages in Apache Kafka.
Broker Configuration Settings
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Apache Kafka brokers.
Broker Discovery
After watching this video; you will be able to configure broker discovery in Apache Kafka.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Apache Kafka brokers.
Building a Custom Serializer
After watching this video; you will be able to build a custom serializer in Apache Kafka.
Configuring Compression
After watching this video; you will be able to configure compression in Apache Kafka.
Consumer Configuration Settings
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Apache Kafka consumers.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Apache Kafka consumers.
Creating a Producer and a Consumer
After watching this video; you will be able to configure a broker and create a producer and a consumer in Apache Kafka.
Deployment Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the main options to deploy Apache Kafka.
Disk Throughput Tuning
After watching this video; you will be able to tune Linux systems disk throughput for Apache Kafka.
Hadoop Consumer API
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Hadoop consumer API for reading from Apache Kafka.
Hardware Specifications
After watching this video; you will be able to describe common hardware and OS specifications and their impact in Apache Kafka.
High-Level Consumer API
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the high-level consumer API for reading from Apache Kafka.
JVM Tuning
After watching this video; you will be able to tune the Java VM for Apache Kafka.
Kafka Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to Describe the architecture of Apache Kafka.
Kafka Offset Monitor
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor Apache Kafka using the offset monitor.
Kafka Test Suites
After watching this video; you will be able to use Apache Kafka test suites for testing.
Kafka Web Console
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor Apache Kafka using the Web Console.
Kernel Tuning
After watching this video; you will be able to tune the Linux kernel for Apache Kafka.
Keyed and Non-Keyed Messages
After watching this video; you will be able to specify keyed and non-keyed messages in Apache Kafka .
Message Acknowledgement
After watching this video; you will be able to configure message acknowledgement; or acking; in Apache Kafka.
Monitoring with Graphite
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor Apache Kafka using Graphite.
Monitoring with JMX
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor Apache Kafka using JMX.
After watching this video; you will be able to configure and manage Apache Kafka.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Apache Kafka topics.
Producer API
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the producer API in Apache Kafka.
Producer Configuration Settings
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Apache Kafka producers.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Apache Kafka producers.
Puppet Deployment
After watching this video; you will be able to deploy Apache Kafka to Puppet.
Red Hat and CentOS Deployment
After watching this video; you will be able to deploy Apache Kafka to Red Hat and CentOS.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Apache Kafka replicas.
Scaling Consumers
After watching this video; you will be able to scale a consumer in Apache Kafka.
Scaling Producers
After watching this video; you will be able to scale a producer in Apache Kafka.
Simple Consumer API
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the simple consumer API for reading from Apache Kafka.
Sync Producers
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the SyncProducer API in Apache Kafka.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Apache Kafka partitions.
Using Kafka Log Files
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor Apache Kafka using the log files.
What is Kafka?
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the function of Apache Kafka.
Building and Verifying
After watching this video; you will be able to describe data modeling points of view and modeling process flows.
Calculating Cube Size and Measures
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to optimize cube.
Cardinality and Cubes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe basics of the concepts of cardinality and cubes in Apache Kylin.
Cardinality and Data
After watching this video; you will be able to explain cardinality and data and how it relates to Apache Kylin cubes.
Cube Build Steps
After watching this video; you will be able to identify Kylin as Apache incubator based on Calcite.
Cube Builds and Ordering
After watching this video; you will be able to list the measures currently supported in Kylin.
Cube Optimization
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to build cube.
Designing Dimensions
After watching this video; you will be able to list and describe design dimensions.
Features of Kylin
After watching this video; you will be able to identify main components in Kylin Architecture.
How Cubes Work
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how cubes work.
How Kylin Processes Data
After watching this video; you will be able to identify how Apache Kylin processes data requests.
Introduction to Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what Apache Kylin is; and the challenges and business needs for big data analysis.
Introduction to Kylin
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what Apache Kylin is; and the challenges and business needs for big data analysis.
Introduction to OLAP Cubes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how cubes work.
Kylin Components
After watching this video; you will be able to identify main components in Kylin Architecture.
Kylin Cubes and Star Schema
After watching this video; you will be able to explain cubes and star schema in Kylin cube designing.
Kylin Performance
After watching this video; you will be able to explain the features that contribute to Kylin's performance.
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to build and verify cube.
Other Features
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize additional Kylin features.
Pre-Join and Pre-Aggregation
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how storage engine works.
Star Schema
After watching this video; you will be able to define the star schema in Kylin cube designing.
Steps for Building a Cube
After watching this video; you will be able to define starting steps in Kylin cube designing.
Strategies for Kylin
After watching this video; you will be able to describe possible strategies for building an OLAP engine; its limitations as well as the Kylin approach to reaching goals .
Types of Dimensions
After watching this video; you will be able to define why order of dimensions is important step in cube design.
Why Kylin?
Why Kylin?
Analyzing with Frequent Pattern Mining
After watching this video; you will be able to perform analysis with frequent pattern mining.
Building Graphs
After watching this video; you will be able to build graphs.
Clustering with K-means
After watching this video; you will be able to perform clustering with K-means.
Clustering with Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)
After watching this video; you will be able to perform clustering with LDA.
Configuring Twitter Input Streams
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Twitter input streams.
Consuming Kafka Input Streams
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how Kafka input streams are consumed.
Creating Custom Accumulators
After watching this video; you will be able to create custom accumulators.
Creating DataFrames
After watching this video; you will be able to create dataframes.
Creating Decision Trees
After watching this video; you will be able to create decision trees.
Defining Lazy Evaluation
After watching this video; you will be able to define lazy evaluation as it relates to Spark.
Deploying Applications
After watching this video; you will be able to deploy applications.
Describing Data Types
After watching this video; you will be able to describe data types.
Describing Receiver Reliability
After watching this video; you will be able to describe receiver reliability.
Determining Memory Consumption
After watching this video; you will be able to determine memory consumption.
Enabling and Configuring Checkpointing
After watching this video; you will be able to enable and configure checkpointing.
Examining Basic Statistics
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the basic statistics.
Examining Discretized Streams
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what a DStream is.
Examining RDD Lineage
After watching this video; you will be able to recall that RDD is an interface comprised of a set of partitions; list of dependencies; and functions to compute.
Examining the Load and Save Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the generic load and save functions.
Examining the Property Graph
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the property graph.
Examining the Semantics of Fault Tolerance
After watching this video; you will be able to describe fault-tolerance semantics.
Examining Vertex and Edge RDDs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe vertex and edge RDDs.
Exploring Linear SVMs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe linear SVMs.
Exploring the Graph Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the graph operators.
Exposing RDDs as Distributed Lists
After watching this video; you will be able to expose RDDs as distributed lists.
Implementing Custom Input Streams
After watching this video; you will be able to implement custom input streams.
Ingesting Flume Input Streams
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how Flume input streams are ingested.
Ingesting TCP Socket Input Streams
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how TPC socket input streams are ingested.
Installing SparkR
After watching this video; you will be able to install SparkR.
Interoperating with DataFrames
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the k-means algorithm and how it's used for partitioning.
Interoperating with RDDs
After watching this video; you will be able to interoperate with RDDs.
Measuring Vertices with PageRank
After watching this video; you will be able to measure vertices with PageRank.
Messaging with Pragel API
After watching this video; you will be able to perform messaging with Pragle API.
Minimizing Memory Usage of Reduce Tasks
After watching this video; you will be able to use Spark's different shuffle operations to minimize memory usage of reduce tasks.
Optimizing Broadcasts
After watching this video; you will be able to use broadcast functionality for optimization.
Optimizing Representation through Partitioning
After watching this video; you will be able to optimize representation through partitioning.
Perform Transformations on DStreams
After watching this video; you will be able to perform transformations on Dstreams.
Performing Analytics with Neighborhood Aggregation
After watching this video; you will be able to perform analytics with Neighborhood aggregation.
Performing Batch Importing
After watching this video; you will be able to perform batch import on a Spark cluster.
Performing Join Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to perform join operations.
Performing Logistic Regression
After watching this video; you will be able to perform logistic regression.
Performing Numeric Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to perform numeric operations on RDDs.
Performing Transform Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to perform transform operations.
Performing Window Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to perform Window operations.
Persisting Stream Data in Memory
After watching this video; you will be able to persist stream data in memory.
Piping to External Applications
After watching this video; you will be able to pipe to external applications.
Pre-partitioning RDDs
After watching this video; you will be able to pre-partition an RDD for performance.
Reading and Writing Data in Hive Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to read and write data in Hive tables.
Reading and Writing Data Using JDBC
After watching this video; you will be able to read and write data using JDBC.
Reading and Writing Parquet Files
After watching this video; you will be able to read and write Parquet files.
Reading File Input Streams
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how file input streams are read.
Receiving Akka Actor Input Streams
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how Akka Actor input streams are received.
Reducing Batch Processing Times
After watching this video; you will be able to reduce batch processing times.
Review of Spark Stack
After watching this video; you will be able to recall what is included in the Spark Stack.
Running on a Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to run SparkR on a cluster.
Running SparkR
After watching this video; you will be able to run SparkR.
Running Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server
After watching this video; you will be able to run the Thrift JDBC/OCBC server.
Setting Batch Intervals
After watching this video; you will be able to set the right batch interval.
Setting the Levels of Parallelism
After watching this video; you will be able to set the levels of parallelism for each operation.
Setting Up Kinesis Input Streams
After watching this video; you will be able to set up Kinesis input streams.
Storing RDDs in Serialized Form
After watching this video; you will be able to store RDDS in serialized form.
Tuning Data Structures
After watching this video; you will be able to tune data structures to reduce memory consumption.
Tuning Garbage Collection
After watching this video; you will be able to adjust garbage collection settings.
Tuning Memory Usage
After watching this video; you will be able to tune memory usage.
Tuning Spark
After watching this video; you will be able to show the different ways to tune up Spark for better performance.
Use MLlib
After watching this video; you will be able to use the algorithms and utilities in MLlib.
Using Collaborative Filtering with ALS
After watching this video; you will be able to use collaborative filtering with ALS.
Using Data Frames and SQL Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to use DataFrame and SQL operations on streaming data.
Using Existing R Packages
After watching this video; you will be able to use existing R packages.
Using JSON Dataset as a DataFrame
After watching this video; you will be able to use JSON Dataset as a DataFrame.
Using Learning Algorithms with MLlib
After watching this video; you will be able to use learning algorithms with Mllib.
Using Naive Bayes
After watching this video; you will be able to use naïve bayes.
Using Output Operations on DStreams
After watching this video; you will be able to use output operations on Streams.
Using Parquet Files
After watching this video; you will be able to perform logistic regression to predict a binary response.
Using UpdateStateByKey Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to use the UpdateStateByKey operation.
After watching this video; you will be able to use accumulators in Spark operations.
Broadcast Variables
After watching this video; you will be able to use broadcast variables in a Spark operation.
Cluster Scheduling Options
After watching this video; you will be able to describe options for scheduling resources across applications in a Spark cluster.
Configuring Fair Scheduler Pool Properties
After watching this video; you will be able to configure fair sheduler pool properties for a Spark context within a cluster.
Configuring Fair Sharing at Application Level
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to enable a fair scheduler for fair sharing within an application in a Spark cluster.
Creating Distributed Datasets
After watching this video; you will be able to load external datasets to create RDDs.
Creating Parallelized Collections
After watching this video; you will be able to introduce RDDs and create a parallelized collection to generate an RDD.
Deploying to a Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to deploy a Spark application to a cluster.
Downloading and Installing Apache Spark
After watching this video; you will be able to download and install Apache Spark on Windows 8.1 Pro N.
Downloading and Installing Apache Spark on Mac OS X Yosemite
After watching this video; you will be able to download and install Apache Spark on Mac OS X Yosemite.
Getting Started with Spark GraphX
After watching this video; you will be able to use basic Spark GraphX to work with graphs in a Spark application.
Getting Started with Spark SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to use basic Spark SQL for data queries in a Spark application.
Initializing Spark
After watching this video; you will be able to create a SparkContext to initialize Apache Spark.
Linking an Application with Spark
After watching this video; you will be able to link an application to Spark.
Loading and Saving Spark Data
After watching this video; you will be able to use different formats for loading and saving Spark data.
Monitoring with Web UIs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to monitor a Spark application or cluster with web UIs.
Overview of Cluster Mode
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how Spark applications run in a cluster.
Overviewing Spark
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Apache Spark and the main components of a Spark application.
Passing Functions to Spark
After watching this video; you will be able to use anonymous function syntax and use static methods in a global singleton to pass functions to Spark.
RDD Actions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe some of the actions supported by Spark and use actions.
RDD Persistence
After watching this video; you will be able to persist Spark RDDs.
RDD Transformations
After watching this video; you will be able to distinguish transformations and actions; describe some of the transformations supported by Spark and use transformations.
Unit Testing
After watching this video; you will be able to unit test a Spark application.
Working with Key-Value Pairs
After watching this video; you will be able to work with key-value pairs .
Working with the Spark Shell
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Spark shell for analyzing data interactively.
A Simple Trident Topology
After watching this video; you will be able to use Trident for a simple topology.
Apache Hadoop Introduction
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Apache Hadoop's use with Storm.
Apache Storm – Getting Started
After watching this video; you will be able to describe in a higher scope; Apache Storm and its characteristics.
Apache Storm Architecture Basics
After watching this video; you will be able to test your knowledge of Apache Storm and the components of the system.
Apache Storm Operations
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different operation modes of Storm.
Concept of Stream Groupings
After watching this video; you will be able to describe briefly stream groupings and their types.
Configuration of Parallelism of a Topology
After watching this video; you will be able to configure the parallelism of spout and bolt components in a Storm topology.
Deploying ZooKeeper in Standalone Mode
After watching this video; you will be able to deploy a ZooKeeper server in standalone mode and test it with a ZooKeeper client connection.
Developing a Simple Topology
After watching this video; you will be able to identify Storm components and their functionality in the source code for an example Storm application.
DRPC Operating Modes and Topology Types
After watching this video; you will be able to describe DRPC modes of operation and topology types.
Exploring Micro-batching with Storm Core APIs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe some options for using Storm's Core APIs to implement micro-batching in a Storm Core topology.
Features and Benefits of Apache Storm
After watching this video; you will be able to describe why Apache Storm is used.
Installing ZooKeeper
After watching this video; you will be able to install and set up ZooKeeper on a development machine.
Introducing Distributed RPC
After watching this video; you will be able to describe distributed RPC model and how it is used with Apache Storm.
Introduction to Apache Kafka
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the general architecture of Apahce Kafka.
Introduction to Guaranteed Message Processing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Guaranteed Messaging Process.
Introduction to the Storm UI
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Storm UI home page.
Introduction to Trident
After watching this video; you will be able to describe briefly what Trident is and how it's used.
Managing Topology State
After watching this video; you will be able to describe topology state management with Trident.
Operations with Trident
After watching this video; you will be able to describe several operations of Trident.
Overview on Fault Tolerance
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the fault-tolerant characteristics of Storm.
Running a Storm Application Using Maven
After watching this video; you will be able to use Maven to compile and run a Storm application.
Setting Up a Production Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to demonstrate the process of setting up a production Storm cluster.
Setting Up a ZooKeeper Ensemble
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the process for setting up and deploying a ZooKeeper cluster.
Setting Up Apache Storm Development Environment
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the setup process for an Integrated Storm development environment.
Setting Up Standalone ZooKeeper
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the installation and setup process for ZooKeeper as a standalone server.
Spouts More Detail
After watching this video; you will be able to identify a spout and its use in Storm.
Streams Introduction
After watching this video; you will be able to identify streams and their use in Storm.
The Apache Storm Components
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Apache Storm architecture.
The Kafka Data Model
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Kafka components and data model.
The Parallelism Concepts of a Topology
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the process of configuring the parallelism of a topology.
The Trident Data Model
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Trident's data model and its use.
Tuples and Bolts in More Detail
After watching this video; you will be able to identify a tuple and a bolt and their use in Storm.
Using Apache Storm Stream Grouping Concepts
After watching this video; you will be able to use stream groupings in a Storm topology.
Using Trident Spouts To Manage State
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different types of Trident spouts available for implementing fault-tolerant Trident state management.
Using Trident State APIs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different Trident State APIs available for implementing fault-tolerant Trident state management.
Yet Another Resource Negotiator and Apache Storm
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how Apache Storm applications can be run on Hadoop YARN clusters to leverage YARN resource management.
Analytics Team Members
The Big Data team is made up of various members; including data scientists; business analysts; and data analysts. These members all play a key role in the in the success of Big Data projects. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates the roles of the team members who provide data analytics.
Analytics Use Cases
The analytics provided by Big Data technologies are extensive; insightful; and advantageous for a wide range of industries. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates the most commonly used Big Data analytics; and their applications.
Apache Projects
In Big Data; you can have projects at various levels. Apache is responsible for organizing and managing these levels. In this video; Will Dailey introduces the basics of Apache projects.
Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Software Foundation consists of a group of software developers who develop free open source software. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates the Apache Software Foundation's approach to distributing open source software; as well as the pros and cons of open source software development.
and Data Warehouses
Big Data can be managed using Data Warehousing which allows you to separate data based on its current status; for example from the production database to the archives. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates how Data Warehousing can be used to manage Big Data.
and RDBMs
The integration of Big Data computing systems and RDBMS allow for a broader and more efficient data management strategy than either system in isolation. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the benefits of integrating Big Data and RDBM systems; and outlines the integration process.
Big Data systems provide you with a high speed; low cost; high volume method of analytics computing. As its development continues; difficulties faced by the system are being rapidly overcome. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates some of the challenges currently faced by Big Data.
Big Data engines provide an innovative; user friendly platform for interacting with data. In this video; Will Dailey discusses key concepts relating to Big Data engines; and describes the functioning of a recommendation engine.
Impacting Business
Big Data technology affects the way businesses perform strategic planning in terms of data and supercomputing; as well as the skills and training required by project teams. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the business culture and climate fostered by Big Data technology projects and planning.
Impacting IT
As Big Data technologies develop and become more widely used; they will cause significant and lasting changes to IT organization. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the key outcomes of Big Data's impact on IT.
Impacting the Globe
The ongoing development of Big Data technologies is resulting in vast improvements in data storage solutions and global connectivity. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the global impact and challenges of Big Data technologies.
Big Data relates closely to the database marketplace as well as a range of future opportunities available to industries; governments; and research. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the database market segments; such as storage for data; servers for databases; business intelligence; and analytics. He also covers future trends in market value; growth; and consolidation.
Business Case for
Using a Hadoop solution with Big Data allows you to manage data accurately; swiftly; and at less cost than Data Warehousing. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates the benefits of replacing Data Warehousing systems with Hadoop when working with Big Data.
Business Team Members
Big Data accelerates the need for knowledge of technology in the executive suite. These days; executives; data analysts; and business analysts need to demonstrate a more hands-on approach and possess more than just overview knowledge of technology. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates the role of data analysts and business analysts in Big Data.
Challenges of Security and Privacy
Big Data systems provide you with a high speed; low cost; and high volume method of analytics computing. However; with the advantages it brings; there are still challenges associated with the use of Big Data computing; particularly in relation to security and privacy. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates the security and privacy challenges faced by Big Data systems.
Cluster Team Members
Big Data engineers and operators are responsible for the management and operation of Hadoop clusters; and are required to have extensive abilities applicable to the supercomputing platform. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the responsibilities and requirements of the Hadoop cluster team members.
Data Analytics
Big Data's continuously improving technologies provide high-end tools for the analysis and presentation of raw data. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the techniques and tools used in the processing of Big Data.
Data Center Projects
The introduction of Big Data computing platforms into data centers will result in technological and cost benefits outweighing those of the mainframe systems. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the benefits and considerations of converting mainframe data management systems to Big Data computing platforms.
Data Center Teams
Of the many lessons learned when implementing a Big Data solution; one of the most important is how to develop a good team. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates how to develop a successful Big Data team; the importance of a mission statement; migrating from an Enterprise to a Global Architecture; and mastering the Big Data ecosystem.
Data Solutions Team Members
Big Data teams consist of various architectural members; including platform engineers/global architects and data architects/data wranglers. These members are vital to the team and contribute significantly towards data management and development. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates the roles of the architectural team members on the Big Data team.
Big Data is about data on a global scale; and it's important to be familiar with its definitions. In this video; Will Dailey defines some of the key terms used in characterizing Big Data.
Design Principles of Hadoop
Big Data supports the Hadoop framework which allows you to compute large amounts of data while meeting the requirements for supercomputing. Hadoop supports five design principles – dumb hardware and smart software; share nothing; move processing; not data; embrace failure; and build applications; not infrastructure. In this video; Will Dailey provides an overview of Hadoop and its design principles.
DIY Supercomputing
In Big Data; there are different options within the datacenter for developing a DIY supercomputing platform. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the key principles for successful global architecting of a supercomputing platform.
Emerging Technologies
Big Data is the new global biosphere for computing. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the emerging technologies that form the foundation of Big Data.
Functional View of Hadoop
Hadoop is an open-source software project used to store and distribute Big Data. It is designed for fault tolerance and has high availability and scalability in a supercomputing environment. In this video; Will Bailey demonstrates Hadoop technology; including its advantages and its functional components.
Global Increasing Digital Volume
The astronomical growth in digital data is one of the prime drivers for Big Data. In this video; Will Dailey discusses improvements in quality and service levels while reducing costs in different industries.
Hadoop in the Clouds
Big Data Cloud computing provides you with distinct performance advantages; including elastic computing and fast implementation of configuration changes. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates the benefits of Big Data Cloud computing and discusses considerations related to its use.
HDFS in Action
In Big Data; Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) simplifies the distribution of large data files across multiple data nodes. In the video; Will Dailey demonstrates what HDFS is; how it works; and its benefits.
Key Terms for Data
Some key terms used in Big Data are the Big Data ecosystem; a Distributed Computing Environment; supercomputing platform; and Hadoop cluster. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the key terms used in Big Data.
MapReduce in Action
In Big Data; Hadoop's MapReduce is a powerful tool for processing and generating large sets of data. It consists of two components –Mapper and Reducer. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the benefits of MapReduce; as well as how its two components work together.
NoSQL Databases
NoSQL consists of a large range of databases; not limited only to SQL; which store Big Data. These databases are faster; more powerful; and simpler to use than traditional databases. In this video; Will Bailey discusses the use of NoSQL for storing Big Data.
Other Apache Projects
There are several Apache projects which provide an open source framework for storing and processing Big Data. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the Accumulo; Avro; and the Oozie Apache projects.
