Some people hear the term Sexual Harassment and think they have a good general understanding of what it is. However, if you found yourself in a harassment situation at work would you actually know what to do? Do you know which protocols to follow? Who to report it to and how? Do you know what the law truly defines as harassment, and that harassers exist across all genders, cultures, and industries? Most importantly could the behaviors of someone you work with, or even your own behaviors be crossing a line?

The recent movement in harassment awareness is exploding in the media, and high-profile people are standing accused and victimized-and not just in Hollywood. The current social climate has companies all over America now deciding to take a closer look at their own policies- to see if they measure up. CEO’s are beginning to understand that the only way to prevent these issues is by refining the way harassment is viewed internally. They are doing so by hosting prevention training within their organizations. Knowledge is key. When a group understand and respect what conduct is expected of them, many of these instances can be completely avoided.

Good thing too, Harassment lawsuits lately have totaled in the millions-that’s quite a financial hit for any company. Not to mention the lasting disgrace that a public case brings to an otherwise socially responsible organization.

Do you think you and your team posses the correct knowledge to avoid an HR nightmare? Take our quiz below to find out!