Other Open Source Projects
With Big Data; there are many open source projects. In addition to Apache; there are projects such as MongoDB and Cascading. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the differences between the various available open source projects.
Planning for
Planning for Big Data requires careful examination of all the issues and a willingness to experiment. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates various planning approaches; such as experimentation; going for it; and the plan-budget-build model; which includes the Agile software development strategy.
Big Data requires us to extend our terminology for the sizing of data. Most of these are unfamiliar; so it is important to learn them correctly. In this video; Will Dailey presents a list of key terminology that should be used in regard to the sizing of data.
Spark in Action
Apache Spark allows for robust; versatile; and fast Big Data analytics computing. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the key properties and benefits of the Spark computing framework in relation to Big Data.
The Big Companies
The rise of Big Data technologies has resulted in an increased interest from the world's leading tech companies in the development of Big Data products and services. In this video; Will Dailey provides an overview of these leading tech companies in relation to Big Data.
The Stack
In Big Data; supercomputing platforms are built on a complex stack of technology. Mappings are required to understand and manage it. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates mapping to understand the workings of Big Data architecture.
The Biggest Wave Yet
Big Data is said to be the biggest technology wave yet. It provides huge amounts of data so that organizations; such as government and market research companies; can analyze and then interact with us differently. In this video; Will Dailey puts Big Data into the perspective of technology changes over the past 70 years.
The Distro Companies
In Big Data; Distro companies are distribution companies that support unique distributions of Hadoop; which is open source software for handling Big Data. In this video; Will Dailey discusses four Distro companies and their go-to market strategies.
The Original Key Contributors
The original key contributors of Big Data are Google; Yahoo; and Doug Cutting. In this video; Will Dailey discusses the main contributions to the development of Big Data technology.
YARN in Action
In Big Data; YARN is a parallel processing framework that allows for the processing of large amounts of data over several computer nodes. In this video; Will Dailey demonstrates the key attributes of YARN as well as how it works.
Deciding Where to Start
After watching this video; you will be able to decide where to start.
Designing Governance Strategy
After watching this video; you will be able to design a governance strategy.
Establishing Economic Value
After watching this video; you will be able to establish economic value.
Examining Culture Clash
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the big data culture clash.
Examining Security
After watching this video; you will be able to identify security concerns.
Exploring Big Data Products
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how big data products are economic engines.
Exploring Incubators
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what incubators are and how they can improve companies.
Exploring Stewardship
After watching this video; you will be able to identify stewardship issues.
Impacting Human Resources
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how this will impact the human resources department.
Obtaining Big Data Skills
After watching this video; you will be able to compare building versus buying approaches to big data skill.
Building a Big Data Team
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the skill sets that individuals should have to make up the big data team.
Building Cloud Infrastructures
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the options when building a cloud based big data infrastructure.
Building On-site Infrastructures
After watching this video; you will be able to compare the pros and cons of building an in house big data infrastructure.
Communicating Actionable Insights
After watching this video; you will be able to compare the different types of data visualization that can be done with the analytics.
Deciding on Big Data Needs
After watching this video; you will be able to recall what factors are important when considering a big data infrastructure.
Defining Big Data
After watching this video; you will be able to describe big data and the three v's.
Examining Analytics
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the types of analytics that can be done with the data.
Potential and Pitfalls of Big Data
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the risks involved when considering using big data as a solution.
Real World Examples
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how large companies have used big data analytics effectively.
Software for Big Data
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different software options that are available for big data analytics.
Addressing Data Discovery
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how technology assisted reviews can reduce workload.
Examining Privacy Concerns
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the privacy concerns over big data.
Examining Responsibility with Predictions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the dilemma of predictive capabilities.
Examining Transparency
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how transparency helps companies improve their customer relationships.
Exploring Data Collection
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the areas of concern to address before data collection is done.
Identifying Challenges of Laws and Regulations
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how constantly changing laws and regulations are a challenge.
Ignoring Social Media
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the legal concerns over using social media sites to recruit potential employees.
Monetizing Big Data
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the goals and the hazards of data monetization.
Protecting Data
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the results that can occur when data is not properly protected.
Using Data Ethically
After watching this video; you will be able to describe why the governance of the tools used to collect and analyze the data is important.
Describing Pitfalls
After watching this video; you will be able to describe different ways that companies can misuse the new technology.
Examining Big Data and Marketing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how big data is used in marketing.
Examining New Techniques
After watching this video; you will be able to describe technique changes in split testing and cross-channel marketing.
Examining Purchasing Habits
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the value of repeat shoppers.
Examining the Mobile Effect
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how the mobile effect has changed marketing.
Exploring Datafied Consumer Behavior
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how big data has datafied consumer behavior.
Exploring Market Research Methods
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the new market research methods.
Exploring Technology Trends
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how marking strategies need to change with technology.
Exploring the Path to Purchase
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how technology has changed the way that product discovery and product research is done.
Using User Profiling
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how using user profiling can assist in advertising.
Defining Data Science
After watching this video; you will be able to compare data science to big data.
Defining The Internet of Things
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the term The Internet of Things.
Examining Algorithms
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different algorithms behind the systems we know.
Examining Barriers to Adoptions
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the most common barrier to technology adaptation in the work place.
Examining Big Data Awareness
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how big data entered into the public consciousness.
Examining Case Studies
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how different companies embraced the big data movement.
Examining Software
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some different software implementations for big sales data.
Examining Technology Accelerations
After watching this video; you will be able to identify different technologies that are accelerating the sales world.
Finding Leads
After watching this video; you will be able to find leads using big data.
Building the Right Infrastructure
After watching this video; you will be able to compare scaling up to scaling out.
Examining Big Data Challenges
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the four main challenges of big data.
Examining Leadership Concerns
After watching this video; you will be able to describe why big data is a leadership problem.
Exploring Analytical Modes
After watching this video; you will be able to identify examples of analytical modes.
Exploring Examples
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the top ten companies that are using big data solutions.
Integrating Data Sources
After watching this video; you will be able to integrate from multiple data sources.
Managing Risk and Governance Issues
After watching this video; you will be able to manage risk and governance issues.
Measuring Data Value
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the value of big data.
Securing Funds
After watching this video; you will be able to secure funding for big data initiatives.
DOM-based XSS
After watching this video; you will be able to identify what DOM-based XSS is and illustrate the form an attack might take in JavaScript.
Basics of Hadoop
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform that is used for the possessing and storage of Big Data applications. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss about the basics of Hadoop.
Chaining MapReduce Jobs
Job chaining is a specialized form of process control that automates an execution sequence made up of a number of MapReduce jobs. In this video; Bob Hendry discusses how to chain MapReduce jobs.
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the benefits of clustering.
Creating Job Components
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based; open-source platform for processing Big Data in real time. In this video; Bob Hendry explains the components of a Hadoop MapReduce job.
Executing Commands
The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) provides high-throughput access to large amounts of data. In this video; Bob Hendry discusses how MapReduce jobs are run; executed; and deployed in different ways across the Hadoop framework.
Executing Hadoop MapReduce Jobs
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry discusses how to write a MapReduce job.
File Operations within the HDFS
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss how to perform file operations within the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
Hadoop Distributions
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss third-party distribution.
Hadoop Ecosystem
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will define and discuss the Hadoop ecosystem.
Hadoop Installation Considerations
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry explains how to install Apache Hadoop.
Hadoop MapReduce and Java
Java functions as the Hadoop MapReduce implementation language. In this video; Bob Hendry discusses how to use Java and additional Java Archive (JAR) files to write Hadoop MapReduce jobs.
How Data is Processed; Persisted; and Read on the HDFS
A unique feature of Hadoop is that instead of data moving to data to a processing location; processing is moved to the data. In this video; Bob Hendry explains how Big Data is processed; persisted and read in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
Interacting with the HDFS
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss how to interact with the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
Introduction to MRUnit
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry explains Apache MRUnit.
Introduction to Server Farms
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the deployment of Hadoop in a server farm.
Introduction to the Hadoop Distributed File System
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and its architecture.
Introduction to the MapReduce Life Cycle
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss how Hadoop uses MapReduce and explain the MapReduce life cycle.
Job Flow Progress and Monitoring
The Hadoop MapReduce framework supports data intensive distributed applications. In this video; Bob Hendry discusses Hadoop MapReduce job flow progress and monitoring.
Killing MapReduce Jobs
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry explains how to manage a MapReduce job.
Loading and Storing Data in Pig
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry discusses various Pig commands.
Overview of Hadoop; Storage; MapReduce; Pig; and Hive
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the components of Hadoop.
Sources of Big Data
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform that manages large sources of data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss how new sources of data compare with traditional; and will analyze the effect this new data has had on e-commerce.
Subdividing Data
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss how data is formatted and subdivided prior to a MapReduce job.
Testing your Hadoop Installation
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss how to test and verify an Apache Hadoop installation.
The Four Vs of Big Data
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform used to help manage the essential four Vs of Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the four Vs of Big Data.
The MapReduce Principles; Mappers; and Reducers
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the principles of MapReduce and general mapping issues.
The Role of YARN
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator).
Types of NoSQL Databases
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the four types of NoSQL databases and also their usage.
Understanding Data
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the three types of data managed by Hadoop.
Understanding High-Level Processing
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry explains the processing of the MapReduce jobs.
Understanding Hive File Formats
Apache Hive enables Hadoop to operate as a data warehouse by superimposing a table on data in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). In this video; Bob Hendry reveals tools and file formats supported by Hive for creating tables.
Understanding MapReduce with a Conceptual Example
Hadoop MapReduce can be used to accelerate and scale various data analysis tasks. In this video; Bob Hendry explains how Hadoop uses MapReduce to process data.
Understanding Persistence and Types of Big Data
Persistence describes the state of data that outlives the process that created it. In this video; Bob Hendry explains persistence; and the specifics of reading and writing data in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
Understanding the MapReduce Data Flow
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss MapReduce data flow.
Users of Hadoop
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the different players using Hadoop.
Using a Mini MapReduce and HDFS Cluster
Unit testing MapReduce job is a complex process in the Hadoop and MapReduce framework. In this video; Bob Hendry discusses the technique of testing MapReduce job by creating a mini MapReduce and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) cluster.
Using HiveQL to Write Queries
Hadoop MapReduce provides a number of tools for building distributed systems. In this video; Bob Hendry explains the basics of Apache Hive and HiveQL.
Using JUnit
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry discusses JUnit testing tool for troubleshooting the MapReduce jobs.
Using MapReduce with Pig and Hive
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss how to use Pig and Hive in conjunction with Hadoop.
Using Pig Latin to Communicate with Hadoop
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry explains the benefits of Apache Pig and how it is used with Hadoop.
Using the Hadoop LocalJobRunner
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video Bob Hendry discusses the basics of Hadoop LocalJobRunner.
Viewing Job Status and Log Files
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry demonstrates monitoring the status of a MapReduce job.
Working with Custom Hive Data Types
HiveQL is an SQL-like language for handling data warehousing using Apache Hive over Hadoop. In this video; Bob Hendry explains the use of custom Hive data types.
Writing Pig Scripts
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry demonstrates using Pig Latin script.
Your First Hadoop Cluster
Apache Hadoop is an open source platform for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry will discuss the architecture of a Hadoop cluster.
MapReduce; Hive; and Pig
Hadoop MapReduce is a Java-based programmatic algorithm for managing Big Data. In this video; Bob Hendry explains three components of Hadoop - MapReduce; Hive; and Pig.
Admin Scripts in Action
After watching this video; you will be able to write custom scripts to assist with administrative tasks.
Architecture of Sqoop
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Sqoop's architecture.
Avro Serialization
After watching this video; you will be able to recall that Avro can be used as both a sink and a source.
Best Practices for Pseudo-Mode
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some best practices for pseudo-mode implementation.
Bucketing Hive Data
After watching this video; you will be able to create Hive buckets.
Class Paths In Action
After watching this video; you will be able to troubleshoot classpath errors.
Cleaning with Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to use Hive to create tables outside the warehouse.
Cleaning with Regular Expressions
After watching this video; you will be able to use Pig to sample data.
Comparing NoSQL to RDBMS
After watching this video; you will be able to describe key attributes of NoSQL databases.
Config Files in Action
After watching this video; you will be able to create complex configuration files.
Configuration Changes
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the best practices for changing configuration files.
Configuring Hadoop Environment
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hadoop environmental variables.
Configuring HDFS
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hadoop HDFS.
Configuring Hue
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hue and Hue users.
Configuring Hue with MySQL
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hue with My SQL.
Configuring Oozie
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Oozie.
Configuring Oozie with MySQL
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Oozie to use MySQL.
Configuring YARN and MapReduce
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hadoop YARN and MapReduce.
Continuing to Map Big Data
After watching this video; you will be able to recall three major functions of data analytics.
Correcting a Database Connect Failure
After watching this video; you will be able to use the log files to identify common Sqoop errors and their resolutions.
Create a Hive UDF
After watching this video; you will be able to create a user defined function for Hive.
Creating a Development Environment
After watching this video; you will be able to configure the start-up shell and yum repositories.
Creating a Pig UDF
After watching this video; you will be able to create a user defined function for Pig.
Creating a View in Hive
After watching this video; you will be able to use Hive to perform joins.
Creating an Oozie Workflow
After watching this video; you will be able to create an Oozie workflow.
Creating Flume Agents
After watching this video; you will be able to describe a flume agent in detail.
Debugging with Pig Explain
After watching this video; you will be able to use explain in a Pig script.
Defining Flume
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some best practices for the Agent Conf files.
Defining Flume Data
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the three key attributes of Flume.
Describing a Flume Agent
After watching this video; you will be able to create a Flume agent.
Describing HDFS Data Blocks
After watching this video; you will be able to configure the replication of data blocks.
Describing HDFS URI
After watching this video; you will be able to configure the default file system scheme and authority.
Describing the Backup Node
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the purpose of the Backup Node and describe its standard operations.
Describing the Checkpoint Node
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the purpose of the CheckPoint Node.
Describing the DataNode
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how the DataNode maintains data integrity.
Describing the NameNode
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the functions of the NameNode.
Design Principles for Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the design principles of Hadoop.
Ecosystem for Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to describe supercomputing.
Enabling the Oozie Examples
After watching this video; you will be able to enable the Oozie examples.
Explaining Parallel Processing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe parallel processing in the context of supercomputing.
Exploring Hadoop Classpath
After watching this video; you will be able to set up the classpath and test WordCount.
Exporting Data from Hive
After watching this video; you will be able to use Sqoop to export data from Hive.
Exporting Datetime Stamps
After watching this video; you will be able to export datetime stamps from Hive into MySQL.
Exporting into HBase
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a Sqoop import from MySQL into Hbase.
File Channel to HDFS
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what is happening during a file roll.
First Flume Agent
After watching this video; you will be able to use a flume agent to load data into HDFS.
First Pig Script
After watching this video; you will be able to write a Pig script.
First Use of HDFS
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the structure of the HDFS command.
First Use of WordCount
After watching this video; you will be able to run WordCount.
Flume Channels
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Flume channels.
Flume Sinks
After watching this video; you will be able to identify popular sinks.
Flume Sources
After watching this video; you will be able to identify popular sources.
Flume Timestamps
After watching this video; you will be able to describe interceptors.
Flume Troubleshooting
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some common reasons for Flume failures.
Hadoop Distributed File System
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the components of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
Hadoop Streaming
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the concept of streaming for MapReduce.
Hadoop Web UIs
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the ports of the NameNode and Resource Manager Web Uis.
HDFS Administration
After watching this video; you will be able to perform common administration functions.
HDFS Command Categories
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the syntax of the file system shell commands.
HDFS Commands for Managing Data Files
After watching this video; you will be able to use shell commands to manage files.
HDFS Commands for Managing Web Logs
After watching this video; you will be able to use shell commands to provide information about the file system.
HDFS Configuration
After watching this video; you will be able to configure parameters for NameNode and DataNode.
Hive CREATE Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to use basic SQL commands in Hive.
Hive Data Types
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the unique delimiter that Hive uses.
Hive Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different operators in Hive.
Hive SELECT Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to use SELECT statements in Hive.
Hive SQL Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to use more complex Hive SQL.
Hive Troubleshooting
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the standard error code ranges and what they mean.
Hive User-Defined Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some best practices for user defined functions.
Hue in action
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Hue File Browser and Job Scheduler.
Importing Data into Hive
After watching this video; you will be able to use Sqoop to import data into Hive.
Importing Datetime Stamps
After watching this video; you will be able to use casting to import datetime stamps into Hive.
Installing and Configuring Pig
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure Pig.
Installing Flume
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure Flume.
Installing Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to use Cloudera Manager to install Hadoop.
Installing HBase
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure Hbase.
Installing Hive
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure Hive.
Installing HiveServer2
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure HiveServer2.
Installing Hue
After watching this video; you will be able to install Hue.
Installing Java
After watching this video; you will be able to install the Java Developers Kit.
Installing metastore
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure metastore.
Installing MySQL
After watching this video; you will be able to install MySQL.
Installing Oozie
After watching this video; you will be able to install Oozie.
Installing Sqoop
After watching this video; you will be able to install Sqoop.
Installing WebHCat
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure WebHCat.
Introducing cURL
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the protocols cURL supports.
Introducing Data Analytics
After watching this video; you will be able to describe data analytics.
Introducing Data Factory Components
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the data factory components.
Introducing Data Refinery Components
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the data refinery components.
Introducing Data Repository Components
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the data repository components.
Introducing Hadoop YARN
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Hadoop YARN.
Introducing HBase and ZooKeeper
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the roles of HBase and ZooKeeper.
Introducing HDFS Daemons
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the four main HDFS daemons.
Introducing MapReduce
After watching this video; you will be able to define MapReduce and describe its relations to YARN.
Introducing WordCount
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the importance of the output directory.
Joining and Viewing in Hive
After watching this video; you will be able to recall what types of joins Hive can support.
Key-Value Pairs
After watching this video; you will be able to define the principle concepts of key-value pairs and list the rules for key-value pairs.
Loading Data into MySQL Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to create MySQL tables and load data.
Loading SQL Data Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to create a table and load data into MySQL.
Logging to the Flume Log File
After watching this video; you will be able to use the logger to troubleshoot Flume agents.
Mapping the Big Data Stack
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the components of the Big Data stack.
MapReduce and Key-Value Pairs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how MapReduce transforms key-value pairs.
MapReduce Step-by-Step
After watching this video; you will be able to match the phases of MapReduce to their definitions.
Mastering the
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the reasons for the complexities of the Hadoop Ecosystem.
Multi-flow Flume Agents
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Flume agents for multiflow.
Multiple Flume Agents
After watching this video; you will be able to create multiple-hop Flume agents.
Multiple Sinks with Flume
After watching this video; you will be able to compare replicating to multiplexing.
Multiple Sources with Flume
After watching this video; you will be able to describe multifunction Flume agents.
Multi-sink Flume Agents
After watching this video; you will be able to create a Flume agent for multiple data sinks.
NameNode and Resource Manager Web UIs
After watching this video; you will be able to use the NameNode and Resource Manager Web Uis.
NameNode in Detail
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how the NameNode operates.
Oozie Workflows
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Oozie workflows.
Overview of Bucketing Hive Data
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how buckets are used to improve performance.
Overview of Exporting with Sqoop
After watching this video; you will be able to recall what concerns the developers should be aware of.
Overview of Hive Configuration
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the configuration files.
Overview of Importing with Sqoop
After watching this video; you will be able to recall why it's important for the primary key to be numeric.
Overview of Partitioning Hive Data
After watching this video; you will be able to recall that a Hive partition schema must be created before loading the data.
Overview of Pig Configuration
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the minimal edits needed to be made to the configuration file.
Overview of Sqoop Configuration
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the dependancies for Sqoop installation.
Overviewing Hive
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the key attributes of Hive.
Overviewing Hue
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Hue.
Overviewing MySQL
After watching this video; you will be able to describe MySQL.
Overviewing Oozie
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the Oozie terminology.
Overviewing Pig
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Pig and its strengths.
Overviewing Sqoop
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Sqoop.
Performing a Sqoop Export
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a Sqoop export from HDFS into MySQL.
Performing a Sqoop Import
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a Sqoop import from MySQL into HDFS.
Pig Cogroup
After watching this video; you will be able to cogroup data with a Pig script.
Pig Command Line
After watching this video; you will be able to use the grunt shell with PigLatin.
Pig Data Types
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the complex data types used by Pig.
Pig Filtering
After watching this video; you will be able to use a Pig script to filter data.
Pig Flatten
After watching this video; you will be able to flatten data using a Pig script.
Pig ForEach
After watching this video; you will be able to use the ForEach operator with a Pig script.
Pig Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to write a Pig script to count data.
Pig Group
After watching this video; you will be able to group data using a Pig script.
Pig Join
After watching this video; you will be able to perform data joins using a Pig script.
Pig Operators
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the relational operators used by Pig.
Pig Parameters and Arguments
After watching this video; you will be able to set parameters and arguments in a Pig script.
Pig Scripts
After watching this video; you will be able to set parameters from both a text file and with the command line.
Pig Troubleshooting
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the different types of error categories.
Pig User-Defined Functions
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the languages that can be used to write user defined functions.
Preprocessing Data
After watching this video; you will be able to describe dirty data and how it should be preprocessed.
Running a Streaming Job
After watching this video; you will be able to stream a Python job.
Running an Oozie Workflow
After watching this video; you will be able to run an Oozie workflow job.
Selecting Additional Ecosystem Components
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some other popular components for the Hadoop Ecosystem.
Selecting an Environment
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the minimum system requirements for installation.
Setting Up Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the three different installation modes.
Setting Up Hue
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the configuration files that must be edited.
Setting Up MySQL for Hive
After watching this video; you will be able to create a table in MySQL using Hive.
Setting Up Oozie
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the two categories of environmental variables for configuring Oozie.
Setting up SSH
After watching this video; you will be able to setup SSH for Hadoop.
Sqoop and Hbase
After watching this video; you will be able to recall that you must execute a Sqoop import statement for each data element.
Sqoop and Hive
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the parameters that must be set in the Sqoop import statement.
Sqoop and Hive Exports
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the parameters that must be set in the Sqoop export statement.
Sqoop Troubleshooting
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how to use chain troubleshooting to resolve Sqoop issues.
Starting and Stopping HDFS
After watching this video; you will be able to start and stop Hadoop HDFS.
Starting and Stopping YARN
After watching this video; you will be able to start and stop Hadoop YARN.
Stress Testing Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to validate the installation and configuration.
Submitting an Oozie Workflow
After watching this video; you will be able to submit an Oozie workflow job.
Terms for Data
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the two different types of data.
The Driver Class
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the function of the MapReduceDriver Java class.
The History of Hadoop Versions
After watching this video; you will be able to recall why version 2.0 was significant.
The Mapper Class
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the base mapper class of the MapReduce Java API and describe how to override its methods.
The Principle of Embracing Failure
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the design principles of embracing failure.
The Principle of Sharing Nothing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the design principles of sharing nothing.
The Purpose of HCatalog
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Hcatalog.
The purpose of metastore and HiveServer2
After watching this video; you will be able to describe metastore and hiveserver2.
The Reducer Class
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the base Reducer class of the MapReduce Java API and describe how to override its methods.
The World of Data
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the data life cycle management.
Timestamping with Flume
After watching this video; you will be able to create a Flume agent with a TimeStampInterceptor.
Troubleshooting Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the most common errors and how to fix them.
Troubleshooting HDFS
After watching this video; you will be able to troubleshoot HDFS errors.
Troubleshooting Installation Errors
After watching this video; you will be able to access Hadoop logs and troubleshoot Hadoop installation errors.
Using a Hive Explain Plan
After watching this video; you will be able to use a Hive explain plan.
Using Avro Source
After watching this video; you will be able to use Avro to capture a remote file.
Using cURL for Web Data
After watching this video; you will be able to use cURL to download web server data.
Using Derby for Hive
After watching this video; you will be able to create a table in Derby using Hive.
Using HCatalog
After watching this video; you will be able to use HCatalog.
Using the HBase Command Line
After watching this video; you will be able to use the HBase command line to create tables and insert data.
WordCount; the Hello World of Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to load a large text book and then run WordCount to count the number of words in the text book.
Working with Date data types
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the three most common date datatypes and which systems support each.
Working with HBase Data
After watching this video; you will be able to create and change HBase data.
Working with HBase Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to manage tables and view the web interface.
Writing a First Hive Script
After watching this video; you will be able to write and use Hive scripts.
Writing a Hive Partition Script
After watching this video; you will be able to write a Hive partition script.
Writing a MapReduce Job
After watching this video; you will be able to build a JAR file and run WordCount.
Writing a MapReduce Job for Inventory
After watching this video; you will be able to set up the classpath and test a MapReduce job.
YARN ApplicationMaster
After watching this video; you will be able to diagram YARN Application Master and identify its key components.
YARN Daemons on the Data Server
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the YARN NodeManager and ApplicationMaster daemons.
YARN Daemons on the Master Server
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the roles of the Resource Manager daemon.
YARN Job Failure
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the operations of YARN.
YARN Key Concepts
After watching this video; you will be able to list the components of YARN and identify their primary functions.
YARN Node Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to diagram YARN Node Manager and identify its key components.
YARN Resource Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to diagram YARN Resource Manager and identify its key components.
Adding DataNodes
After watching this video; you will be able to add a DataNode to a Hadoop cluster.
Administering HDFS
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the tools fsck and dfsadmin.
Balancing Hadoop Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to balance a Hadoop cluster.
Balancing Resources
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how resources are distributed over the total capacity.
Building Client Servers
After watching this video; you will be able to build images for required servers in the Hadoop cluster.
Building Hadoop Clients
After watching this video; you will be able to build the Hadoop clients.
Building Images for Baseline Servers
After watching this video; you will be able to build an image for a baseline server.
Building Images for DataServers
After watching this video; you will be able to build an image for a DataServer.
Building Images for Master Servers
After watching this video; you will be able to build an image for a Master Server.
Calculating Storage Amounts
After watching this video; you will be able to calculate the correct number of disks required for a storage solution.
Configure Logging for Jobs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to configure Hadoop jobs for logging.
Configure Speculative Execution
After watching this video; you will be able to configure speculative execution.
Configuring for High Availability
After watching this video; you will be able to edit the Hadoop configuration files for high availability.
Configuring Hadoop Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to configure a Hadoop cluster.
Configuring Hadoop for AWS
After watching this video; you will be able to prepare to install and configure a Hadoop cluster on AWS.
Configuring Hadoop Logs
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hadoop logs.
Configuring Hcatalog Daemons
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hcatalog daemons.
Configuring HDFS for Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to configure HDFS for Kerberos.
Configuring Hive Daemons
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hive daemons.
Configuring Hive for Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hive for Kerberos.
Configuring Hue for Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hue for use with Kerberos.
Configuring JobHistoryServer Logs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to configure JogHistoryServer logs.
Configuring log4j for Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to configure log4j for Hadoop.
Configuring Logging
After watching this video; you will be able to configure logging for the Hadoop cluster.
Configuring Minimum Resources
After watching this video; you will be able to configure minimum share on the fair scheduler.
Configuring MySQL Databases
After watching this video; you will be able to configure a MySQL database.
Configuring Oozie for Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Oozie for use with Kerberos.
Configuring Pig and HTTPFS for Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Pig and HTTPFS for use with Kerberos.
Configuring Preemption
After watching this video; you will be able to configure preemption for the fair scheduler.
Configuring Single Resource Fairness
After watching this video; you will be able to configure single resource fairness.
Configuring YARN for Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to configure YARN for Kerberos.
Copying Data
After watching this video; you will be able to use distcp to copy data from one cluster to another.
Creating Access Control Lists
After watching this video; you will be able to create access control lists.
Creating an Amazon Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to create an Amazon cluster.
Creating an Amazon Machine Image
After watching this video; you will be able to create an Amazon Machine Image.
Creating an AWS Account
After watching this video; you will be able to create an AWS account.
Creating an EC2 Baseline Server
After watching this video; you will be able to create an EC2 baseline server.
Creating High Availability Auto Failovers
After watching this video; you will be able to create an automated failover for the NameNode.
Creating Kerberos Diagrams
After watching this video; you will be able to diagram Kerberos and label the primary components.
Defining Cluster Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what cluster management entails and recall some of the tools that can be used.
Defining Hadoop Fault Tolerance
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how Hadoop leverages fault tolerance.
Defining HDFS High Availability
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the functions of Hadoop high availability.
Defining Supercomputing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the principles of supercomputing.
Deploying Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to use Cloudera Manager to deploy a cluster.
Deploying Hadoop Releases
After watching this video; you will be able to deploy a Hadoop release.
Deploying Support Tools
After watching this video; you will be able to distribute configuration files and admin scripts.
Design Considerations for Hadoop Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the hardware and networking recommendations for a Hadoop cluster.
Diagnosing with Cloudera Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to manage logs through Cloudera Manager.
Editing Oozie Workflows with Hue
After watching this video; you will be able to use Hue to edit Oozie workflows and coordinators.
Encrypting Data at Rest
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to encrypt data at rest.
Encrypting Data in Motion
After watching this video; you will be able to encrypt data in motion.
Evaluating Storage Options
After watching this video; you will be able to compare the use of commodity hardware with enterprise disks.
Examining Additional Design Principles
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the design principles for move processing not data; embrace failure; and build applications not infrastructure.
Examining Amazon Web Services
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the most come services of the EC2 service bundle.
Examining Applications Modelling
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the purpose of application modelling.
Examining AWS Access Keys
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of AWS access keys.
Examining AWS Credentials
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how the AWS credentials are used for authentication.
Examining AWS Elastic MapReduce
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the advantages and limitations of using AWS EMR.
Examining Axioms of Supercomputing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the three axioms of supercomputing.
Examining Benchmarking
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the practice of benchmarking on a Hadoop cluster.
Examining Best Practices for Benchmarking
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different tools used for benchmarking a cluster.
Examining Best Practices for Network Tuning
After watching this video; you will be able to list some of the best practices for network tuning.
Examining Best Practices for Performance Tuning
After watching this video; you will be able to describe different strategies of performance tuning.
Examining Capacity Management
After watching this video; you will be able to compare the differences of availability versus performance.
Examining Capacity Strategies
After watching this video; you will be able to describe different strategies of resource capacity management.
Examining Cloud Computing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how cloud computing can be used as a solution for Hadoop.
Examining Cloudera Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the purpose and functionality of Cloudera Manager.
Examining Cluster Management Tools
After watching this video; you will be able to describe different tools from a functional perspective.
Examining Common Problems
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the categories of errors for a Hadoop cluster.
Examining Configuration Management Tools
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the configurations management tools.
Examining Data in Motion
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to encrypt data in motion for Hadoop; Sqoop; and Flume.
Examining Data Server Recommendations
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the recommendations for a data server.
Examining DataNode Recovery
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the operation of the DataNode during a recovery.
Examining DataNode Reliability
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the most common causes for DataNode failure.
Examining Dominant Resource Fairness
After watching this video; you will be able to describe dominant resource fairness.
Examining EMR and End-users
After watching this video; you will be able to describe EMR End-user connections and EMR security levels.
Examining Engineering Teams
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the roles and skills needed for the Hadoop engineering team.
Examining Fair Scheduler Algorithms
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the primary algorithm and the configuration files for the fair scheduler.
Examining Fair Schedulers
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how the fair scheduling method allows all applications to get equal amounts of resource time.
Examining Flume and Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to configure Flume for use with Kerberos.
Examining Ganglia
After watching this video; you will be able to recall what Ganglia is and what it can be used for.
Examining Ganglia Functionality
After watching this video; you will be able to recall how Ganglia monitors Hadoop clusters.
Examining Hadoop Change Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the purpose of change management.
Examining Hadoop Cloud Implementations
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the advantages and limitations of using Hadoop in the cloud.
Examining Hadoop Cluster Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different rack architectures for Hadoop.
Examining Hadoop logs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to manage logging levels.
Examining Hadoop Metrics2
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Hadoop Metrics2.
Examining Hadoop Security
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the primary security threats faced by the Hadoop cluster.
Examining Hardware Responsibilities
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the primary responsibilities for the master; data; and edge servers.
Examining HDFS Data Blocks
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the sizing and balancing of the HDFS data blocks.
Examining High Availability Auto Failovers
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the requirements for enabling an automated failover for the NameNode.
Examining Hive with Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to configure Hive for use with Kerberos.
Examining Hostnames and DNS Recommendations
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the recommendations for hostnames and DNS entries.
Examining Identification and Access Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe AWS identification and access management.
Examining Input and Output Tune Up Options
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the rules for tuning the data node.
Examining Java Tune Up Options
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the purpose of Java tuning.
Examining Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to describe Kerberos and recall some of the common commands.
Examining MapReduce Job Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe MapReduce job management on a Hadoop cluster.
Examining MapReduce Tune Up Options
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the configuration files and parameters used in performance tuning of MapReduce.
Examining Minimum Resources
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the minimum share function of the fair scheduler.
Examining MRv2
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the two major functions of the JobTracker.
Examining Nagios
After watching this video; you will be able to recall what Nagios is and what it can be used for.
Examining NameNode Recovery
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the operation of the NameNode during a recovery.
Examining NameNode Reliability
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the most common causes for NameNode failure.
Examining Network Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the best practices for different types of network clusters.
Examining Operating System Tune Up Options
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the configuration files and parameters used in performance tuning of the operating system.
Examining Pig; Sqoop; Oozie with Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to configure Pig; Sqoop; and Oozie for use with Kerberos.
Examining Preemption
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the preemption functions of the fair scheduler.
Examining Problem Management Best Practices
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the best practices for problem management.
Examining Rack Awareness
After watching this video; you will be able to describe rack awareness.
Examining Scheduler Behaviors
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the default behavior of the fair scheduler methods.
Examining Schedulers
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how schedulers perform various resource management.
Examining Security Risks
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the four pillars of the Hadoop security model.
Examining Single Resource Fairness
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the policy for single resource fairness.
Examining Single Resource Fairness Configurations
After watching this video; you will be able to identify different configuration options for single resource fairness.
Examining Storage Options
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the advantages of using a JBODs configuration.
Examining Tune Up Options for HDFS
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the configuration files and parameters used in performance tuning of HDFS.
Examining Tune UP Options for YARN
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the configuration files and parameters used in performance tuning of YARN.
Examining YARN Containers
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the functions of YARN containers.
Examining YARN High Availability
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the system view of the ResourceManager configurations set for high availability.
Examining YARN Job Reliability
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the most common causes of YARN job failure.
Examining YARN Task Reliability
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the most common causes for YARN task failure.
Exploring Amazon Web Services
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the most common services that Amazon offers.
Exploring Big Data Solutions
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the advantages and shortcomings of using Hadoop as a supercomputing platform.
Exploring Checkpoint Node
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the uses for the Checkpoint node.
Exploring Cloudera Manager Admin Console
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different parts of the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
Exploring Cloudera Manager Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the Cloudera Manager internal architecture.
Exploring Cluster Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the layout and structure of the Hadoop cluster.
Exploring DataNode Replications
After watching this video; you will be able to set up the DataNode for replication.
Exploring Design Principles for Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the dumb hardware and smart software; and the share nothing design principles.
Exploring Event Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the importance of event management.
Exploring Ganglia
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to use Ganglia to monitor a Hadoop cluster.
Exploring Incident Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the importance of incident management.
Exploring Master Server Best Practices
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the recommendations for a master server and edge server.
Exploring Operating Systems Best Practices
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the recommendations for an operating System.
Exploring Problem Management
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different methodologies used for root cause analysis.
Exploring Problem Management Lifecycle
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the problem management lifecycle.
Exploring SSH Keys
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of SSH key pairs for remote access.
Exploring the AWS Command Line Interface
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what the command line interface is used for.
Format HDFS and Run a Hadoop Program
After watching this video; you will be able to install Hadoop on to the admin server.
Implementing Security Groups
After watching this video; you will be able to install security groups for AWS.
Importing Data with Hue
After watching this video; you will be able to import data using Hue.
Improving Performance
After watching this video; you will be able to improve cluster performance with Cloudera Manager.
Install Trash and Add a DataNode
After watching this video; you will be able to install Trash and add a DataNode.
Installing and Configuring Impala
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure Impala.
Installing and Configuring Sentry
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure Sentry.
Installing Cloudera Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to install Cloudera Manager.
Installing Compression
After watching this video; you will be able to install compression.
Installing Ganglia
After watching this video; you will be able to install Ganglia.
Installing Hadoop Metrics2 for Ganglia
After watching this video; you will be able to install Hadoop Metrics2 for Ganglia.
Installing Kerberos
After watching this video; you will be able to install Kerberos.
Installing Nagios
After watching this video; you will be able to install Nagios.
Installing Rack Awareness
After watching this video; you will be able to write configuration files for rack awareness.
Installing Trash
After watching this video; you will be able to install and configure trash.
Locking Down Networks
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the ports required for Hadoop and how network gateways are used.
Managing Hadoop Balancing
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the process for balancing a Hadoop cluster.
Managing Hadoop Service Levels
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor and improve service levels.
Managing Hadoop Upgrades
After watching this video; you will be able to plan an upgrade of a Hadoop cluster.
Managing HDFS
After watching this video; you will be able to use fsck and dfsadmin to check the HDFS file system.
Managing HDFS Backup and Recovery
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the operations involved for backing up data.
Managing HDFS DataNodes
After watching this video; you will be able to manage an HDFS DataNode.
Managing HDFS Scaling
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the operations for scaling a Hadoop cluster.
Managing Hosts with Cloudera Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to manage hosts with Cloudera Manager.
Managing Performance Tuning
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the two laws of performance tuning.
Managing Resources
After watching this video; you will be able to user Cloudera Manager to manage resources.
Managing User Access
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of POSIX and ACL for managing user access.
Managing User Security
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the security model for users on a Hadoop cluster.
Monitoring Fair Share
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor the behavior of Fair Share.
Monitoring Hadoop Security
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how to monitor Hadoop security.
Monitoring with Cloudera Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to use Cloudera Manager's monitoring features.
Moving Data Into AWS
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the various ways to move data into AWS.
Optimizing Memory for Containers
After watching this video; you will be able to recall why the Node Manager kills containers.
Optimizing Memory for Daemons
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the configuration files and parameters used in performance tuning of memory for daemons.
Optimizing Memory for YARN
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the purpose of memory tuning for YARN.
Perform Security Level task for Hadoop
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Hbase for Kerberos.
Performance Tuning HDFS
After watching this video; you will be able to performance tune HDFS.
Performance Tuning MapReduce
After watching this video; you will be able to tune up MapReduce for performance reasons.
Performing Cluster Management
After watching this video; you will be able to use Cloudera Manager to manage a cluster.
Performing MapReduce Job Management
After watching this video; you will be able to perform MapReduce job management on a Hadoop cluster.
Performing Root Cause Analysis
After watching this video; you will be able to conduct a root cause analysis on a major problem.
Planning a Deployment
After watching this video; you will be able to plan for the development of a Hadoop cluster.
Preparing for Kerberos Installation
After watching this video; you will be able to prepare for a Kerberos installation.
Provision Admin Servers
After watching this video; you will be able to provision an admin server.
Provisioning a Micro EC2
After watching this video; you will be able to provision a micro instance of EC2.
Provisioning Hadoop Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to provision a Hadoop cluster.
Recover from a NameNode Failure
After watching this video; you will be able to Recover from a NameNode Failure.
Recovering Missing Data Blocks
After watching this video; you will be able to identify and recover from a missing data block scenario.
Replacing a DataNode
After watching this video; you will be able to use include and exclude files to replace a DataNode.
Run a Hadoop Program
After watching this video; you will be able to format HDFS; create an HDFS directory; import data; run a WordCount and view the results.
Running EMR Jobs
After watching this video; you will be able to run an EMR job from the Web Console.
Running EMR Jobs with Hue
After watching this video; you will be able to run an EMR job with Hue.
Running EMR Jobs with the Command Line Interface
After watching this video; you will be able to run an EMR job with the command line interface.
Running Hive Jobs with Hue
After watching this video; you will be able to run various Hive jobs using Hue.
Scaling Hadoop Architectures
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the best practices for scaling a Hadoop cluster.
Setting Cloudera Manger for High Availability
After watching this video; you will be able to set up Cloudera Manager for high availability.
Setting HDFS Quotas
After watching this video; you will be able to set quotas for the HDFS file system.
Setting Quotas
After watching this video; you will be able to set quotas for the HDFS file system.
Setting Up Checkpoint Servers
After watching this video; you will be able to provision a checkpoint server.
Setting Up EMR Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to set up an EMR cluster.
Setting Up Flash Drive Installer
After watching this video; you will be able to set up a flash drive as boot media.
Setting Up Flash Drives
After watching this video; you will be able to setup a flash drive as book media.
Setting Up High Availability for ResourceManagers
After watching this video; you will be able to set up high availability for the ResourceManager.
Setting Up Identification and Access Management
After watching this video; you will be able to set up AWS IAM.
Setting Up NameNode High Availability
After watching this video; you will be able to set up a high availability solution for NameNode.
Setting Up Network Installer
After watching this video; you will be able to set up a network installer.
Setting Up S3
After watching this video; you will be able to set up S3 and import data.
Simulating Configuration Management Tools
After watching this video; you will be able to simulate a configuration management tool.
Starting and Stopping a Hadoop Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to start and stop a Hadoop cluster.
Stress Testing and Benchmarking Hadoop Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a benchmark of a Hadoop cluster.
Swapping NameNodes
After watching this video; you will be able to swap to a new NameNode.
Testing Application Reliability
After watching this video; you will be able to test application reliability.
Testing Data Blocks
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the use of TestDFSIO.
Testing DataNode Reliability
After watching this video; you will be able to test the availability for the DataNode.
Testing NameNode Failure
After watching this video; you will be able to test the availability for the NameNode.
Testing YARN Container Reliability
After watching this video; you will be able to test YARN container reliability.
Tuning a Hadoop Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to optimize memory and benchmark a Hadoop cluster.
Tuning Memory for Hadoop Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to performance tune memory for the Hadoop cluster.
Use Monitoring Tools
After watching this video; you will be able to use different monitoring tools to identify problems; failures; errors and solutions.
Using a Hadoop Cluster on AWS
After watching this video; you will be able to write an Elastic MapReduce script for AWS.
Using Cloudera Manager for Administration
After watching this video; you will be able to perform backups; snapshots; and upgrades using Cloudera Manager.
Using Ganglia
After watching this video; you will be able to use Ganglia to monitor a Hadoop cluster.
Using Hadoop Metrics2 for Nagios
After watching this video; you will be able to use Hadoop Metrics2 for Nagios.
Using Hive for Sentry Administration
After watching this video; you will be able to implement security administration using Hive.
Using Nagios
After watching this video; you will be able to use Nagios to monitor a Hadoop cluster.
Using Nagios Commands
After watching this video; you will be able to use Nagios commands.
Using the AWS Command Line Interface
After watching this video; you will be able to use the command line interface.
Using the Fair Scheduler
After watching this video; you will be able to use the fail scheduler with multiple users.
Validating Flume; Sqoop; HDFS; and MapReduce
After watching this video; you will be able to test the functionality of Flume; Sqoop; HDFS; and MapReduce.
Validating Hive and Pig
After watching this video; you will be able to test the functionality of Hive and Pig.
Writing Init Scripts
After watching this video; you will be able to write init scripts for Hadoop.
Writing Service Levels
After watching this video; you will be able to write service levels for performance.
Accessing the CLI
After watching this video; you will be able to access the Splunk CLI.
Add Dashboard Inputs
After watching this video; you will be able to add an input to a dashboard.
Adding a New Dashboard
After watching this video; you will be able to create a Splunk dashboard.
Adding and Monitoring Files and Folders
After watching this video; you will be able to import data from files and monitor local files and folders.
Adding Sample Data to Splunk
After watching this video; you will be able to add the tutorial sample data to your Splunk install.
After Performing a Splunk Search
After watching this video; you will be able to navigate the results of your Splunk search.
Archiving Data
After watching this video; you will be able to archive indexed Splunk data for storage.
Bar and Line Charts
After watching this video; you will be able to visualize data as bar and line charts in Splunk.
Before Running a Splunk Search
After watching this video; you will be able to prepare to run a search in Splunk.
Change Default Values and License
After watching this video; you will be able to change the default values in a Splunk installation and apply a License.
Chart Controls
After watching this video; you will be able to configure control features on visualizations.
CLI Help Interface
After watching this video; you will be able to utilize the built-in help functions of the Splunk CLI.
Configuration Files; Directories; and Structure
After watching this video; you will be able to work with Splunk configuration files.
Configure a Search Head
After watching this video; you will be able to configure a Splunk node as a search head.
Configure Forwarders to Use the Indexer Cluster
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Splunk to use forwarders with the Indexer Cluster.
Configure Multiple Splunk Nodes
After watching this video; you will be able to manage multiple nodes in Splunk.
Configuring Data Cloning
After watching this video; you will be able to implement data cloning on a Splunk forwarder.
Configuring Dynamic Drilldown Using Simple XML
After watching this video; you will be able to configure dynamic drilldown in charts using simple XML.
Configuring Load Balancing
After watching this video; you will be able to implement load balancing on a Splunk forwarder.
Configuring Splunk Inputs
After watching this video; you will be able to configure data sources for Splunk.
Configuring Splunk Networking
After watching this video; you will be able to bind Splunk to an IPv4 and/or IPv6 address.
Configuring Timestamps
After watching this video; you will be able to configure how Splunk stores the date and time with your data.
Considerations for Index Backups
After watching this video; you will be able to identify Splunk Backup Requirements.
Contextual Drilldown
After watching this video; you will be able to specify context driven drilldown behavior.
Create a Bar Chart
After watching this video; you will be able to create charts from Splunk data.
Create a Dashboard from a Search and the Edit Panels
After watching this video; you will be able to save a search as a dashboard and edit panels in dashboards.
Create a Splunk Role and User
After watching this video; you will be able to create users and roles in Splunk.
Create Dashboard PDFs
After watching this video; you will be able to generate PDF reports from Splunk Dashboards.
Creating a New Source Type for Event Processing
After watching this video; you will be able to improve Splunk's processing of events.
Creating a Pivot
After watching this video; you will be able to create and save a Splunk Pivot.
Creating a Pivot Chart
After watching this video; you will be able to create a Splunk Pivot chart.
Creating a Pivot Table
After watching this video; you will be able to create a pivot table in a QlikView document.
Creating Base Searches for Dashboards
After watching this video; you will be able to save base searches from which to build dashboard searches.
Creating Child Objects
After watching this video; you will be able to define child objects under Splunk parent objects.
Creating New Data Models
After watching this video; you will be able to create a new data model in Splunk.
Creating Per-Result and Rolling-Window Alerts
After watching this video; you will be able to construct per-result and rolling-window alerts in Splunk.
Creating Scheduled Alerts
After watching this video; you will be able to create scheduled alerts in Splunk.
Creating Triggered Alerts
After watching this video; you will be able to construct triggered alerts.
Creating Users and Roles
After watching this video; you will be able to add and manage users and roles in Splunk.
Dashboard Searches
After watching this video; you will be able to implement searches in simple XML dashboards.
Data Forwarder Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to compare Splunk data forwarders.
Data Retirement and Aging
After watching this video; you will be able to configure how Splunk handles aged data.
Default Dashboards and Customization
After watching this video; you will be able to identify default Splunk dashboards and customize the banner messages.
Defining a Root Object
After watching this video; you will be able to edit and add model objects and root objects in Splunk.
Defining Event Types
After watching this video; you will be able to define types of events for data classification.
Deleting Indexed Data and Indexes
After watching this video; you will be able to remove data that has been indexed or indexes entirely.
Deploy a Heavy Forwarder
After watching this video; you will be able to implement a heavy Splunk forwarder.
Deploy the Unix Universal Forwarder
After watching this video; you will be able to install the universal forwarder in Unix environments.
Deploy the Windows Universal Forwarder
After watching this video; you will be able to install the universal fowarder in Windows.
Deploying Multiple Indexes
After watching this video; you will be able to configure multiple indexes in Splunk.
Drilldown Introduction
After watching this video; you will be able to work with visualization drilldown.
Drilldown on Additional Chart Types
After watching this video; you will be able to configure visualization on additional chart types.
Dynamic Drilldown
After watching this video; you will be able to define dynamic drilldown behavior.
Editing Dashboards
After watching this video; you will be able to modify existing dashboards in Splunk.
Effect of Incoming Data on Performance
After watching this video; you will be able to identify data performance issues in Splunk.
Effect of Users and Searches on Performance
After watching this video; you will be able to identify other performance issues in Splunk.
Enable Peer Nodes
After watching this video; you will be able to enable Splunk peer nodes.
Enable the Master Node
After watching this video; you will be able to enable the Splunk indexer cluster master node.
Executing Secondary Searches
After watching this video; you will be able to create a secondary search on Splunk results.
Extending Alert Functionality
After watching this video; you will be able to edit and expand the functionality of a Splunk alert.
Generating Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to create tables from a Splunk search.
Identifying Data Patterns
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Splunk patterns tab to identify data patterns.
Installing Splunk on a Windows Server
After watching this video; you will be able to install a Splunk instance.
Installing Splunk on Linux
After watching this video; you will be able to install Splunk on several Linux platforms.
Installing Splunk on Windows
After watching this video; you will be able to install Splunk on Windows systems.
Introducing Indexer Clusters
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the steps in deploying indexer clusters.
Introduction to Alerts
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the different types of alerts in Splunk.
Introduction to Dashboard Editor
After watching this video; you will be able to access the dashboard editor in Splunk.
Introduction to Editing Simple XML
After watching this video; you will be able to modify dashboards by editing simple XML.
Introduction to Splunk
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the functions and abilities of Splunk.
Investigate Events Using the Timeline
After watching this video; you will be able to utilize the timeline view to analyze Splunk events.
Locating and Sharing Reports
After watching this video; you will be able to find saved reports and share them.
Migrating to a New Server
After watching this video; you will be able to migrate indexes and data to a new server.
Monitoring Network Ports and Splunk Forwarders
After watching this video; you will be able to import data from network ports and Splunk forwarders.
Moving the Index Database
After watching this video; you will be able to change the location of the Splunk index database.
Navigating the Splunk Interface
After watching this video; you will be able to navigate the Splunk bar and Apps.
Other Alert Actions
After watching this video; you will be able to configure alternate alert modes in Splunk.
Other Charting Types
After watching this video; you will be able to utilize other chart types in Splunk.
Pie; Scatter; and Bubble Charts
After watching this video; you will be able to display data as pie; scatter; and bubble charts.
Pivot Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize the components of the Pivot interface.
Precedence of Splunk Configuration Files
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the order in which Splunk applies configuration directives and attributes.
Restarting Splunk Nodes
After watching this video; you will be able to restart a single Splunk node or an entire cluster.
Restoring Data
After watching this video; you will be able to restore previously archived Splunk data.
Retrieve Events Using Fields
After watching this video; you will be able to use data fields to find Splunk events.
Retrieve Events with Search
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Splunk search command to find events.
Running Splunk Without Administrator Permissions
After watching this video; you will be able to use Splunk without Administrator access.
Save a Pivot as a Dashboard Panel
After watching this video; you will be able to save pivots to the dashboard.
Saving and Viewing Reports
After watching this video; you will be able to save reports and view saved reports.
Scaling Your Deployment
After watching this video; you will be able to scale a Splunk deployment to meet requirements.
Search Actions and Modes
After watching this video; you will be able to control search job progress and mode in Splunk.
Searching for Data in Splunk
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Search features to find data.
Sending an Alert E-mail
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Splunk to send an e-mail during an alert condition.
Setting Data Source Type
After watching this video; you will be able to change the type of data source used by Splunk to index your data.
Specifying Search Indexes and Permissions
After watching this video; you will be able to control the indexes used to perform a search and who has access to them.
Splunk Data Models and Objects
After watching this video; you will be able to describe data models and objects in Splunk.
Splunk Licensing
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the types of Splunk licenses and choose what best suits your requirements.
Splunk Web Introduction
After watching this video; you will be able to log in to and identify Splunk Web administration components.
Start and Stop Splunk Enterprise
After watching this video; you will be able to start and stop the Splunk service on multiple platforms; and configure Splunk to start at boot.
Starting Splunk
After watching this video; you will be able to start the Splunk service on multiple operating systems.
Storage Requirements
After watching this video; you will be able to determine Splunk storage requirements.
Take a Node Offline
After watching this video; you will be able to remove a Splunk peer from operation for maintenance.
Throttling Alert Rates and Alert Permissions
After watching this video; you will be able to utilize throttling to limit Splunk alerts and set alert permissions.
Tokens and Dashboards
After watching this video; you will be able to utilize Splunk tokens in Dashboards using simple XML.
Upgrading Splunk
After watching this video; you will be able to upgrade an existing Splunk instance on a Unix or Windows system.
Using Attributes from Lookup Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to add attributes from Lookup tables to your Splunk data model object.
Using Automatically Extracted Attributes
After watching this video; you will be able to add attributes that were automatically extracted to your Splunk data model object.
Using Dashboards
After watching this video; you will be able to work with Splunk dashboards.
Using Search Macros
After watching this video; you will be able to create Splunk macros to simplify searches.
Using the Splunk Data Summary
After watching this video; you will be able to view the data sources available to you for searching.
Using the Time Range Picker
After watching this video; you will be able to specify a time range for the results of your search.
View the Master Dashboard
After watching this video; you will be able to access the dashboard of the Splunk cluster master.
View the Peer and Search Head Dashboards
After watching this video; you will be able to access the Splunk dashboard of the peers and the search head.
Viewing Search Results
After watching this video; you will be able to navigate the search result tabs.
Visualizing Events
After watching this video; you will be able to access visualizations of Splunk events.
Working with Splunk Configuration Files
After watching this video; you will be able to copy and edit Splunk configuration files.
Adding and Using a Search Object
After watching this video; you will be able to add the Search Object and use it to search for information within the QlikView document.
Adding the Statistics Box
After watching this video; you will be able to add the statistics box object to a QlikView document to create summaries of the data.
Aligning and Managing Items on Sheets
After watching this video; you will be able to align; adjust; and rearrange items in a QlikView document.
Configuring Sheet Properties
After watching this video; you will be able to configure sheet properties in a QlikView document.
Configuring User and Document Settings
After watching this video; you will be able to configure QlikView user and document settings.
Connecting to a Data Source
After watching this video; you will be able to describe and connect to data sources in QlikView to create visualizations.
Consolidating Multiple Sources
After watching this video; you will be able to consolidate multiple data sources into one QlikView visualization report.
Creating a List Box and Multibox
After watching this video; you will be able to create and configure a list box and multibox to display certain elements in a QlikView visualization.
Creating a Quick Chart
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Quick Chart Wizard to create a chart in a QlikView document.
Creating a Statistics Chart
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Statistics Chart Wizard to create a statistic chart in a QlikView document.
Creating a Table Box
After watching this video; you will be able to create and configure a table box to select the columns to display in the QlikView visualization.
Creating a Time Chart
After watching this video; you will be able to use the TimeChart Wizard to create a time chart within a QlikView document.
Creating an Input Box
After watching this video; you will be able to create and configure an input box to enter data into QlikView variables and display their values.
Creating and Using Bookmarks
After watching this video; you will be able to create and use the Bookmark feature in QlikView.
Creating Other Objects
After watching this video; you will be able to create other objects to specify elements of a QlikView visualization to display.
Exploring the Interface and Customization
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the parts of the QlikView user interface and how it can be customized.
Exporting Data
After watching this video; you will be able to export data from QlikView to other applications and programs.
Installing QlikView
After watching this video; you will be able to install QlikView.
Managing Chart Properties
After watching this video; you will be able to manage chart properties in QlikView.
Managing Sheets
After watching this video; you will be able to add; copy; delete; promote; and demote sheets within a QlikView document.
QlikView Introduction
After watching this video; you will be able to describe QlikView and how it is used for business intelligence.
Sorting and Filtering Data
After watching this video; you will be able to sort and filter data in a QlikView document using various methods.
Using a Pivot Table
After watching this video; you will be able to pivot; filter; and change a pivot table in a QlikView document.
Using the Current Selections Window and Object
After watching this video; you will be able to view the Current Selections window and add the Current Selection object to a QlikView visualization.
Using QlikView to View BI Data
After watching this video; you will be able to use QlikView to create visualizations of BI data for analysis.
A Simple Dashboard
In SQL Server 2012; you can create effective dashboards to provide your audience with a wealth of information at a glance. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses how to create a basic dashboard using PowerPivot.
Key Performance Indicators
In SQL Server 2012; by using PowerPivot you can easily create dashboards that incorporate valuable Key Performance Indicators "KPIs". In this video; Joe Khoury discusses how to deploy a Key Performance Indicator on SQL Server 2012 data by using PowerPivot.
Power View
Power View is a Microsoft Excel 2013 add-in that uses Silverlight technology to create rich visual reports. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses how to use Power View against SQL Server 2012 to create a powerful visual report.
Report Builder
Report Builder is an authoring tool that you can use with SQL Server 2012 to publish reports to a SharePoint library; a report server or the local computer. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses how to use Report Builder against SQL Server 2012.
Sorting By Month
In SQL Server 2012 business intelligence reports; PowerPivot is a great tool but it automatically sorts months by alphabetical order; which in a business intelligence report is meaningless. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to overcome this PowerPivot limitation quickly and easily.
Top and Bottom Performers
In SQL Server 2012; you can use PowerPivot to filter data in reports with lot of data that impact the reporting process negatively. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to filter data and report top and bottom performers in a business intelligence report.
Using Dax Expressions
In SQL Server; you can use the Data Analysis Expression language to build formulas and expressions; which you can incorporate into your reports to analyze; format; and manage your data. In this video; Joe Khoury introduces the DAX language and explains how to use it against your SQL Server 2012 dataset by using PowerPivot.
Using SQL Statements
In SQL Server; you can use PowerPivot to import; sort; combine; and filter your dataset. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use SQL statements against the database in PowerPivot.
Using Views
In SQL Server; you can use views to significantly reduce the size of the dataset your business intelligence package will use. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use SQL Server 2012 views in PowerPivot.
Blending Data
After watching this video; you will be able to blend data.
Changing the Shape of Marks
After watching this video; you will be able to change the shape of marks.
Changing the Size of Marks
After watching this video; you will be able to change the size of marks.
Choosing Mark Types
After watching this video; you will be able to choose different mark types.
Connecting to Various Data Sources
After watching this video; you will be able to connect to a data source.
Create a map and a dashboard
After watching this video; you will be able to create a map and dashboard.
Create and Customize a Chart
After watching this video; you will be able to create and customize a chart.
Creating a Dual Axis Chart
After watching this video; you will be able to create a dual axis chart.
Creating a Shared Axis Chart
After watching this video; you will be able to create a shared axis chart.
Creating Bullet Graphs
After watching this video; you will be able to create bullet graphs.
Creating Calculated Fields
After watching this video; you will be able to create calculated fields.
Creating Crosstabs
After watching this video; you will be able to create crosstabs.
Creating Simple Dashboards
After watching this video; you will be able to create simple dashboards.
Creating Treemaps
After watching this video; you will be able to create treemaps.
Creating Unstacked Area Charts
After watching this video; you will be able to create unstacked area charts.
Customizing Mapping and Mark Types
After watching this video; you will be able to customize mapping and mark types.
Customizing Tooltips
After watching this video; you will be able to customize the tooltips.
Customizing Your View of the Data
After watching this video; you will be able to customize the view of the data.
Displaying Multiple Measures
After watching this video; you will be able to display multiple measures.
Enhancing Bar Charts
After watching this video; you will be able to enhance bar charts.
Examining Advanced Dashboard Elements
After watching this video; you will be able to recall some of the advanced dashboard elements.
Examining the Data Window
After watching this video; you will be able to recall the different sections of the data window.
Exploring Dimensions and Measures
After watching this video; you will be able to define dimensions and measures as they relate to Tableau.
Exploring Shelves and Cards
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how shelves and cards are used.
Exporting Worksheets and Dashboards
After watching this video; you will be able to export worksheets and dashboards.
Extracting Data
After watching this video; you will be able to extract data.
Filtering Data
After watching this video; you will be able to filter data in the viewer.
Formatting Options
After watching this video; you will be able to use the formatting options on the header; marks and axes.
Making Box Plots
After watching this video; you will be able to make box plots.
Making Pie Charts
After watching this video; you will be able to make pie charts.
Publishing to the Web
After watching this video; you will be able to publish to the web.
Use Reference Lines
After watching this video; you will be able to use reference lines.
Using Color Options
After watching this video; you will be able to use different color options.
Using Custom Background Images
After watching this video; you will be able to use custom background images.
Using Dashboard Actions
After watching this video; you will be able to use dashboard actions.
Using Geocoded Fields
After watching this video; you will be able to use geocoded fields.
Using Parameters
After watching this video; you will be able to use parameters in the viewer.
Using Scatter Plots
After watching this video; you will be able to use scatter plots.
Using Show Me
After watching this video; you will be able to use the show me tab.
Using Table Calculations
After watching this video; you will be able to use table calculations.
Using Tableau Reader
After watching this video; you will be able to use Tableau Reader.
Using Text Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to use text tables.
Using Word Clouds
After watching this video; you will be able to use word clouds.
Using Worksheet Actions
After watching this video; you will be able to use worksheet actions.
Working with a Multi-Measure Marks Card
After watching this video; you will be able to work with a multi-measure marks card.
Working with Background Maps and Layers
After watching this video; you will be able to work with background maps and layers.
Working with Bubble Chart
After watching this video; you will be able to work with bubble charts.
Working with Trend Lines
After watching this video; you will be able to work with trend lines.
Chart Types
Crystal Reports 2011 provides numerous chart types and options to analyze and depict different types of business data. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses the various chart types in Crystal Reports.
Cross-Tab Expert
In Crystal Reports; you can change the design; style; and format settings of your Cross-Tab report as per your preferences. In this video; Joe Khoury introduces the various features of the Cross-Tab Expert.
Cross-Tab Report Wizard
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can analyze data for business intelligence purposes. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use the Cross-tab report wizard in Crystal reports 2011.
Formatting a Cross-Tab Report
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can create Cross-Tab reports for summarizing the business information and format it. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to format a Cross-Tab report.
Formatting a Map Object
In Crystal Reports; Map objects are effective for visual illustration of geographically based Business Analytics. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to format a Map object in Crystal Reports 2011.
Map Objects in Crystal Reports
In Crystal Reports; the Map object is an effective visual aid when analyzing data based on geographic information. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use the Map object in Crystal Reports 2011.
The Chart Expert
In Crystal Reports; you can control the design and all aspects of style; and format for a chart. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses the features and options in the Chart Expert.
The Map Expert
In Crystal Reports 2011; the Map Expert allows you to set the design; style; and format of a Map object. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses the features and options in the Map Expert.
Trendlines in Charts
In Crystal Reports; placing a trend line in a chart provides a powerful visual cue as to the tendency of the business data being analyzed. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses how to use trend lines in charts by using the Crystal Reports Trendline feature.
Using Charts in a Subreport
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can use charts within Subreports to visually highlight the important aspects of your report. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use a chart in a Subreport.
Using Charts in Existing Reports
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can insert charts in your reports to create a visual impact. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to insert a chart in an existing report.
Using Cross-tabs in Existing Reports
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can add a Cross-Tab report in an existing grouped summary report and avoid having to recreate it from scratch. In this video; Joe Khoury explains how to insert a Cross-Tab report in an existing report.
Using Subreports
You can use the Subreport feature in Crystal Reports 2011 to organize data and highlight the main aspects of your report. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use Subreports.
Using the Wizard to Make a Chart Report
In Crystal Reports; you can create chart reports for visual impact. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses how to use the Report Creation Wizard to create a chart report.
Add Command DB Expert
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can use a SQL statement directly in the Database Expert to pull data into the records. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use Add Command to pull data into the reports by using a SQL statement against the database.
Basic Versus Crystal Syntax
Crystal Reports 2011 allows you to create powerful formulas for formatting and calculations in Crystal and Basic syntax. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use Crystal and Basic syntax in the reports.
Changing the Interface Layout
The Crystal Reports 2011 has an intuitive interface with an unparalleled level of flexibility that allows effective formatting and layout designing. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use the various features in Crystal Reports 2011 to maximize space in the Report Editor.
Conditional Formatting Part One
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can conditionally format objects by using a formula which is a small program. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates conditional formatting of objects in a report by using a formula.
Conditional Formatting Part Two
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can conditionally format the font style of an object by using a formula. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to conditionally format the font style of an element by using a formula.
Connecting to Data
Crystal Reports 2011 has a powerful and easy-to-use data connection platform when compared to other reporting tools. In this video; Joe Khoury explains how the Crystal Reports 2011 data connection platform works.
Context Sensitive Help
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can use the context-sensitive help system to quickly find the search elements. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use the context-sensitive Help to find the search element.
Create a Function
Crystal Reports 2011 allows users to create and reuse custom functions. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to create; save; and use a custom function in the Formula Editor.
DB Expert
The Database Expert feature in Crystal Reports 2011 provides a graphical way to specify the data that you want to use in your report. In this video; Joe Khoury explains the Database Expert layout and its features.
Default Options
Crystal Reports 2011 has several default options and you can modify these default options to suit your preferences. In this video; Joe Khoury explains how to access and change the default options for Crystal Reports 2011.
Exporting Reports
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can export reports in a variety of formats. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses how to export the reports in different formats.
Form Letters
Crystal Reports 2011 provides an effective way to create form letters in a blank report to send to numerous contacts. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to create a form letter by using a blank report in Crystal Reports 2011.
Formatting Basics
Crystal Reports 2011 offers numerous options to format a report. In this video; Joe Khoury introduces some formatting basics and demonstrates how to preview the formatting changes.
Formula Workshop
The Formula Workshop feature in Crystal Reports 2011 allows users to create and work with formulas that may not be available in the data sources. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to access the Formula Workshop and then explains its features and layout.
Grids Guidelines Alignment
Crystal Reports 2011 has some powerful tools to align and present data in a professional and an effective manner. In this video; Joe Khoury explains how to use the Grids; Guidelines; and the Alignment features.
Mailing Label Wizard
The Mailing Label Wizard feature in Crystal Reports 2011 allows you to automate the mailing process in an easy and effective way. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use the Mailing Label Wizard.
Math and Summary Functions
Crystal Reports 2011 offers several Math and Summary functions that you can use in your reports. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use Math and Summary functions in the Formula Editor.
Running Totals
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can use a special field; the Running Total Fields; to implement a running total in a report. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to create a running total in a report.
Running Totals and Groups
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can combine running totals with grouping to add more meaning to the report. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use Running Total Fields with the Group in a report.
Standard Report Creation Wizard
In Crystal Reports 2011; you can use the Standard Report Creation Wizard to create a report from scratch. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to launch and use the Standard Report Creation Wizard to create a report.
String Functions
Crystal Reports 2011 provides several functions to manipulate string values. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how to use some of the string functions in the Formula Editor.
The Menu
Crystal Reports 2011 has a comprehensive menu system that allows users to access features and functionalities with ease. In this video; Joe Khoury discusses each menu in Crystal reports 2011 and it's respective features.
The Start Page
In Crystal Reports 2011; the Start Page provides some options to open and create reports and also presents other useful resources that you may access at anytime. In this video; Joe Khoury introduces the Crystal Reports Start Page.
The Work Area
Crystal Reports 2011 has an effective and powerful user interface. In this video; Joe Khoury demonstrates how the Crystal Editor and work area is laid out.
Using Formulas in Reports
Crystal Reports 2011 allows you to create effective formulas and present information the way you intended. In this video; Joe Khoury explains how to create formulas and present them to your audience in a meaningful way.
Working with Fields
In Crystal Reports 2011; you use the Field Explorer feature to add and place fields in reports while working with data. In this video; Joe Khoury explains how to work with fields in the Field Explorer and place them in a report.
Data Science
Data science; driven by Big Data from every sphere; enables the continuing rapid creation of data products – evident in the accuracy of recent trend-spotting technologies. In this video; Charles Robinson explains the role of data scientists; proficient in a range of specific skills including visualization; in helping companies with inadequate infrastructures to transition their data to more structured states.
In Practice
The organizational processing and analysis of Big Data requires large investments in human; hardware; and software resources; a flexible architecture accommodating global and local change; and scalable; cloud-based hosting solutions. In this video; Charles Robinson considers data-warehouse cleaning and the cost-savings that can be effected in infrastructure; staffing; rapid services deployment; and data transportation by choosing a cloud-based hosting solution.
The conversion of structured and unstructured Big Data into meaningful information by statisticians promises to enable decision automation. In this video; Charles Robinson uses published statistics to illustrate the demands being placed on the technology stacks making up the Big Data landscape; and outlines the costs of failing to differentiate between; good and bad information.
After watching this video; you will be able to use the boosting function from the adabag package in R.
After watching this video; you will be able to use the bagging function from the adabag package in R.
Calculating Confidence Intervals
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to use the confint function on a dataset to calculate the confidence interval in R programs.
Categorize Continuous Variables
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to categorize continuous data in R.
Classification Trees with rpart
After watching this video; you will be able to create a basic classification tree using rpart in R.
Classification Trees with the tree Package
After watching this video; you will be able to create a basic classification tree with the trees package in R.
Cleaning Data
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to segregate data in R.
Clustering Large Applications (Clara)
After watching this video; you will be able to use the clusplot function to perform a cluster plot on a clara object in R.
Combining Random Forests
After watching this video; you will be able to combine random forest ensembles into a single object in R.
Data Frames
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to create and access properties of a data frame in R.
Examples of Data Science
Data Science employs techniques from different fields to extract knowledge from data. In this video; Steve Scott outlines common problems addressed by data scientists.
Fitting Generalized Linear Models
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to create a generalized linear model (glm) in R programs.
Foreach Looping
After watching this video; you will be able to use the foreach loop in R.
Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a fuzzy C-Means clustering from the e1071 package in R.
Hierarchical Clustering with corclust
After watching this video; you will be able to use the corclust function in the klaR package in R.
Import JSON Data
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to import JSON data in R.
Imputation using the Hmisc Package
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to perform imputations by using the Hmisc package in R.
K-Means Clustering
After watching this video; you will be able to perform k-means clustering on data in R.
K-Nearest Neighbor Classification
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a K-Nearest Neighbor Classification in R.
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
After watching this video; you will be able to use the lda function in R.
Linear Modeling
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to compute a linear model in R.
Loess Regression
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a curve fit using the Loess method in R.
Merging Data
In this video; Steve Scott describes how to merge two data frames in R.
Mixture Discriminant Analysis (MDA)
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a MDS using the mda package in R.
Modeling for Data Science
R is a powerful statistical program and programming language. In this video; Steve Scott identifies the most frequently used functions used for data modeling and analysis in R.
Multidimensional Scaling
After watching this video; you will be able to perform classical multidimensional scaling using cmdscale in R.
Overlay Density Plots
After watching this video; you will be able to create an overlay density plot using the caret package in R.
Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS)
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a PLS regression using the pls package in R.
Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM)
After watching this video; you will be able to use the clusplot function to perform a cluster plot on a pam cluster in R.
Plotting Linear Models
Plotting linear models within statistical data analysis is used for the purpose of identifying trends; by discovering relationships among variables and summarizing considerations of how the data relates to the underlying population. In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to plot linear models in R using ggplot2's qplot function.
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA)
After watching this video; you will be able to use the qda function from the MASS package in R.
Random Forests for Unsupervised Proximity Classification
After watching this video; you will be able to use random forests for unsupervised classification in R.
Regression Trees with rpart
After watching this video; you will be able to create a basic regression tree using rpart in R.
Reshaping Data
Reshaping data is the process of rearranging data into a format appropriate for a specific type of analysis. In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to reshape data in R.
Scatterplot 3D Visualization
After watching this video; you will be able to create a 3D Scatterplot in R.
Scatterplot Matrix
After watching this video; you will be able to create a scatterplot matrix using the caret package in R.
Selecting K for kmeans Clustering
After watching this video; you will be able to use the kselection package to select k for a kmeans clustering in R.
Simple Random Imputation
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to perform basic imputations in R.
Smoothing Splines
After watching this video; you will be able to plot a smoothing spline from the splines packages in R.
Summary Statistics
In this video; Steve Scott describes how to use the structure; summary; and head functions in RStudio to analyze imported sample datasets.
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
After watching this video; you will be able to distinguish between supervised and unsupervised learning.
Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
After watching this video; you will be able to use the SVM function from the e1071 library in R.
The Predict Function
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to use the predict function to predict values based on a linear model object in R.
The R fitted Function
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to use the fitted function on a dataset in R.
The R forecast Package
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to use the forecast package on a built-in time series dataset in R.
The R residuals Function
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to use the residuals function on a dataset to extract the model residuals in R programs.
The randomForest Package
After watching this video; you will be able to use the randomforest package for classification in R.
The TukeyHSD test
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to use the TukeyHSD function in R.
The Variance-Covariance Matrix
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to use the vcov function on a dataset to retrieve the variance-covariance matrix in R.
Transposing Data
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to transpose data in R.
In this video; Steve Scott demonstrates how to perform a t-test on a randomly generated dataset in R.
What is Data Science?
In this video; Steve Scott describes and defines data science as well as the types of skills a data scientist use.
Analytics and Types
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize key characteristics and types of analytics.
Data Mining
After watching this video; you will be able to distinguish between the two aspects of data mining.
Data Types and Data Preprocessing
After watching this video; you will be able to differentiate between data acquisition and data reduction.
Finance and Healthcare Applications
After watching this video; you will be able to illustrate a finance and healthcare application of predictive analytics.
Fraud Detection and Risk Management
After watching this video; you will be able to illustrate a fraud detection or risk management application of predictive analytics.
Generalized Linear Models
After watching this video; you will be able to define generalized linear model and provide an example of its use.
Logistic Regression
After watching this video; you will be able to define logistic regression model and provide an example of its use.
Machine Learning
After watching this video; you will be able to define machine learning models and provide an example of their use.
Management Decision Support Systems
After watching this video; you will be able to illustrate a management decision support system application of predictive analytics.
Modeling Tools – Open Source and Commercial
After watching this video; you will be able to name key analytics tools on the market or open-source tools.
Neural Networks
After watching this video; you will be able to define neural network models and provide an example of their use.
After watching this video; you will be able to identify common predictive analytics models.
After watching this video; you will be able to identify key characteristics and examples of predictive analytics.
Propensity Modeling
After watching this video; you will be able to define propensity models and provide an example of its use.
ROI Analysis
After watching this video; you will be able to use predictive analytics to support an ROI decision.
Sales and Marketing Applications
After watching this video; you will be able to illustrate a sales and marketing application of predictive analytics.
Statistical Models
After watching this video; you will be able to identify statistical models and provide examples of their use.
Technology and Big Data Influences
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize technology and big data influences on predictive analytics.
Times Series Analysis
After watching this video; you will be able to analyze time series data using a common analysis technique.
Uplift Models
After watching this video; you will be able to define uplift models and provide an example of their use.
Using a Predictive Modeling Tool
After watching this video; you will be able to perform a simple application of predictive analytics using sample data and a software tool.
Advanced Locking Techniques
After watching this video; you will be able to describe advanced locking techniques in a relational database.
Architectures; Models; and Normalization
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the different database architectures; models; and perform normalization on a database.
Benefits of Normalization
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the benefits of a well normalized database for users.
Concurrency Problems (Part 1)
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the concurrency issues that can occur within a relational database.
Concurrency Problems (Part 2)
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the concurrency issues that can occur within a relational database.
Database Modeling
After watching this video; you will be able to describe entity-relationship modelling for an RDBMS.
DBA and the Role of Views in Security
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize how the role of a DBA can ensure security within a relational database.
DBMS Transactions and ACID Properties
After watching this video; you will be able to describe DBMS transactions and the ACID properties used to maintain data integrity.
DDL and DCL Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the different DDL and DCL statements and their uses.
Describing Concepts for Managing Data
After watching this video; you will be able to identify relational algebra concepts; how transactions are implemented; and concurrency and locking concepts.
DML Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the different DML statements and their uses.
Domain Relational Calculus
After watching this video; you will be able to identify what domain relational calculus is.
Dr. Codd's 13 Rules for a Relational Database
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the 13 rules published by Dr. Codd to help determine whether a database is relational.
Features of RDBMSs
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the features and components of an RDBMS.
Flat-File; Hierarchical; and XML Database Models
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the features and characteristics of flat-file; hierarchical; and XML database models.
Functions Performed Using SQL
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different functions that can be performed using SQL in a relational database.
Fundamentals of Locking
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize the fundamentals of locking in a relational database.
Indexes; Triggers; and Stored Procedures
After watching this video; you will be able to describe indexes; triggers; and stored procedures and how they help to access and manage data.
Introduction to a DBMS
After watching this video; you will be able to describe a DBMS; its components; and advantages for users.
Introduction to Relational Algebra
After watching this video; you will be able to describe relational algebra; what it achieves in a database; and the basic operations.
Introduction to Relational Calculus
After watching this video; you will be able to describe relational calculus for a relational database .
Levels of a DBS Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the three levels of a DBS architecture.
Network and Relational Database Models
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the network and relational database models.
Normalization (Part 1)
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the 1NF and 2NF in normalization for a database.
Normalization (Part 2)
After watching this video; you will be able to describe 3NF and BCNF in normalization for a database.
Normalization (Part 3)
After watching this video; you will be able to describe 4NF and 5NF in normalization for a database.
Object-Oriented and Object-Relational DB Models
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the object-oriented and object-relational database models.
Relational Algebra Difference and Product
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the relational algebra difference and Cartesian product set operations.
Relational Algebra Division
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the native relational algebra division operation.
Relational Algebra Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the native relational algebra theta; equi; natural; semi join operations.
Relational Algebra Outer Joins
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the native relational algebra outer joins.
Relational Algebra Projection
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the native relational algebra projection operation.
Relational Algebra Selection
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the native relational algebra selection operation.
Relational Algebra Union and Intersection
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the relational algebra union and intersection set operations .
Requirements of a Good Database
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the requirements that make up a good database.
SQL Security Concepts
After watching this video; you will be able to recognize security concepts in a relational database.
The ANSI/ISO Model SQL Transaction Statements
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the ANSI/ISO model and the SQL statements used to process transactions.
The Centralized DBMS Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the characteristics of a centralized DBMS architectures.
The Client/Server DBMS Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the characteristics of a client/server DBMS architecture.
The Distributed and Parallel DBMS Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the characteristics of a distributed and parallel DBMS architecture.
The N-Tier DBMS Architecture
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the characteristics of an n-tier DBMS architecture.
Tuple Relational Calculus
After watching this video; you will be able to identify what tuple relational calculus is.
Types of Constraints
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the types of constraints that can be used for data integrity.
Types of Database Users
After watching this video; you will be able to identify different types of database users.
Types of Keys in a Table
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different types of keys that can be implemented on a column in a table.
Understanding Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the characteristics of a table in the conceptual level of the database architecture.
Advanced Relationship Modeling
After watching this video; you will be able to define advanced relationships in a logical data model.
Boyce-Codd Normal Form
After watching this video; you will be able to perform BCNF when designing a database.
Conceptual Schema Integration – Steps 1 and 2
After watching this video; you will be able to perform view integration into an ERD by performing step 1: preintegration analysis and step2: comparison of schemas.
Conceptual Schema Integration – Steps 3 and 4
After watching this video; you will be able to perform view integration into an ERD by performing step 3: conformation of schemas and step 4: merging and restructuring schemas.
Creating a Conceptual ERD
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the steps for designing a database and create an ERD.
Creating an ERD for Designing a Database
After watching this video; you will be able to create an ERD for a database based on a scenario.
Data Modeling
After watching this video; you will be able to use data modeling to represent real-world concepts.
Database Design Methodology
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the design methodology and outline the characteristics of a well-designed database.
DBMS Selection
After watching this video; you will be able to determine the factors in selecting a DBMS for the physical database.
Defining Attributes
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the different categories of attributes that are used in a logical data model.
Defining Constraints and Nullability
After watching this video; you will be able to define DEFAULT and CHECK constraints and nullability for attributes in a logical data model.
Defining Entities
After watching this video; you will be able to define entities in the logical data model for designing a database.
Defining Keys for Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different keys used in a logical data model.
Defining Referential Integrity
After watching this video; you will be able to describe referential integrity and foreign key constraints for a logical data model.
Defining Relationships
After watching this video; you will be able to define relationships in a logical data model for designing a database.
Defining the Data Type
After watching this video; you will be able to define the data types for attributes in a logical data model.
Design the Logical and Physical Database
After watching this video; you will be able to create a logical data model and implement the physical database.
Determining Attributes and Keys
After watching this video; you will be able to determine attributes for a conceptual ERD for designing databases.
Determining Entities
After watching this video; you will be able to determine the entities and attributes for a conceptual ERD for designing a database.
Determining Relationships in an ERD
After watching this video; you will be able to determine the relationships between entities in a conceptual ERD for designing a database.
First Normal Form
After watching this video; you will be able to perform first normal form when designing a database.
Fourth and Fifth Normal Form
After watching this video; you will be able to perform fourth and fifth normal forms when designing a database.
Implementing Hash and Bitmap Indexes
After watching this video; you will be able to implement indexes into a physical database - Hash and Bitmap Indexes.
Implementing Indexes
After watching this video; you will be able to implement indexes into a physical database.
Implementing Views
After watching this video; you will be able to implement views into a physical database.
Information Gathering Techniques (Part 1)
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different techniques used for requirements gathering when designing a database.
Information Gathering Techniques (Part 2)
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques used to conduct interviews for database design.
Integrating Views into an ERD
After watching this video; you will be able to intergrate views into an ERD for designing a database.
Modeling Entity Supertypes and Subtypes
After watching this video; you will be able to model entity supertypes and subtypes in a logical data model.
Overview of Creating a Conceptual Design
After watching this video; you will be able to describe what a conceptual design and an ERD are when designing a database.
Overview of Entities; Attributes; and Relationships
After watching this video; you will be able to define entities; attributes; and relationships for a conceptual ERD for designing a database.
Overview of Normalization
After watching this video; you will be able to describe normalization in relation to designing a database.
Overview of the Logical Data Model
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the logical data model that is used during the design process of a database.
Overview of the Logical Database Design
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the logical data model and its advantages.
Overview of the Physical Data Model
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the physical data model that is used during the design process of a database.
Overview of the Physical Database Design Phase
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the physical database design phase.
Planning and Performing the Interviews
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the factors; types of questions; and who the interviewees will include when planning the interviews for database design.
Requirements Gathering and Analysis Overview
After watching this video; you will be able to identify the objectives for gathering information for the requirements of the database design phase.
Resolving Many-to-many Relationships
After watching this video; you will be able to resolve many-to-many relationships when building a logical data model.
Second Normal Form
After watching this video; you will be able to perform second normal form when designing a database.
The Database Design Life Cycle (Part 1)
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the first two phases of the database design life cycle.
The Database Life Cycle (Part 2)
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the last two phases of the database design life cycle.
Third Normal Form
After watching this video; you will be able to perform third normal form when designing a database.
Three-Schema Database Architecture (Part 1)
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the three-schema database architecture.
Three-Schema Database Architecture (Part 2)
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the three-schema database architecture mappings and data independence provisioning.
Transforming Attributes to Columns
After watching this video; you will be able to transform attributes to columns in the physical database design.
Transforming Entities to Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to transform entities to tables in the physical database design.
Installing a JDK and Building Spark on Mac OS X Yosemite
After watching this video; you will be able to download and install JDK 8 and build Apache Spark using sbt on Mac OS X Yosemite.
Data Integrity
In data warehousing; data integrity is what ensures the accuracy and consistency of your data. In this video; Charles Robinson discusses how to ensure data integrity; where to apply it; and its importance.
In data warehousing; a fact table contains the measurable items of a particular business process. In this video; Amanda Jones discusses and examines the sales amount fact of the AdventureWorks Data Warehouse.
Factless Fact
In data warehousing; a factless fact is a fact table that does not contain a measure. In this video; Amanda Jones explains the meaning and purpose of a factless fact.
In data warehousing; granularity is the level of depth of your data; or the level of detail in a particular fact or dimension. In this video; Charles Robinson demonstrates a few examples of granularity using the AdventureWorks Data Warehouse.
In data warehousing; a join is how you create the rules of how data is going to need to match in our tables in order to be included in our output. In this video; Charles Robinson demonstrates the different types of joins and their syntax; using SQL Management Studio.
Normalization vs. Denormalization
In data warehousing; data stored in tables can be either normalized or denormalized. In this video; Charles Robinson explains the difference between normalization and denormalization.
In data warehousing; schemas are the outline or model for database design. The two main schemas used in dimensional modelling are the star and snowflake schemas. In this video; Amanda Jones discusses the star and snowflake schemas.
Using Reliability and Performance Monitor
After watching this video; you will be able to use Windows Reliability and Performance Monitor to monitor a report server.
Collation Functions
The collation functions in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provide sorting rules; cases; and accent-sensitive properties for the data. In this video; Jonathan Summers provides a description of collation in SQL Server before demonstrating how to use the COLLATIONPROPERTY and TERTIARY_WEIGHTS collation functions; as well as sp_helpsort procedure and the SERVERPROPERTY function.
Columnstore Indexes
Columnstore Indexes in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 can significantly speed-up the processing time of queries by grouping and storing data for each column and then joining the columns to complete the whole index. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses the Object Explorer component of SQL Server Management Studio to create a columnstore index.
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can add comments to your SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages so you can convey information to help make the source code easier to understand at a later date. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to add and configure comments and annotations within a Data Flow and Script task.
Concatenate Function
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the concat function inside of TSQL to join multiple strings together. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how the concat function allows you to join two or more values.
Configure File Tables
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to create a SQL Server cluster by installing the Failover Clustering feature on your servers. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses Server Manager to install Failover Clustering on both his servers before explaining the need for network cards for internal communications between the two failover clusters and for external communication.
Configure Firewall for FILESTREAM Access
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 requires that firewalls be configured on the server side and client side when FILESTREAM data is to be accessed from remote clients in a firewall protected environment. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to configure Windows firewalls for FILESTREAM access.
Connection Managers
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) includes a variety of connection managers for connecting data sources that you can create and configure at the package or project level. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how connection managers are defined at the project level; before creating and configuring connection managers for packages and within specific tasks.
Contained Database Access
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the new contained databases (CDBs) and partially contained databases (PCDBs) features to limit access for certain users. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create and access CDBs and PCDBs from Management Studio.
Contained Databases
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 has a new feature called partially contained databases; or partial-CDBs. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how partial-CDBs are used and enabled.
Control Flow
Control flow in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to extract; transform; and load data. In this video; David Dye demonstrates the concept of control flow within an integration services package; the different tasks available within control flow; and the difference between data flow and control flow.
Create a Directory
Windows Azure Active Directory is a new Windows Azure service that you can use to create directories for Windows Azure SQL Database administration. In this video; Jonathan Summers leads you through the process of creating a new directory from within the Windows Azure Management Portal.
Create a Federation in Azure Database
Windows Azure SQL Database allows you to deliver scale; performance; and additional capacity in SQL Databases through horizontal partitioning when creating a federation. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to add a federation to a database using the Windows Azure Platform Management Portal.
Create a Microsoft Support Ticket
Windows Azure SQL Database offers multiple support options and enables administrators; depending on their subscription types; to resolve issues beyond their control by submitting support tickets directly to Microsoft. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to configure a support ticket; and introduces other forms of support for the Windows Azure SQL Database administrator.
Create a New Mobile Service
Windows Azure SQL Database enables administrators to create mobile services for use in the production environment; subject to local and Windows Azure firewalls being configured to allow mobile service connectivity. In this video; Jonathan Summers creates a new mobile service; providing a distinct URL for the back-end service and other required options.
Create a New Sync Agent
Windows Azure SQL Database enables you to create a Sync Agent to synchronize on-premise and Cloud-based databases. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses the Add Sync feature to create and configure a new Sync Agent as well as generate an access key; enabling the Sync Agent's registration with online databases.
Create a SQL Data Sync Group
Windows Azure SQL Database enables you to synchronize on-premise and Cloud databases by adding them to a Data Sync Group; to which you assign a Sync Agent. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses the Add Sync feature to create a data sync group and then configure the group's sync direction and writable database.
Create a Table for Storing FILESTREAM Data
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; once you have created or modified a database to contain a FILESTREAM filegroup; you can then create a table to store FILESTREAM data. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses the Query Editor in SQL Server Management Studio to create a FILESTREAM-enabled table.
Create a Virtual Machine
Windows Azure SQL Database allows you to quickly and easily create a virtual machine; which is a server in the cloud that you can access and manage just like any other server. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses the Quick Create method to create a virtual machine in the Windows Azure Management Portal.
Create Access Control Namespaces
Windows Azure SQL Database allows you to create; configure; and activate an Access Control Namespace from your Management Portal. This allows you to manage Access Control Service features; such as the integration of identity federation and single sign-on into your web applications. In this video; Jonathan Summers creates an Access Control Namespace and introduces various Access Control Services.
Create and Alter FileTables
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to create and alter FileTables – a new feature that provides compatibility between Windows applications and the file data stored in SQL Server. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to create a FileTable using two different methods; as well as how to change the FileTable directory using the ALTER TABLE statement.
Create Data Storage
Windows Azure SQL Database allows you to create a data storage account and the encrypted online storage you need to import and export databases. In this video; Jonathan Summers creates data storage as well as the primary and secondary access keys; allowing access from outside of the Windows Azure subscription.
Create Share Drive for Cluster
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to create a shared drive which; when failover services have been installed on your Windows environment; lets you create a SQL Server cluster. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to configure your machines to communicate with an iSCSI disk; enable Failover Clustering on both machines; and install SQL Server.
Creating a FILESTREAM Database
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can create a FILESTREAM enabled database to help store and manage unstructured data. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses the query editor in SQL Server Management Studio to create a FILESTREAM database.
Creating a SQL Database Server in Azure
Windows Azure SQL Database enables you to provision new SQL database servers for your platform subscription from the Windows Azure Management Portal. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to create and configure a Web edition database and new SQL database servers.
Creating a Virtual Network
Windows Azure SQL Database enables you to build and configure a virtual network comprising multiple virtual servers from the Windows Azure Management Portal. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to create and configure a virtual network by specifying DNS servers; configuring VPN connectivity; and defining virtual network address spaces.
Creating a Website
Windows Azure SQL Database offers Quick; Custom; and Gallery web site options you can connect to your Azure web database server. The Gallery's predefined site templates are categorized and cover a range of site types. In this video; Jonathan Summers explores site options from the Windows Azure Management Portal and assign a URL to a template.
Creating a Windows Azure Profile
Windows Azure SQL Database allows you to use Internet Explorer to quickly and easily set up an account and user profile; thereby enabling you to access the Windows Azure portal where you are presented with several subscription options. In this video; Jonathan Summers leads you through the process of creating a Windows Azure user account.
Creating SSIS Catalog
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to create a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Catalog to deploy projects or packages to the Integration Services server. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to create an SSIS Catalog in the SSISDB; and discusses the project-based deployment method.
Credentials and Server Roles
New to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is the ability to easily and quickly create new user-defined server roles and credentials using Transact-SQL. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create and configure a server role and credential; and assigns members to the server role through the Properties interface.
Cryptographic Functions
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; there are two cryptographic hash functions you can use to provide data security when sending or receiving information. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how encryption hashing can be used to generate hash values on different types of algorithms.
CTE Functions
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's Common Table Expressions (CTEs) are named expressions or temporary result sets – not stored as objects – defined in and confined to the scope and lifespans of single queries. In this video; Jonathan Summers details the syntax; role; and uses of CTEs; creating a query wherein the WITH and AS clauses define the CTEs.
Custom Logging
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services provides a custom logging feature that users can specify to deal with logging information that falls outside the built-in log providers and event handlers. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to implement custom logging within a package.
Data Compression
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 supports row and page compression for tables and indexes allowing you to reduce the size of data inside a database. In this video; Rafiq Wayani introduces Unicode and page-level data compression; explains that data compression saves storage space but drains CPU resources; and implements row-level compression on a database table.
Data Conversion
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services' Data Conversion transformations allow you to convert the data in an input table to a different data type and copy it to a new output table. In this video; David Dye uses a Data Conversion transformation to copy data from a flat file ASCII Source to a Unicode Destination.
Data Flow
The data flow task in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is an integral component of data management. In this video; David Dye demonstrates the data flow task within integration services; highlighting the difference between data flow and how the data flow invokes different components within a control flow task.
Data Flow Redirection
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; instead of letting failures stop package execution; you can redirect the failed row to an alternate destination where the error can be examined and processed at a later time. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to redirect a row containing an error within a Data Flow task to a flat file destination.
Data Profiling
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the Data Profiling Control Flow Task to analyse data from tables to verify specified information. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to define different types of data profiling requests before analysing the results.
The new DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS function in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 returns a datetimeoffset value – wherein OFFSET accounts for time-zone difference in hours and minutes - for a specified date and time with the specified precision. In this video; Jonathan Summers details the function's parameters and values before compiling an executable query.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's DBCC CHECKALLOC command checks disk-space allocation structures and page usage in a database; including indexed views. In this video; Jonathan Summers clarifies the role of the NOINDEX and REPAIR options; details CHECKALLOC syntax; and runs DBCC CHECKALLOC on multiple databases as well as a single database.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 uses Data Definition Language (DDL) triggers that fire in response to various DDL events. In this video; Jonathan Summers creates DDL event triggers to prevent users from creating; altering; or dropping tables.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's DBCC CHECKTABLE command checks and reports on the integrity of all pages making up a table or indexed view. Errors require a database restore rather than running a REPAIR; which might result in data loss. In this video; Jonathan Summers runs a regular and low-overhead DBCC CHECKTABLE command on a database table and a table index.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's DBCC INDEXDEFRAG defragments the leaf level of an index so that the physical order of the pages matches the left-to-right logical order of the leaf nodes; therefore improving index-scanning performance. In this video; Jonathan Summers explains how DBCC INDEXDEFRAG operates on an index; reviews an index's fragmentation; and runs INDEXDEFRAG.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS command displays current query optimization statistics for a table or index view. The query optimizer uses these statistics to estimate the number of resulting rows; which enables it to create a high-quality query plan. In this video; Jonathan Summers runs DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS on the index of a table and explains the HISTOGRAM option.
DDL Triggers and EVENTDATA
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 uses Data Definition Language (DDL) triggers that fire in response to various DDL events. In this video; Jonathan Summers creates DDL event triggers to prevent users from creating; altering; or dropping tables.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to debug Integration Services packages by setting breakpoints within the packages; enabling them to evaluate system and user-defined variables at those points in time. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to set breakpoints; add variables and statements to a watch list; and stop execution at specific points based on event handlers.
Define AlwaysOn
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the AlwaysOn feature to ensure your server access is running at maximum efficiency; even if a failure occurs. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the principle of nines; and how the AlwaysOn feature can be used to maintain high availability of your servers or datacenter.
Delay Validation
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; DelayValidation is a property of a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package and all of its components that you can use to delay validation until runtime. In this video; David Dye demonstrates the differences between DelayValidation set to True and False; before discussing the use of DelayValidation when a table only gets created on execution.
Deploy AlwaysOn
AlwaysOn Availability Groups is a new high-availability feature in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 you can deploy as a way of providing an enterprise-level alternative to database mirroring. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to enable AlwaysOn in SQL Server Configuration Manager before using the New Availability Group Wizard to configure a new availability group.
Derived Column
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to use the Derived Column transformation to add an entirely new column based upon an Integration Services expression. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to derive a column called FullName from the FirstName; MiddleName; and LastName columns; using Integration Services rather than a T-SQL statement.
Detect Running Package
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can implement a script task to detect if a package is already running to prevent conflicts caused by the package running multiple times. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to configure a script task to assign a global unique identifier to a package to prevent it from executing again if it's already running.
Discontinue Feature WITH APPEND
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's discontinuance of support for the WITH APPEND clause affects scripts migrated from earlier versions of SQL Server. In this video; Jonathan Summers explains the implications of the discontinuation; searches for and deletes the clause from a script on SQL Server 2012; and executes it successfully.
Dynamic Connections
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allow you to manage data flows using dynamically-generated connection managers based on either variables or parameters. In this video; David Dye uses a connection manager in conjunction with a FOREACH Loop Container and a variable mapping to the fully-qualified names of a specific file type; to iterate through the files in a database collection.
Dynamic Management Function
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's Dynamic Management Views and Functions return SQL Server runtime-state information that is used to monitor SQL Server health during runtime; troubleshoot the performance of bottleneck issues; and proactively work to minimize downtime. In this video; Jonathan Summers runs a query containing one of SQL Server 2012's new dynamic management functions.
Dynamic SQL Statement
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to replace Dynamic SQL statements with expressions and Integration Services variables. In this video; David Dye demonstrates the steps to replace statements with expressions and variables; as well as how to use the variables within a data flow or Execute SQL task.
Efficient Index
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; poorly designed indexes have a negative impact on your overall database performance. Designing efficient indexes will help speed the retrieval of rows from tables and help you to improve the effectiveness of your application. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the efficiencies of a clustered index scan compared to a table scan.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's FILESTREAM feature ensures that your applications can leverage the rich streaming APIs and performance of the file system while maintaining transactional consistency between unstructured data; stored in the NT File System; and structured data; stored in the table. In this video; Jonathan Summers prepares a database to accommodate FILESTREAM.
Enable or Disable Change Tracking
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's Change tracking is a lightweight solution and efficient change-tracking mechanism for applications that records INSERT; UPDATE; and DELETE activity applied to track tables - supplying the details in easily-consumed rational format. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to enable and disable Change tracking at the database and table levels.
Execute Jobs Using Agent
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; SQL Server Agent allows you to create and execute jobs that automate database administration. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses SQL Server Management Studio's New Job dialog box to create a job before scheduling the new job and confirming its status in Event Viewer.
Execute Package
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can execute a package from within another package to help maintain logic consistency. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to enable and configure the parent variable configuration using the Execute Package Control Flow task so you can pass a variable from a parent package to a child package.
Execute Package Procedure
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; the SSIS catalog provides various packages that can be executed using system stored procedures. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to execute a package using a system stored procedure available within the SSIS database; and discusses the requirements and configuration steps necessary to execute a package using the stored procedure.
Execute Process
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's Execute Process Task allows you to execute executables; batch files; or command files as long as the appropriate arguments are passed in its configuration. In this video; David Dye uses Microsoft Visual Studio to show you how to configure and provide arguments allowing the Execute Process Task to call and execute a package's dtexec utility.
Execute SQL Task
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; the Execute SQL task allows you to run T-SQL statements or stored procedures from a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package in a control flow. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to configure an Execute SQL task with a T-SQL statement in conjunction with a Data Flow task to create and populate a table.
Executing a Package
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can execute a package using a number of different methods. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to execute a package from the command line; from Visual Studio or SQL Server Data Tools; from Management Studio; and from the Execute Package Utility.
Export Column
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can configure the Export Column Transformation and use the task in various situations. In this video; David Dye uses the Export Column Transformation task to convert a large amount of data into a text stream and export it from the database to an external file.
Export SQL Database
Windows Azure SQL Database enables you to export a database; given a BACPAC extension and accessible from your local SQL Server instance; to a container in your storage account location. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses Windows Azure SQL Database’s Export feature to export a database to a BLOB storage account container.
Expression Size
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services (SSIS) allows users to increase variable sizes to overcome limited expression size. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to overcome the 4000-character limitation on expression size by creating large variables and concatenating the expressions.
Fail Parent
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can determine whether or not a parent container fails when a child container fails by configuring the FailParentOnFailure property and Propagate variable. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to configure the FailParentOnFailure property; and how to suppress errors at the parent by configuring the Propagate system variable.
Failover Mode
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; there are a number of modes the failover cluster can exist in depending on the type of failover event that occurs. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates conceptually how automatic synchronous; automatic asynchronous; and forced manual asynchronous failover modes can be implemented.
Failover Multi-Subnet
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to use the cluster validation process to validate the computers on the network on which you wish to install your SQL Server cluster. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses the Failover Cluster Manager's Validate a Configuration Wizard to name and validate his machines' hardware.
File System
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services' File System Task enables you to create; move; delete and/or set the standard attributes of directories and files. In this video; David Dye highlights the File System Task's inability to access extended file or directory properties from within the file system; before using it to copy a directory.
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can utilise FileStream to store unstructured data from a database inside the directory structure in a file system. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to enable and get the most out of using FileStream.
For Each
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allow you to use a Foreach Loop Container and variable to iterate through; and enumerate; a defined collection. In this video; David Dye uses a File Loop Container to iterate a file collection of defined file types; the fully qualified filenames of which are assigned to a variable and enumerated before deletion.
For Loop
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use a For Loop container to continue executing an expression based on a defined collection until a specific condition is met. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to initialize an expression in a For Loop container and define the evaluation and assignment conditions.
Format and Convert
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can easily format and convert data settings and formats. In this video Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how you can format date and time settings using locale aware formatting; and convert data using type conversions.
FSIS If Expression
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allow you to implement an IF expression as a CASE expression; which is not otherwise supported. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to create a package comprising a Case string variable based on an expression; containing two integer data type variables; and details the expression's syntax before executing the package.
Full Text Index
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can create full-text indices to store and retrieve information. In this video Rafiq Wayani demonstrates a number of different ways in which to create full-text indices for data storage to make it easier to locate information.
How to Configure Logical Server Firewall Settings
After a logical server has been created on Windows Azure SQL Database; you will need to configure the firewall for the server to allow inbound connections from your IP address when communicating with the SQL Database in the cloud. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses settings in the Windows Azure Management Portal to specify firewall rules for a logical server.
How to Reset SQL Server Database Password
Windows Azure SQL Database enables administrators to reset their server account credentials from the Server dashboard. In this video; Jonathan Summers launches the relevant Server dashboard and resets the password.
How to Scale a SQL Database Solution
In Windows Azure SQL Database; large databases sometimes require a scale out strategy when addressing issues related to capacity or performance that can be achieved through federation. However; increasing the size of the database is sometimes the best approach. In this video; Jonathan Summers outlines some of the ways to scale a Windows Azure SQL Database.
How to View Import and Export Status of a Database
In Windows Azure SQL Database; you can monitor the amount of processes and resources used when you import or export a database. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to query the performance and view the properties of an imported or exported database.
Iif and Choose
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the Inline IF (iif) and choose logical functions to create multiple statements within statements. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates some of the applications for the Inline IF and choose functions; and how to create statements within statements.
Implement Index
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can speed up the querying process by creating indexes on columns in tables that; when implemented; provide swift access to rows in the data tables. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to index a column in a data table and highlights the advantage of implementing an index while performing a table scan.
Import a SQL Database
Windows Azure SQL Database enables you to import a database; given a BACPAC URL and exported from your local SQL Server instance; into your Windows Azure virtual server. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses the Windows Azure Import feature to import a database into a Cloud storage container and specify its edition and size.
Index Type and Structures
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 supports clustered; non-clustered; and composite indexes; the different structures of which allow you to access data at different speeds. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the structural and data-access speed differences separating the different types of index; and creates an example of each using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
Install SQL on Cluster
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides configuration options for installing SQL Server on a cluster. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to install SQL Server on a Windows cluster that has already been created and validated.
Is Stored Procedure
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services apply different parameter marker rules for stored procedures on different connections. In this video; David Dye explains that ADO or ADO.NET connections need only declare their stored procedures when their properties are set to True; but must use OLE DB syntax when set to False.
Join Hints
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's Join hints; used with LOOP; HASH; MERGE; and REMOTE arguments; specify that the query optimizer; which typically selects the best execution plan for a query; enforces a join strategy between two tables. In this video; Jonathan Summers compiles and executes a JOIN to extract desired data from two tables.
Locating Unused Indexes
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 index maintenance consumes significant resources; degrading performance in a write-intensive system. You can identify and remove indexes not being used with the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats Dynamic Management View (DMV). In this video; Jonathan Summers searches for unused indexes by running the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats DMV.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allow you to configure performance and error logs at the package level and support log providers that write to text; SQL Server; and other log files. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to configure logging at the package level; executes the package; and reviews the sysssislog table.
In Microsoft Visual Studio 2012; you use the Lookup Transformation to join data in input columns with columns in a reference dataset. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to use Lookup Transformation to configure a source that connects the Lookup to the database.
Maintenance Plans
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can create Database Maintenance Plans in either SQL Server Management Studio or within SQL Server Data Tools. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how database maintenance plans are actually integration services packages that can be configured in Management Studio or within SQL Server Data Tools.
Manage Alerts
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can define and manage alerts that specify how you want SQL Server Agent to respond to event occurrences. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to configure an alert using the SQL Server Management Studio Alert Properties dialog box before using Windows PowerShell to script a new event and an event log.
Manage File Tables
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to easily store and manage unstructured data. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to manage filetables using SQL Server Management Studio.
Manage Settings in SQL Database
In Windows Azure SQL Database; each database has its own logins and specifically delegated administrators; which can be managed using the Settings feature. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to add an administrator to a database subscription; specify filters for event logs; and create an affinity group.
Managing Errors
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 has traditionally used the @@ERROR automatic variable to implement error handling. In this video; Rafiq Wayani explains that @@ERROR always contains a value greater than zero; is reset immediately on the next statement executing successfully; and uses RAISEERROR to capture the error number to a variable.
Managing SQL Databases from Outside Management Portal
With Microsoft Windows Azure SQL Databases; you have two options to connect to and manage your databases outside the management portal. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to connect to your database directly through the Internet; or using SQL Server Management Studio.
Manual Failover
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to implement a manual failover to a failover cluster in order to patch the server on which you host SQL Server. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses the Failover Cluster Manager to introduce the node services and applications; storage devices; and Microsoft iSCSI Software Target configuration required to implement and test a manual failover.
Media Services and SQL Database
Windows Azure SQL Database provides a number of tools and options that allow the database to stream media using media services. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to create a new media for your Azure SQL Database.
Merge Data
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; the Transact-SQL MERGE statement allows you to insert; update; or delete data in a target table based on data in a source table; all in one easy statement. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create and populate a target and source table; and merge data into the target table.
Merge Join
In Microsoft Visual Studio 2012; you can use Merge Join Transformation to join data from a table and data from a flat file based on matching criteria. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to join data and configure the Merge Join Transformation task in integration services.
Migrate Data
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides configuration options for migrating data between server instances and also between different servers. In this video; Rafiq Wayani explains how to migrate data from one environment over to another.
Migrate Logins
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to migrate Logins from one database to another when switching servers or creating new databases or database instances. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to migrate a group of users and a group of logins from one database to another.
Virtualizing SQL Server
You can quickly and easily allocate a range of resources to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 virtual machines depending on your requirements. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to add more RAM to a virtual machine based in a Datacenter.
Web Service Task
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services' Web Service Task allows you to execute a Web service method; which has its returned values contained in an XML file. In this video; David Dye configures his HTTP connection manager to point to a WSDL file which he downloads before configuring and executing the Web Service Task so it returns an XML file.
Where Packages are Stored
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use different models to deploy packages and store them within the file system or in the database. In this video; David Dye demonstrates a couple of ways the package deployment model stores packages in the package store and in the database; and discusses where the project deployment model stores its deployed packages.
Windows Azure Add-On Store
In Windows Azure SQL Database; you can access a wide range of additional tools from the Windows Azure Add-On Store. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to install a third-party add-on for use in your database.
Windows Azure SQL Database Backup
Backing up your Windows Azure SQL Database is a necessary process when protecting against data loss; and it requires a different strategy than when performing an on-premises SQL Database backup. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to automate the process of backing up a Windows Azure SQL Database by executing a query in the Management Portal.
Windows Azure SQL Database Reporting
In Windows Azure SQL Database; you have access to a range of reporting features similar to those in on-premise SQL installations. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to configure and customize SQL reporting options using Windows Azure Data Services and the dashboard.
WMI Data Reader
The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Data Reader in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to return information on an actual physical system. In this video; David Dye demonstrates the ability of the WMI Data Reader task to query and provide information on underlying systems.
XML Control Flow
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allows you to pass an XPath query against an XML Control Flow Task. In this video; David Dye uses an XML Control Flow Task; its File connection; and Source; to pass an XPath query against an element in an XML file; and assigns the returned value to a variable.
XML Source
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides various configuration options for utilizing an XML source within a data flow; as well as the ability to create a schema based upon an input XML file. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to use the XML source to create a schema.
Migrated to New Instance
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to migrate databases to new instances; whether by detaching and attaching them; or by backing up your database; dropping it; and restoring it to the new instance. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio's menu-driven Object Explorer and its resulting dialog boxes to demonstrate both methods and their procedures.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 databases can be mirrored in a virtual environment for fault tolerance and backup. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to use VMWare to create a read-only copy of a virtual machine running SQL Server 2012 on a secondary virtual machine.
Mirror and Certificate Authentication
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to implement mirroring utilizing Certificate-based Authentication rather than Windows Authentication. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the benefits of using Certificate-based Authentication; explains the need for a secondary server on which the mirror can be implemented; configures his database to use the full recovery model; and launches the Configure Database Mirroring Security Wizard.
Mirror Setup
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to use replication; as well as mirroring; to ensure fault tolerance across a database environment. In this video; Rafiq Wayani discusses various methods of implementing mirroring; either through SQL Server 2012 or outside it.
Mirror with Windows Authentication
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to create a mirror utilizing Windows Authentication which you can integrate with Active Directory. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to introduce the database properties and mirroring components needed to enable mirroring; the Database Mirroring Monitor; and Windows Authentication.
Monitoring Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to keep track of your databases and provides you with valuable information when fine tuning performance; or troubleshooting performance issues. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the monitoring features of the Windows Resource Monitor; and how to monitor log files in the Log File Viewer.
More on Advanced Sequences
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the same sequence to supply data across multiple tables. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to link multiple tables to a sequence using the union operator to display the sequence audit results across these tables.
More on Mirror Setup
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008 R2 allow users to mirror databases for backup purposes and redundancy. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the important differences between replication and mirroring; pointing out that performance issues preclude mirroring as a viable failover option.
More on Replication Setup
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to use replication to create a fully current secondary server for redundancy. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to set up the replication process and two methods of implementing redundancy by using an active; online secondary server or by bringing an offline secondary server online.
More on Sequences
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to use the NEXT VALUE FOR statement to create an integer sequence number that increments by one. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the use of the NEXT VALUE FOR statement; and explains that sequences allow you to perform checking or implement advanced batch routines as part of a single transaction.
More on SQL Backup
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; there are different ways of implementing backups that will protect you from data loss and assist when performing routine administrative tasks; such as copying a database from one server to another. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates some of the different options available to you when using SQL Management Studio to back up a database.
More on Using SQL Agent
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; the SQL Server Agent is a Windows Service that allows you to automate and schedule a specified series of actions called jobs. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses the New Job dialog box in SQL Server Management Studio to create and configure a new SQL Server Agent job.
Move a File Stream Enabled Database
For maintenance purposes; in Microsoft SQL Server 2012; it may be necessary to move a database from one hard disk location to another. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to move an active database to a new hardware location.
Move Encrypted Data
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to move secure data from one location to another. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a database; populate it; encrypt the data; create a backup to disk; and drop the original database.
Moved On Another Instance
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can move or copy databases between clusters or database instances. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how you can move and copy multiple database instances in order to have redundancy.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services' Multicast transformation allows you to create logical copies of input data and distribute them to one or more outputs. In this video; David Dye uses a Multicast transformation to copy a table from an OLE DB source to multiple types of destination.
Multi-Statement Table Valued Function
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's multi-statement table-valued functions force a query to return a table structure as its value. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a multi-statement table-valued function wherein he employs user-defined functions to specify the construction of the returned table.
New Features
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides sequences that can be used instead of identity columns because they are not table-bound structures. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a sequence that generates a sequence of numeric values which can be used for database-wide sequential numbers.
Object Permissions
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to easily grant and manage permissions for individual database objects; such as user-defined server roles; using Transact-SQL. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to grant insert permissions to an object; and highlights how to manage the permissions through the object's Properties options.
OLEDB Connection in Script
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allow you to create an OLE DB connection manager in a Script task to implement a connection. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to program an OLE DB connection manager by parsing out an ADO.NET ConnectionString to assign the appropriate components to his script; thereby instantiating an OLE DB database connection.
On Error Event Handler
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; the Integration Services (SSIS) OnError event handler provides a means of proactively handling of OnError events that are raised by an event when errors occur. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to use OnError event handlers to capture package errors and pass them on to other tasks to provide in-depth information on package failures.
Operating Modes
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to implement mirroring in multiple operating modes; including High performance; High safety; Transaction safety; and Witness (used in conjunction with High safety). In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the roles and properties of the different SQL Server mirroring operating modes and how they complement or interact with each other.
Output Action Merge Data
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to retrieve and view the values of rows affected by a MERGE statement. In this video; Rafiq Wayani modifies a source table before using the Transact-SQL OUTPUT clause and the $action argument in a MERGE statement to return INSERT and UPDATE values.
Package Deployment
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides a choice of package deployment models: either as single packages or project-wide deployment. In this video; David Dye demonstrates the difference between package and project deployment; and how to configure the steps for package deployment.
Percentage Sampling
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Percentage Sampling transformation allows you to create a sample data set by selecting a percentage of rows from a source data set. In this video; David Dye uses the Percentage Sampling Transformation Editor dialog box to configure a sample output using a percentage to specify the sample size.
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the Pivot transformation task within Integration Services to pivot table data for less system overhead than using the pivot operator. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to implement and configure a Pivot transformation on a table in the Production database.
Precedence Constraints
Precedence constraints in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 help you manage control flow based on the outcome of specific tasks. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how precedence constraints provide the ability to control the flow of a package based upon task outcome.
Precedence Constraints Variables
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; precedence constraints allow you to link executables; containers; and tasks in SSIS packages within a control flow and determine whether an executable runs by specifying variables. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to use variables in an expression while defining the control flow of SSIS packages and utilizing precedence constraints.
Process Cube
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services' Analysis Services Processing Task allows you to process a multi-dimensional Analysis Services cube. In this video; David Dye uses the Analysis Services Processing Task to process a cube's dimensions before performing a full process on the cube; and configures and schedules an Integration Services Task to process the cube for him.
Project Deployment
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides project deployment to deploy all packages; parameters; and configurations in a project; rather than just single packages. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to implement project deployment using a Wizard; and how to verify deployment and view inherent logging.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allow you to stop events propagating or bubbling up to the container or package level. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how propagation bubbles up exponentially through every event and task to the package level; and stops it by defining Propagate as False at each level.
Query Hints
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; hints are options or strategies specified for enforcement by the SQL Server query processor. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates the MERGE UNION operation to override the query optimizer's execution plan.
Querying SSIS Catalog
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can query the Integration Services Catalog to access a range of information. In this video; David Dye uses stored procedures to execute a package from within the Integration Services Catalog and automatically log the information to the SSIS database.
Raw File
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services' raw file binary data format needs no translation and minimal parsing; is native to its source and destination; traverses the server's memory; and eliminates the need for temporary tables or table variables. In this video; David Dye configures a Data Flow Task with a Raw File Source and Destination; and views the file data.
Readable Secondary Replicas
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; AlwaysOn Availability Groups include support for readable secondary replicas that allow read-only access to all its secondary databases in near real-time. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the properties of a readable secondary replica and the benefits associated with directing read-only connections to readable secondary replicas.
Rebuild and Reorganize Indexes
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to rebuild and reorganize indexes. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to remedy index fragmentation by reorganizing or rebuilding an index using both Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio; and TSQL code.
Record Set
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services' Recordset Destination allows you to create and populate an in-memory ADO recordset written to an Object variable at runtime. In this video; David Dye populates a recordset written to an Object variable and enumerates it with a Foreach Loop Container that writes its values to defined variables.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to specify a range of options once replication has been set up. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates replication settings; such as components and scheduling; for both near-time and real-time replication.
Replication Setup
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to set up replication to copy databases across multiple environments in real time. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how replication creates redundancy and allows a fully current secondary server to take over from a primary server in real time.
Restore Database
Once your database is backed up; Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to easily restore the database helping you avoid potentially catastrophic data loss caused by a variety of failures. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses the SQL Server Management Studio Restore Dialog box to restore an existing database backup file.
Result Set
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services provides the ability to use an Execute SQL statement to capture a result set. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to do this in two different ways: using the result set or an output parameter.
Review of the Previous Management Portal
Because the new Windows Azure Management Portal is still under development; you may need to access the previous management portal to perform certain tasks. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to access the older management portal and runs through which tasks you would still use it for.
Review Unused Indexes
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides configuration options for reviewing unused indexes. In this video; Rafiq Wayani explains how to review unused indexes if you have too many indexes associated with a table.
Role Switching
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can switch servers between their designated roles. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates conceptually how one server can take the place of another server in the event of a system failure.
Row Count
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services' Row Count transformation allows you to count rows passed through a data flow and then store the count in a variable. In this video; David Dye uses a Row Count transformation to count the rows passed to it by an OLE DB data source; and stores the row count in a flat file variable.
Row Sampling
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Row Sampling transformation allows you to randomly select a fixed number of rows from a source data set. In this video; David Dye uses the Row Sampling Transformation Editor dialog box to configure a random sampling of rows from a data source.
Script Error Handling
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to use DTS fire advanced methods to assist with error handling in Integration Services scripts. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to specify a warning; rather than an error; to debug scripts and better handle queries and information.
Script Task
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides a Script Task feature that can be used to perform functions that are not provided by Integration Services. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to use a Script Task within Integration Services as a debugging tool; and discusses various configuration properties.
Secure Server 2012
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to secure SQL Server from within SQL Server 2012 itself or secure the SQL Server 2012 platform. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates a range of security settings; including secure login; backup; authentication; auditing; permissions; and database encryption.
Secure Stored Procedures
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to enhance the security of stored procedures by obfuscating data through its encryption mechanism. In this video; Rafiq Wayani highlights the differences between creating a stored procedure without encryption and using the WITH ENCRYPTION T-SQL keyword to secure stored procedures in a database.
Send Mail
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services' Send Mail Task allows you to receive e-mail notifications of errors within your packages. In this video; David Dye configures the Send Mail Task on the Event Handler of an Execute SQL Task; utilizing expressions; as well as user and system-defined variables; to define the message body; subject; and recipients.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allow you to use Sequence containers to define control flows forming subsets of your package's overall control flow. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to disable propagation and the FailParentOnFailure property on a task to ensure the successful execution of a sequence to maintain control flow.
Set Up SQL Cluster
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to create a SQL Server cluster by installing the Failover Clustering feature on your servers. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses Server Manager to install Failover Clustering on both his servers before explaining the need for network cards for internal communications between the two failover clusters and for external communication.
The Sort transformation in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 sorts input data and copies the sorted data to the transformation output; although it can be costly in terms of resources. In this video; David Dye demonstrates the Sort transformation and explains when you would use it.
Spatial Data
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to work with spatial data in a spatial database. In this video; Rafiq Wayani explains what spatial data is; its relation to geographical information systems (GIS); and why it cannot be stored in standard database tables.
Split Transformation
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to use a conditional Split transformation to dynamically route the data through a data flow. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to split a list of employees into managers and non-managers using a Split transformation on two different tables.
SQL Backup
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to easily create database backups using SQL Server Management Studio so you can safeguard critical data. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses the Back Up Database dialog box in Management Studio to create a full database backup; and demonstrates how to drop the database using the Detach Database dialog box.
SQL Cluster
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; creating a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) provides high database availability and is necessary when installing SQL Server in a clustered environment. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to download and use the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator; create iSCSI virtual disks; and establish iSCSI targets while creating a WSFC.
SQL Database Connection Security
Windows Azure SQL Database enables you; by way of certificates issued by a Certification Authority; to ensure secure connections between your local computers and your hosted SQL databases. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses the Microsoft Management Console to import a self-signed certificate into a Personal certificate store; and then into Windows Azure SQL Database.
SQL Database Connectivity Troubleshooting
Windows Azure SQL Database is hosted in a cloud environment and you may experience connectivity issues from time to time that you will be required to locate and troubleshoot as efficiently as possible. In this video; Jonathan Summers highlights some of the common connectivity issues that you may encounter in Windows Azure and explains how they can be resolved.
SQL Errors
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows T-SQL errors to be handled in two phases; firstly to check syntax; and secondly; object reference names. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how an invalid T-SQL statement can bypass the first phase because it's syntactically correct; but is caught in the second phase; and details different T-SQL error severity levels.
SQL on Server Core
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides configuration options for installing SQL Server on a Server Core operating system platform. In this video; Rafiq Wayani explains how to install SQL Server 2012 on Server Core.
SQL Second Instance
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can create a second instance of SQL server and have it run on the same machine. In this video; Rafiq Wayani discusses how to access a second instance of SQL server and if it will affect the cluster in some way.
SQL Server Agent
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides SQL Server Agent which can be used to automate tasks; such as monitoring performance. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to configure SQL Server Agent to schedule Integration Services packages.
SQL Server and PowerShell
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides direct access to PowerShell; allowing users to run DOS-like commands on the current database. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to access PowerShell from within SQL Server 2012; and how to work with a database by selecting and exporting specific data.
SQL Virtualization Concept
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can install SQL Server on a virtual platform. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the SQL Virtualization Concept within the VMware virtual environment and explains how the VMware Datacenter organizes virtual machines within a physical machine.
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) are used to create and configure SQL Server Integration (SSIS) packages. In this video; David Dye demonstrates the main components of the SSDT development environment; how they can be customized; and how to access package information during design and at runtime using the different tabs.
SSIS Reports
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services Catalog provides a range of precompiled reports; as well as the ability to create custom drill-through reports. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to access a failure report and view the relationship between logging configurations and the level of detail in the report.
SSIS Transactions
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can configure the transactions that SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages use to bind the actions that perform tasks. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to configure the TransactionOption property and start the Distributed Transaction Coordinated service in order to roll back the data flow in a Sequence container when a task fails.
Stored Functions
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's stored functions force a query to return a value. Scalar functions wrapped in a BEGIN...END block return a single data value in the RETURNS clause. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a function and queries its protocol to show that the result depends on the defined protocol.
Stored Procedures Passing Parameters
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to declare input and output parameters so values can be passed to and from a stored parameter used for a variety of purposes during procedure execution. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a stored procedure which includes syntax to declare and execute an OUTPUT parameter.
Test Mirror
Microsoft SQL Server 2012; when implemented in a virtual environment; allows users to implement fault tolerance by mirroring databases. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to test a mirror to ensure that it's able to take over from the primary server without impacting user productivity.
Test Replicate
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to test that replication functions as it should. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to test that replication works and that the replication data is accurate.
Test SQL Cluster
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides configuration options for testing SQL Server on a cluster. In this video; Rafiq Wayani explains how to test a SQL Server on a Windows database cluster.
The Windows Azure Platform Management Portal Overview
Windows Azure SQL Database's platform management portal enables centralized management and administration; allowing you to initiate and complete subscription and production tasks from intuitive navigation bars and menus. In this video; Jonathan Summers introduces the key navigation bars and menus in the management portal.
Throw Exceptions
Error throwing in SQL Server 2012 allows you to better understand exceptions that have been raised and caught. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses a throw statement to display the specific error message generated when an exception is raised.
Track Missing Indexes
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides configuration options for tracking missing indexes. In this video; Rafiq Wayani explains how to create an index seek to track missing indexes on a non-clustered index.
Transactions Native
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can avoid the extra overhead incurred when utilizing Integration Services transactions to roll back tasks by implementing Transact-SQL native transactions instead. In this video; David Dye uses Transact-SQL statements to implement native transactions and provide the ability to roll back multiple tasks in an SSIS package.
Transfer Database
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the Transfer Database Task in SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Data Tools to copy or move a database from one instance to another. In this video; David Dye demonstrates the different configuration options available when you copy or move a database.
Transfer Objects
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the Transfer Objects Control Flow Task to transfer objects from one database to another. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how the Transfer Objects Control Flow Task can be used for a number of different transfer tasks.
Troubleshoot Clusters
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides configuration options for installing SQL Server on a cluster. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to install SQL Server on a Windows cluster that has already been created and validated.
Try Convert Function
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 introduces the TRY_CONVERT function; which returns a null value if any errors are encountered while converting an expression to another data type. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how the TRY_CONVERT function works to ensure that your application will not be impacted if there is an error when converting.
TSQL Parameters
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allow you to assign and implement parameter values in T-SQL statements. In this video; David Dye uses the Execute SQL Task Editor to map input and output parameters to variables in a stored procedure.
Understand Stats
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; understanding query optimization statistics is an important part of improving query performance and modifying a query for the best results. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses the New Statistics on Table dialog box in Management Studio to create statistics; and highlights some of the statistical information used by the query optimizer.
Unions All
In Microsoft Visual Studio 2012; you can use Union All to combine the result-set of two or more select statements into a single result-set that retains all duplicate entries. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to join two sources together using the Union All set operator.
Unsecured Access
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to secure data in a database using encryption to avoid unauthorized access to unencrypted data. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a database and back up the data to a secure .bak file.
Using SQL Agent
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to schedule and submit jobs using the SQL Server Agent. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create and submit a new job; and then monitor its activity.
Using Try Catch
Microsoft SQL Server 2012's T-SQL structured TRY...CATCH construct and THROW statement allows you to raise errors in the TRY block and pass control of them to the CATCH block. In this video; Rafiq Wayani contrasts the capabilities of the TRY...CATCH construct with the @@ERROR type; and demonstrates how the THROW statement identifies the source of the error.
Validate Cluster
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows you to use the cluster validation process to validate the computers on the network on which you wish to install your SQL Server cluster. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses the Failover Cluster Manager's Validate a Configuration Wizard to name and validate his machines' hardware.
View History of Logical Server
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can use the server history to keep track of the activity taking place on your database. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to access and view the history for import and export operations carried out on a server.
Character Map
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can configure the Character Map Transformation Task to modify how information is displayed. In this video; David Dye uses the Character Map Transformation Task on information in a database to transform people's middle names into uppercase.
FILESTREAM in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 integrates the SQL Server Database Engine with an NTFS file system and is completely transparent to Transact-SQL code; allowing you to access data in FILESTREAM columns just as you would any conventional columns. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses T-SQL statements to insert; update; and delete rows in a table that supports FILESTREAM data.
Access Secured
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides the capability to secure data in a database using encryption. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to access data in the unencrypted database; how to encrypt the data; and shows that; once it has been encrypted; the data cannot be accessed.
Adding Custom Error Messages
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows system administrators to use the sp_addmessage stored procedure to add custom error messages which are then issued as native errors. In this video; Rafiq Wayani uses the sp_addmessage stored procedure to define and execute a custom error; and explains the WITH LOG option available to system administrators.
Advanced Cycled Sequences
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can alter a sequence to produce a different result when you run it again. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to change the sequence statement to begin the sequence at a different value when the sequence is restarted.
Advanced Move Encrypted Data
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides the capability of moving secure data from one location to another. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to delete the certificate and the master key; and then restore the database from the backup on a disk.
Advanced Sequences
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012 you can go beyond the basic uses of sequences by using a number of advanced features. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a sequence to supply audit information from tables.
Advanced Sequences in Multiple Tables
One advantage of using sequences in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is that they can be used with multiple tables. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to generate recurring number sequences and use the same sequence object across multiple tables to produce a result set.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides various configuration options for utilizing an Audit Transformation within a data flow; as well as the ability to capture information at the time of packages executed. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to use the Audit Transformation tool within a data flow task.
Availability Modes
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; AlwaysOn Availability Groups support two modes that are properties used to regulate whether the primary replica waits to commit transactions on a database until a secondary replica has hardened the log. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how AlwaysOn Availability Groups support the asynchronous-commit availability mode and the synchronous-commit availability mode.
Basic Sequence
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allows users to create sequences as database objects which can be used on any table in the database. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create and call a sequence.
BCP Utility
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can easily export and import bulk data from a database; file; or table. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to use the bulk copy utility; also called the bcp utility; to export and import data.
Built-In Aggregate Functions
The built-in aggregate functions in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 can be applied to a set of records where they perform calculations on column values in order to summarize the data and return a single value. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to use the COUNT grouped aggregate function to perform a calculation.
Built-In Functions
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides a number of new features; one of which is the ability to do efficient paging. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to do paging using the offset; fetch; next rows; and only keywords.
Built-In Functions Enhancements
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provides various enhancements to built-in functions. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to use the choose logical function; the inline if (iif) function; the concat function to concatenate values; and the format function to specify value formats such as date.
Built-In Security Functions
The built-in security functions in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provide a useful way of managing security by allowing you to return information about users and roles. In this video; Jonathan Summers demonstrates how to return a database username from a specified user ID using the USER_NAME security function.
Built-In Test and Image Functions
The built-in test and image scalar functions in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 allow you to perform an operation on a text or image input value or column and return information about the value. In this video; Jonathan Summers discusses the three test and image functions and demonstrates how to use the PATINDEX function.
Built-In Windows Functions
Windows functions have been enhanced in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and additional functions have been provided that can be applied to a result sets partitioned rows in order to compute aggregate values. In this video; Jonathan Summers uses the RANK function to return the rank of each row within the partition of a result set.
Bulk Insert
In Microsoft SQL Server 2012; you can configure and use the Bulk Insert Task to bulk insert data. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how to use a Bulk Insert Task and discusses the differences between a Data Flow Task and the Bulk Insert Task.
Bypass Prepare
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services allow tasks to use the BypassPrepare property so they can bypass the prepare command which doesn't support certain T-SQL keywords. In this video; David Dye demonstrates how a task is able to successfully prepare on execution when BypassPrepare is set to True.
Adding a Document Map to a Report in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to add a document map to a report.
Adding a DrillDown Action to a Report in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to add a DrillDown action to a report.
Adding a Drillthrough Action to a Report in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to add a Drillthrough action to a report.
Adding Bookmark Links; Hyperlinks; and Embedding HTML in Reporting Services Reports
After watching this video; you will be able to add a bookmark link and hyperlinks to a report.
Adding Dimensions to Cubes
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 provides administrators with the Data Source View; which is used to work with dimension tables and identify fact tables. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to use Data Source View to add and remove cube dimensions; create hierarchies; and include attributes to any cube within a project.
Adding Features to a Prepared Instance
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 allows administrators to create prepared instances of SQL Server; in combination with imaging technologies; to ease the deployment process. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to add features to a prepared instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Adding Images; Charts; Gauges; and Indicators in Report Builder
After watching this video; you will be able to add images; maps; charts; and indicators to a report in Report Builder.
Adding Images; Maps; Charts; and Indicators to Reports in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to add images; maps; charts; and indicators to a report.
Adding Interactive Features in Report Builder
After watching this video; you will be able to add interactive features to a report in Report Builder.
Adding Interactive Sorting to a Report in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to add interactive sorting to a report.
Adding Lists; Text Boxes; and Other Visuals to Reports in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to add lists; text boxes; and other visuals to a report; including headers and footers.
Adding Measures Groups to Cubes
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 provides administrators with the ability to add measure groups to cubes when more than one measure is needed. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to group measures together rather than adding a single measure at a time.
Adding Measures to Cubes
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 provides administrators with dimensions that can be used to apply context to measures in a cube. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to add a new measure based on the fact tables; using functions to calculate countable values.
AlwaysOn Availability Group Prerequisites
In SQL Server; you can install the Windows server failover cluster feature on each node. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses AlwaysOn availability group prerequisites.
AlwaysOn Availability Groups - Active Secondary Replicas
In SQL Server; you can implement an AlwaysOn Availability Group to service request from all clients and gives them access to the database. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses active secondary replicas.
AlwaysOn Availability Groups - Availability Modes
In SQL Server; you can implement AlwaysOn Availability Groups to protect copies of the databases and maintain services. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses availability modes.
AlwaysOn Availability Groups - Failover Modes
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can use the failover modes of AlwaysOn Availability Groups to recover the database from data loss. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains AlwaysOn Availability Groups - Failover Modes.
AlwaysOn Availability Groups and Clustering
In SQL Server; you can implement high availability groups on its own without relying on Windows clustering. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the concepts of AlwaysOn Availability groups in SQL.
AlwaysOn Availability Groups Overview
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can use availability groups that allows up to four copies of database to be on a system for performing tasks like querying; generating reports; data analysis; backups; etc. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the AlwaysOn Availability Groups.
AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instance
SQL Server has the ability to include all the databases within a particular instance in the cluster. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses failover cluster instance.
Automating Backups Using Scripts
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 allows you to create backup scripts automatically. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates two different ways to create a backup script.
Automating SSAS Objects Processing Using AMO
After watching this video; you will be able to automate the processing of SSAS objects using AMO.
Backing Up a Multidimensional Database
After watching this video; you will be able to backup a multidimensional database using the Backup dialog box in SSMS.
Backing Up a Multidimensional Database Using PowerShell
After watching this video; you will be able to backup a multidimensional database using PowerShell.
Backing Up and Restoring a Tabular Database
After watching this video; you will be able to backup a tabular database.
Backup Strategies
In Oracle Database 12c; there are several different backup strategies available to you within the RMAN technology. In this video; Steve Hamilton uses the switch command to restore incrementally updated disk backups.
BI Scenarios and SharePoint
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes Business Intelligence (BI) features when combined with SharePoint in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Browsing and Managing Writeback Data in a Partition
After watching this video; you will be able to browse; delete; disable; and convert writeback data.
Building Hierarchies
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to build hierarchies for dimensions in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Checking Cube Data Through the Browser
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 is a relational database management system for building applications and solutions. The Cube Designer in SQL Server Analysis Services is used to edit the properties of a cube; or to browse data contained by the cube. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to browse the cube in order to understand the data it contains.
Cloud Computing Management
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can manage cloud environment using system center. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the components of system center and how they deal with managing a larger enterprise and incorporating cloud-based services.
Cloud Computing Models
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can use different models to implement cloud-based services. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses cloud computing models.
Cloud Computing Overview
With cloud computing; you have a database environment which offers increased flexibility and service availability without the need of associated hardware management. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the benefits and advantages of integrating cloud computing into your infrastructure.
Common Database Server Topologies
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you have database server topologies which are the viable solutions to any company's server requirements. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the pros and cons of the database server topologies.
Completing a Prepared Instance
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; administrators can complete a detailed configuration once the base installation of a prepared instance has been completed. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to complete a prepared instance in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Configure Log Shipping Using SQL Server Management Studio
The Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio allows you to configure log shipping to maintain a list of all changes and modifications to a source copy. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to configure log shipping using SQL Server Management Studio.
Configure Log Shipping Using T-SQL
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 allows users to configure log shipping by using the T-SQL code. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains how to access the log shipping feature by using the T-SQL code.
Configure Measure Group Properties
After watching this video; you will be able to configure measure group properties.
Configure Measure Properties
After watching this video; you will be able to configure measure properties.
Configuring a Dimension Structure Using the Designer
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; many dimensions can be created to assist in gathering and analysing appropriate data. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to configure a dimension structure using the Designer.
Configuring a Parameterized Connection String in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to configure a parameterized connection string to connect to a database.
Configuring Dimension Attribute Relationships
With Microsoft SQL Server 2014 you can configure attribute relationships; which specify connections within dimensions. It is simply a connection within a table. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to configure dimension attribute relationships.
Configuring InMemory or DirectQuery Access
After watching this video; you will be able to configure the mode for data access for a tabular model.
Configuring Item-Level Security in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create item-level roles to grant permissions to users.
Configuring Report Server Level Security in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create server-level roles and assign users to the roles to allow report server access.
Configuring Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to configure Reporting Services.
Configuring Roles in a Tabular Model Database
After watching this video; you will be able to configure roles to grant permissions to a tabular model database.
Configuring Security for an SSAS Instance
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to configure security settings for a SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) instance in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Configuring Security for Windows Azure SQL Database
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can create new users and logins as well as manage their security settings. In this video; Aron Sampson demonstrates how to set up the security settings of new users.
Configuring Server and SSAS Database Roles
After watching this video; you will be able to configure server roles and SSAS database roles to implement security.
Configuring SharePoint Groups and Permissions for Report Server Items
After watching this video; you will be able to configure SharePoint groups and permissions for access to report server item.
Configuring Stored Credentials in Report Server
After watching this video; you will be able to configure stored credentials to allow access to external data for a report.
Connection to Azure Marketplace in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to connect to Microsoft Azure Marketplace in a data source.
Consolidation Options
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can perform consolidations at multiple levels. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses various consolidation options.
Consolidation Strategy Planning
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can assess your database environment and plan a strategy before consolidating resources. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the consolidation strategies and considerations.
Create a Windows Azure Storage Account
With Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can integrate your data using a cloud storage solution such as Microsoft Windows Azure. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a Windows Azure storage account to make binary large objects accessible via the public cloud service.
Creating a Subscription for a Report in Report Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to create a standard subscription for a report in Report Manager.
Creating a Connection to Azure SQL Database in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create a shared data source that connects to Microsoft Azure Database.
Creating a Cube using a Template
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a Cube using a Template in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Creating a Cube Using Existing Tables in the Cube Wizard
After watching this video; you will be able to create a new cube using the Cube Wizard.
Creating a Data Source for a Multidimensional Database
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a Data Source for a Multidimensional Database in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Creating a Data Source to a Non-Relational Database in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create a shared data source that connects to a non-relational database.
Creating a Data Source View
In Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services; a data source view contains the logical model of the schema used by the multidimensional database objects; and it helps to filter and select the appropriate information for a project. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a data source view.
Creating a Data-Driven Subscription in Report Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to create a data-driven subscription in Report Manager.
Creating a Dimension Using the Dimension Wizard
After watching this video; you will be able to create a dimension using the Dimension Wizard.
Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; backup and recovery planning are key to any organizations who implement SQL Server; and knowing how to create and maintain a disaster recovery plan is crucial. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a disaster recovery plan.
Creating a Dynamic Report Using Parameters in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create a dynamic report using parameters.
Creating a Local Partition by Filtering a Fact Table
After watching this video; you will be able to create a local partition by filtering a fact table.
Creating a Local Partition Using Tables; Views; or Named Queries
After watching this video; you will be able to create a local partition using a table; view or named query.
Creating a Matrix Report in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create a basic matrix report.
Creating a New Project Using a Template in SSDT
After watching this video; you will be able to create a new project in SSDT using a template.
Creating a Prepared Instance
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 has a number of enhancements and features aimed at private cloud deployment and management of SQL databases; including working with prepared instances of SQL Server. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a Microsoft SQL Server 2014 prepared instance.
Creating a Report History for Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create a report history.
Creating a Report in Report Builder
After watching this video; you will be able to create a new report in Report Builder by selecting the appropriate report layout and adding data sources and datasets.
Creating a Reporting Services Project in SSDT
After watching this video; you will be able to choose and create a new Reporting Services project in SSDT.
Creating a Schedule for a Report in Report Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to create a schedule for a report.
Creating a Shared Data Source in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create a shared data source.
Creating a Shared Report Schedule for Reporting Services in SharePoint Mode
After watching this video; you will be able to create a shared schedule for a report when Reporting Services is in SharePoint Mode.
Creating a Shared Schedule for Native Mode in Report Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to create a shared schedule for a report when Reporting Services is in Native Mode.
Creating a Tablix Report in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create a basic table report.
Creating a Tabular Model Using SSDT
After watching this video; you will be able to use a project template to create a new tabular model and describe the Tabular Model Designer Interface.
Creating a Time Dimension Using the Dimension Wizard
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; when analysing data the most common dimension used is time based information such as days; weeks; or years. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a time dimension using the dimension wizard.
Creating a Windows Server Failover Cluster
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you need to create the Windows Failover Cluster feature to use the high availability features of the SQL server. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a Windows Server Failover Cluster.
Creating Actions on a Cube
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; various actions can be created on a cube. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a new drillthrough action on a cube by choosing cube dimensions and return columns; deploy the cube action into an executable form; and analyze the cube values in Excel.
Creating Aligned Indexes on Partitioned Tables
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can easily create partitioned tables. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a partitioned table that spreads data across four filegroups.
Creating an AlwaysOn Availability Group Using the SSMS Dialog Box
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can create an AlwaysOn High Availability group by using the SSMS wizard. You can also create this Availability group manually by using the dialog box. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create an AlwaysOn Availability group by using the SSMS dialog box.
Creating an AlwaysOn Availability Group Using the SSMS Wizard
You can create an AlwaysOn High Availability group by using the SQL Configuration Manager. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create an AlwaysOn Availability Group by using the SSMS wizard.
Creating an AlwaysOn Availability Group Using T-SQL
In SQL Server; you can create an Availability Group by using the T-SQL code. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create an AlwaysOn Availability Group by using T-SQL code.
Creating an E-mail Subscription for a Report in Report Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to create an e-mail subscription in Report Manager.
Creating an Embedded Data Source in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create an embedded data source.
Creating an Embedded Dataset Using a Table Query Type in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create an embedded dataset in a report by using a table query type.
Creating an Embedded Dataset Using a Text Query in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create an embedded dataset in a report by specifying a text query type.
Creating an Empty Cube in the Cube Wizard
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to create an empty cube by using the Cube Wizard in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Creating and Adding Snapshots for Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create snapshots and add them to report history.
Creating Calculated Columns in a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to create calculated columns to aggregate data; including using DAX expressions.
Creating Calculated Columns in Tables
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 makes it easy to create calculated columns. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a calculated column that contains the results of multiplying quantity and unit price values.
Creating Calculated Members in a Multidimensional Model
After watching this video; you will be able to create calculated members using the Cube Designer.
Creating DAX Expressions for Tabular Objects
After watching this video; you will be able to create DAX expressions to implement tabular objects into a tabular model.
Creating Embedded Dataset Using a Stored Procedure in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to create an embedded dataset in a report by specifying a stored procedure in the Query Designer or selecting a predefined one.
Creating Hierarchies in a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to create hierarchies to define relationships between columns in a table.
Creating Indexed Views
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can create indexed views of specific data from multiple tables. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create an indexed view that contains particular columns from two tables.
Creating Linked Dimensions
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 allows you to create Linked Dimensions. When you’re defining dimensions in any cube; you might be looking to include a dimension that is actually not part of the current data source. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create Linked Dimensions.
Creating Linked Measure Groups
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 allows you to create a New Linked Dimension for a Measure Group. During the definition of that linked dimension; you create or specify any number of other data sources. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create Linked Measure Groups.
Development and Production Considerations
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes development and production considerations in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Creating Measure Groups
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 allows you to create measure groups. If you are more interested in seeing every attribute; you can save a bit of time by defining a new measure group. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates two ways in which you can define a new measure group.
Creating Measures
After watching this video; you will be able to create a basic measure.
Creating Named Sets in a Multidimensional Model
After watching this video; you will be able to create named sets using the Cube Designer.
Creating Partitions in a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to create partitions using Partitions Manager.
Creating Perspectives for a Cube
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; when defining a Cube structure; it is important to only include information that is relevant to particular users. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create; modify; and delete perspectives to define which fields of information are included in a Cube.
Creating Perspectives in a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to create perspectives to define viewable subsets of a model.
Creating Relative Measures
After watching this video; you will be able to create relative measures; including using growth; year over year; same period last year.
Creating Remote Partitions
After watching this video; you will be able to create a remote partition.
Creating User-Defined Hierarchies
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can create User-Defined Hierarchies. There are no obvious structures as it is up to you how to set up the hierarchy. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create a User-Defined Hierarchy for a product catalogue.
Database Server Consolidation Overview
In SQL Server; you can restructure an existing database. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses how to consolidate database servers.
Database Server Infrastructure Planning
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can plan the infrastructure of your database server to include configuration; security; application; hardware; and other service requirements. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the process for planning a SQL Server 2014 database server infrastructure.
Defining Cube Attribute Properties
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 provides you with a Property window to view cube attributes. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to view cube measures; dimensions; hierarchies; and attributes using the Property window. He also advises using the SQL Server TechNet pages to access more information on each property before setting values.
Defining Cube Dimension Properties
After watching this video; you will be able to define cube dimension properties.
Defining Cube Hierarchy Properties
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; the properties of each cube hierarchy can be accessed and defined. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to locate a cube's hierarchies; view and edit hierarchy properties by editing cube dimensions; and use the Browser to view a dimension's hierarchy structure.
Defining Expressions for Calculated Values in Reporting Services Reports
After watching this video; you will be able to define expressions to retrieve; calculate; display; sort; filter; and parameterize data.
Defining Filters Options for Datasets in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to define the filter options for a dataset.
Defining Granularity of Dimension Relationships
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the granularity of dimension relationships in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Defining How SSAS Objects are Processed
After watching this video; you will be able to describe how processing and reprocessing affects SSAS objects; specifically partitions; databases; cubes; and dimensions.
Defining Parameters for Datasets in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to define parameters for a dataset.
Defining Relationships Between Tables
After watching this video; you will be able to define relationships between tables using the model designer.
Defining Semi-Additive Behavior
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 allows you to control how values are displayed when browsing an Analysis Services cube using aggregate functions in a semiadditive manner. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how functions are defined for semiadditive measures when measures need to be aggregated in different ways for different dimensions.
Defining Time Intelligence Calculations
After watching this video; you will be able to define time intelligence calculations using the Business Intelligence Wizard.
Defining Translations for Dimension Metadata
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can define translations for dimension metadata. This is specifically for users who speak different languages. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to specify a range of languages for use in metadata.
Defining Translations in a Cube
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 provides administrators with a translation service for database deployments in non-English-speaking environments. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to insert translations of screen elements such as options and menu names using Cube Designer.
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can perform denormalization process for a database to undo the normalization process performed earlier. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the features; usage scenarios; and advantages of database denormalization.
Deploying Custom Assemblies with Reports
After watching this video; you will be able to deploy custom assemblies with reports.
Deploying SQL Server Management Studio
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to deploy SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Designing a Locking Strategy
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; when designing a locking strategy it is important to have an understanding of how transactions really work. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates different transaction types and how to control transaction behaviour for use in a locking strategy.
Designing a Partition Strategy in a Multidimensional Model
After watching this video; you will be able to describe partitions in a multidimensional model; including the types local and remote; aggregations; and design strategy.
Designing a Schema for a Cube Architecture
A cube schema is the definition or foundation for constructing a cube object. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses how to design a schema for a cube architecture in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Designing Aggregations for a Partition Using Aggregation Design Wizard
After watching this video; you will be able to design aggregations for a partition using the Aggregation Design Wizard.
Designing and Creating In-Memory OLTP Tables
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; in-memory OLTP tables allow for faster insertions and deletions than standard disk tables. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create an in-memory table and compares how long it takes to add and remove rows in a standard disk table to the time it takes using an in-memory table.
Designing Database Objects for Concurrency
When working with Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you should know how to deal with data inconsistency issues in a multi-user environment. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to use SQL Server to ensure that your database is optimized for concurrent users.
Designing Dimensions to Support Related Measure Groups
In this video; Aaron Sampson highlights the need to design dimensions to support related measure groups in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Designing Granularity
After watching this video; you will be able to design granularity.
Designing Patterns for Business Facts and Dimensions
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the use of designing patterns for business facts and dimensions in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Designing Query Paging
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 has improved the way you design query paging. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the new features available to you when designing query paging.
Designing SET Based Operations
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; it is important to have an understanding of how to design SET based operations. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates the features of SET based operations and steps through an example operation.
Developing New Custom Attributes on Dimensions
After watching this video; you will be able to develop a custom attribute on a dimension.
Editing and Deleting Partitions
After watching this video; you will be able to edit and delete partitions in a multidimensional model.
Enabling Writeback in a Partition
After watching this video; you will be able to enable writeback on a partition in Cube Designer and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Exploring Project Folders; File Types; and Templates
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the project folders; file types; and templates in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Exploring SQL Server Tools Environment
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the administrative SQL Server Data Tools that can be used to manage the overall SQL Server environment.
Exploring the SQL Server Data Tools – BI Environment
In this video; Aaron Sampson explores the SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence (SSDT-BI) environment in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Filtering; Grouping; and Sorting Data in Report Builder
After watching this video; you will be able to filter; group; and sort data for a report in Report Builder.
Formatting Fields and Column Headers in a Reporting Services Report
After watching this video; you will be able to format field and column headers in a table and matrix report.
Grouping Data and Adding Totals to Reports in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to group data in a report and add line totals and grand totals.
Hardware Planning Overview
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you have two types of databases: OLTP and DSS. In this video; Aaron Sampson explains the types of databases and the hardware performance using tools.
High Availability Options
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can use the high availability features to keep your services running so that failures do not affect the ability of your users to access the databases they need. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the high availability options.
Identify the Correct Model for Data Analysis
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to identify the correct model for data analysis in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Identifying Attributes for Dimensions
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes the uses of identifying attributes for dimensions in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Identifying Issues with Aggregations in a Multidimensional Model
After watching this video; you will be able to identify issues with incorrect aggregations.
Identifying Issues with Relationships in a Multidimensional Model
After watching this video; you will be able to identify issues with incorrect relationships.
Identifying Measures and Aggregation Behavior
In this video; Aaron Sampson describes how to identify the measures and aggregation behavior in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Identifying Report Components for Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to describe the different report components for planning a report; including crosstab; Tablix; design chart; and data visualization components.
Implementing Constraints
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can configure cascading deletes so that when a record from one table is deleted; associated records from another table are automatically deleted too. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to construct a primary foreign key relationship between two tables and then perform a cascading delete.
Implementing Context Modification in a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to implement context modification.
Implementing Database Permissions Using Roles
After watching this video; you will be able to create roles to implement SSAS database permissions.
Implementing Dynamic Security
After watching this video; you will be able to implement dynamic security for custom security approaches.
Implementing Error Handling
When you work with Microsoft SQL Server 2014; it's important for you to understand how to implement error handling. In this video; Rafiq Wayani; demonstrates how to implement try…catch…finally error handling.
Implementing Fact Relationships
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; linking a measures table to your dimensions table when designing your cube can be done thought fact relationships. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to create; customize; and implement fact relationships.
Implementing Filtering and Parameter Lists in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to implement filtering and parameter lists to control report data.
Implementing Group and Report Variables to Reports in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to implement group variables and report variables to a report.
Implementing KPIs in a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to create Key Performance Indicators; KPIs.
Implementing Many-to-Many Relationships
After watching this video; you will be able to implement many-to-many relationships in a cube.
Implementing Measures in a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to create measures using a table's measure grid; including using DAX to create the formula.
Implementing Plan Guides
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you are able to define and implement Plan Guides to improve queries on your tables. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to implement an execution plan to minimize the impact of table searches on CPU cost.
Implementing Policy-Based Management
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can use the SQL Server Management Studio to create policies. In this demonstration; Aaron Sampson discusses policy-based management.
Implementing Remote Processing of SSAS Objects
After watching this video; you will be able to implement remote processing of SSAS objects.
Implementing Resource Governor
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can use the Resource Governor to throttle your usage. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to use the Resource Generator to create a resource pool to help you optimize your I/O processing time and maximize the use of your resources.
Implementing Role-Playing Relationships
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can implement role-playing relationships; bearing in mind the importance being on the implementation aspect not the relationship itself. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses how to implement role-playing relationships effectively.
Implementing Row-Level Filters
After watching this video; you will be able to implement row-level permissions.
Implementing the Show/Hide Property in Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to use the Show/Hide property for a report region; including creating an expression.
Implementing Time Intelligence in a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to implement time intelligence using different functions to support BI analysis; including specifying a Mark Table.
Implementing XML Selective Indexes
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can create selective indexes using XQuery expressions. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to create a selective XML index that uses XQuery to retrieve XML data about a book; including its title; author; and ID.
Importing Data into a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to import data into a tabular model using the Table Import Wizard.
Installing PowerPivot for SharePoint
After watching this video; you will be able to install PowerPivot for SharePoint.
Installing Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to install Reporting Services using different topologies.
Installing SQL Server Data Tools – Business Intelligence
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to install SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence (SSDT-BI) for Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Installing SSAS in Multidimensional Mode
After watching this video; you will be able to install SSAS in multidimensional mode.
Installing SSAS in Tabular Mode
In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to install the SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) in the tabular mode in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
Integrating Performance Monitor Data with SQL Traces
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 allows SQL traces to be saved as files viewed in SQL Server Profiler. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to build; run; and delete a trace; before opening it as a recorded file in SQL Server Profiler.
Joining a Secondary Replica to an AlwaysOn Availability Group
In SQL Server; you can join the replica servers and the database to the availability group. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the configuration of availability groups.
Log Shipping Overview
In SQL Server; you can use log shipping process to copy a full backup of the primary server to a secondary server. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses log shipping.
Maintaining a Disaster Recovery Plan
Backup and recovery planning is key when implementing Microsoft SQL Server 2014; and knowing how to create and maintain a disaster recovery plan is crucial. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to maintain a disaster recovery plan.
Managing a Reporting Services Database
After watching this video; you will be able to manage a reporting services database; including backup and restore; copying; and managing connections.
Managing Consolidated Resources for Multiple Instances
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 allows you to consolidate resources and provides tools to manage consolidated resources. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to manage SQL Server resources for multiple instances that have been consolidated onto a single server.
Managing Consolidated Resources for Single Instances
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 has a number of enhancements and features aimed at private cloud deployment and management of SQL databases. This includes consolidation and management of consolidated resources. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to manage consolidated SQL server resources for single instances.
Managing Consolidated Virtualized Resources
In SQL Server; every virtual machine needs processors and resources available for those virtual machines. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses how to manage consolidated virtualized resources.
Managing Encryption Keys for Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to manage encryption keys for Reporting Services.
Managing Jobs and Logins for an AlwaysOn Availability Group
In SQL Server; you can use AlwaysOn High Availability groups to connect to the databases. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to manage the Jobs and Logins objects in the database server.
Managing Parent-Child Dimensions
After watching this video; you will be able to manage parent-child dimensions.
Managing Partitions in a Tabular Model
After watching this video; you will be able to manage partitions using Partitions Manager.
Managing Running Jobs for Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor the status of running jobs on the Report Server.
Managing Schedules for Reporting Services
After watching this video; you will be able to manage schedules; including pausing; resuming; and changing settings.
Managing the Visibility of Columns
After watching this video; you will be able to hide and freeze columns to manage their visibility.
Managing Transactions
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 makes it easier for you work by allowing the use of transactions. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to use SQL Server to create and rollback transactions.
MAP Toolkit Discovery and Inventory
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can use the options within the MAP Toolkit to gather information about an environment for assessment. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the database discovery and inventory features of MAP Toolkit.
MAP Toolkit Hardware and Platform
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit is a powerful inventory; assessment; and reporting tool that helps you assess your current IT infrastructure to simplify the migration planning process. In this video; Aaron Sampson discusses the MAP Toolkit hardware and platform.
MAP Toolkit Overview
In SQL Server; you can use the Microsoft Assessment Planning (MAP) toolkit to determine whether the database is environment-ready to implement a new database. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the basic overview of MAP toolkit.
MAP Toolkit Reports
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can use the options within the MAP Toolkit to generate detailed reports for different licensed editions such as SQL Server; Azure; or Oracle. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the reporting functionality in MAP Toolkit.
Merging Partitions in a Multidimensional Model
After watching this video; you will be able to merge partitions in a multidimensional model.
Modifying a Time Dimension Using the Designer
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can modify a time dimension using the designer to give you a preview of what your information looks like. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates how to modify a dimension structure using the designer to edit the data source view.
Modifying an Existing Report in Report Builder
After watching this video; you will be able to modify an existing report that was created in SQL Server Data Tools Report Builder.
Modifying and Deleting Subscriptions in Report Manager
After watching this video; you will be able to modify settings for subscriptions and delete them.
Monitoring and Clearing the SSAS Cache
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor and clear the SSAS cache.
Monitoring In-Memory OLTP Resources
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can monitor in-memory OLTP tables in various ways. In this video; Rafiq Wayani demonstrates how to determine the memory required for in-memory tables; as well as how to use dynamic memory views to monitor the resources being used by the tables.
Monitoring Reporting Services with SQL Profiler
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor Reporting Services with SQL Profiler.
Monitoring SSAS Using Performance Counters
After watching this video; you will be able to monitor SSAS using different performance counters.
In Microsoft SQL Server 2014; you can follow the concepts of database normalization to design your database. In this video; Aaron Sampson demonstrates the features; usage scenarios; and advantages of database normalization.
Optimizing MDX in Calculations
After watching this video; you will be able to optimize MDX queries in the calculations.
Optimizing MDX Queries